exception.stockholm_invalid_format = This file is not in valid STOCKHOLM format: First line does not contain '# STOCKHOLM'
exception.couldnt_parse_sequence_line = Could not parse sequence line: {0}
exception.unknown_annotation_detected = Unknown annotation detected: {0} {1}
-exception.couldnt_store_sequence_mappings = Couldn't store sequence mappings for {0}
+exception.couldnt_store_sequence_mappings = Couldn''t store sequence mappings for {0}
exception.matrix_too_many_iteration = Too many iterations in {0} (max is {1})
exception.browser_not_found = Exception in finding browser: {0}
+ exception.browser_unable_to_launch = Unable to launch browser: {0}
exception.browser_unable_to_locate = Unable to locate browser: {0}
+ exception.browser_os_not_supported = Launching browser on this operating system not supported. Use URL\n{0}
exception.invocation_target_exception_creating_aedesc = InvocationTargetException while creating AEDesc: {0}
exception.illegal_access_building_apple_evt= IllegalAccessException while building AppleEvent: {0}
exception.unable_to_launch_url = Unable to launch URL: {0}