def run
- unless ARGV.length == 4
- error "arguments are: <fasta formatted inputfile> <hmm-name> <min-length> <neg e-value exponent>"
+ unless ARGV.length >= 4 && ARGV.length <= 6
+ error "arguments are: <fasta formatted inputfile> <hmm-name> <min-length> +
+ <neg E-value exponent for domain extraction> [E-value for hmmscan, default is 20] [hmmscan option, default is --nobias]"
input = ARGV[ 0 ]
hmm = ARGV[ 1 ]
length = ARGV[ 2 ].to_i
e_value_exp = ARGV[ 3 ].to_i
+ e_for_hmmscan = 20
hmmscan_option = "--nobias"
- e_for_hmmscan = 100
+ if ARGV.length == 6
+ hmmscan_option = ARGV[ 5 ]
+ end
+ if ARGV.length == 5 || ARGV.length == 6
+ e_for_hmmscan = ARGV[ 4 ].to_i
+ end
if e_value_exp < 0
- error "e-value exponent cannot be negative"
+ error "E-value exponent for domain extraction cannot be negative"
if length <= 1
- error "length exponent cannot be smaller than or equal to 1"
+ error "length cannot be smaller than or equal to 1"
- base_name = nil
- if input.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" )
- base_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 7 ]
- elsif input.downcase.end_with?( ".fsa" )
- base_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 5 ]
- else
- base_name = input
+ if e_for_hmmscan < 1
+ error "E-value for hmmscan cannot be smaller than 1"
+ base_name = get_base_name input
+ #base_name = nil
+ #if input.downcase.end_with?( "_ni.fasta" )
+ # base_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 10 ]
+ #elsif input.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" )
+ # base_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 7 ]
+ #elsif input.downcase.end_with?( "_ni.fsa" )
+ # base_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 8 ]
+ #elsif input.downcase.end_with?( ".fsa" )
+ # base_name = input[ 0 .. input.length - 5 ]
+ #else
+ # base_name = input
+ #end
puts "1. hmmscan:"
cmd = "#{HMMSCAN} #{hmmscan_option} --domtblout #{base_name}_hmmscan_#{e_for_hmmscan.to_s} -E #{e_for_hmmscan.to_s} #{PFAM}Pfam-A.hmm #{input}"
run_command( cmd )
puts "4. dsx:"
- cmd = "#{DSX} -d -e=1e-#{e_value_exp.to_s} -l=#{length} #{hmm} #{base_name}_hmmscan_#{e_for_hmmscan.to_s} #{input} #{base_name}_#{hmm}_e#{e_value_exp.to_s}_#{length}"
+ cmd = "#{DSX} -d -e=1e-#{e_value_exp.to_s} -l=#{length} #{hmm} #{base_name}_hmmscan_#{e_for_hmmscan.to_s} #{input} #{base_name}_#{hmm}_ee#{e_value_exp.to_s}_#{length}"
run_command( cmd )
- def run_command( cmd )
+ def run_command cmd
puts cmd
+ def get_base_name n
+ if n.downcase.end_with?( "_ni.fasta" )
+ n[ 0 .. n.length - 10 ]
+ elsif n.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" )
+ n[ 0 .. n.length - 7 ]
+ elsif n.downcase.end_with?( "_ni.fsa" )
+ n[ 0 .. n.length - 8 ]
+ elsif n.downcase.end_with?( ".fsa" )
+ n[ 0 .. n.length - 5 ]
+ else
+ n
+ end
+ end
def error msg
puts msg