import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.util.BitSet;
+import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Map;
import org.jfree.graphics2d.svg.SVGGraphics2D;
import org.jibble.epsgraphics.EpsGraphics2D;
if (!validRes || (ss != lastSS))
- if (x > -1)
+ if (x > 0)
// int nb_annot = x - temp;
eRes = Math.min(eRes, aa_annotations.length);
- if (sRes == 0)
- {
- x++;
- }
int y1 = y, y2 = y;
float range = max - min;
- drawLine(g, squareStroke, x * charWidth - charWidth, y2,
- (eRes - sRes) * charWidth, y2);
+ drawLine(g, squareStroke, x * charWidth, y2, (eRes - sRes) * charWidth,
+ y2);
+ if (sRes == 0)
+ {
+ x++;
+ }
eRes = Math.min(eRes, aa_annotations.length);
int column;
int aaMax = aa_annotations.length - 1;
- while (x < eRes - sRes)
+ while (x <= eRes - sRes)
column = sRes + x;
if (hasHiddenColumns)
- if (aa_annotations[column - 1] == null
- && aa_annotations.length > column + 1
- && aa_annotations[column + 1] == null)
+ boolean previousValueExists = column > 0
+ && aa_annotations[column - 1] != null;
+ float previousValue = previousValueExists
+ ? aa_annotations[column - 1].value
+ : 0;
+ float thisValue = aa_annotations[column].value;
+ boolean nextValueExists = aa_annotations.length > column + 1
+ && aa_annotations[column + 1] != null;
+ float nextValue = nextValueExists ? aa_annotations[column + 1].value
+ : 0;
+ // check for standalone value
+ if (!previousValueExists && !nextValueExists)
- // standalone value
- y1 = y - (int) (((aa_annotations[column].value - min) / range)
- * graphHeight);
- drawLine(g, x * charWidth + charWidth / 4, y1,
- x * charWidth + 3 * charWidth / 4, y1);
+ y2 = y - yValueToPixelHeight(thisValue, min, range, graphHeight);
+ drawLine(g, x * charWidth + charWidth / 4, y2,
+ x * charWidth + 3 * charWidth / 4, y2);
- if (aa_annotations[column - 1] == null)
+ if (!previousValueExists)
- y1 = y - (int) (((aa_annotations[column - 1].value - min) / range)
- * graphHeight);
- y2 = y - (int) (((aa_annotations[column].value - min) / range)
- * graphHeight);
+ y1 = y - yValueToPixelHeight(previousValue, min, range, graphHeight);
+ y2 = y - yValueToPixelHeight(thisValue, min, range, graphHeight);
+ if (x == 0)
+ {
+ // only draw an initial half-line
+ drawLine(g, x * charWidth, y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2,
+ x * charWidth + charWidth / 2, y2);
+ }
+ else if (x == eRes - sRes)
+ {
+ // this is one past the end to draw -- only draw a half line
+ drawLine(g, (x - 1) * charWidth + charWidth / 2, y1,
+ x * charWidth - 1, y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2);
- drawLine(g, (x - 1) * charWidth + charWidth / 2, y1,
- x * charWidth + charWidth / 2, y2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drawLine(g, (x - 1) * charWidth + charWidth / 2, y1,
+ x * charWidth + charWidth / 2, y2);
+ }
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
- Stroke s = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE,
- BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 3f, new float[]
- { 5f, 3f }, 0f);
y2 = (int) (y - ((_aa.threshold.value - min) / range) * graphHeight);
- drawLine(g, s, 0, y2, (eRes - sRes) * charWidth, y2);
+ drawLine(g, dashedLine(charWidth), 0, y2, (eRes - sRes) * charWidth,
+ y2);
+ private static double log2 = Math.log(2);
+ // Cached dashed line Strokes
+ private static Map<Integer, Stroke> dashedLineLookup = new HashMap<>();
+ /**
+ * Returns a dashed line stroke as close to 6-4 pixels as fits within the
+ * charWidth. This allows translations of multiples of charWidth without
+ * disrupting the dashed line. The exact values are 0.6-0.4 proportions of
+ * charWidth for charWidth under 16. For charWidth 16 or over, the number of
+ * dashes doubles as charWidth doubles.
+ *
+ * @param charWidth
+ * @return Stroke with appropriate dashed line fitting exactly within the
+ * charWidth
+ */
+ private static Stroke dashedLine(int charWidth)
+ {
+ if (!dashedLineLookup.containsKey(charWidth))
+ {
+ int power2 = charWidth >= 16 ? (int) (Math.log(charWidth) / log2) : 2;
+ float width = ((float) charWidth) / ((float) Math.pow(2, power2 - 2));
+ float segment1 = width * 0.6f;
+ float segment2 = width - segment1;
+ dashedLineLookup.put(charWidth, new BasicStroke(1,
+ BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 3f, new float[]
+ { segment1, segment2 }, 0f));
+ }
+ return dashedLineLookup.get(charWidth);
+ }
+ private static int yValueToPixelHeight(float value, float min,
+ float range, int graphHeight)
+ {
+ return (int) (((value - min) / range) * graphHeight);
+ }
void drawBarGraph(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation _aa,
Annotation[] aa_annotations, int sRes, int eRes, float min,
g.setColor(colour == Color.white ? Color.lightGray : colour);
- // Debug - render boxes around characters
- // g.setColor(;
- // g.drawRect(x*av.charWidth, (int)ht, av.charWidth,
- // (int)(scl));
- // g.setColor(profcolour.findColour(dc[0]).darker());
double sx = 1f * charWidth / fm.charsWidth(dc, 0, dc.length);
double sy = newHeight / asc;
double newAsc = asc * sy;