import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import org.forester.sdi.SDIse;
import org.forester.sdi.SdiException;
import org.forester.util.CommandLineArguments;
+import org.forester.util.EasyWriter;
import org.forester.util.ForesterConstants;
import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil;
final static public boolean REPLACE_UNDERSCORES_IN_NH_SPECIES_TREE = true;
- final static private String STRIP_OPTION = "s";
final static private String ALLOW_STRIPPING_OF_GENE_TREE_OPTION = "g";
final static private String SDI_OPTION = "b";
final static private String MOST_PARSIMONIOUS_OPTION = "m";
final static private String GUESS_FORMAT_OF_SPECIES_TREE = "q";
final static private String HELP_OPTION_1 = "help";
final static private String HELP_OPTION_2 = "h";
- final static private String DEFAULT_OUTFILE_SUFFIX = "_gsdi_out.phylo.xml";
+ final static private String DEFAULT_OUTFILE_SUFFIX = "_gsdi_out.xml";
final static private String SUFFIX_FOR_LIST_OF_STIPPED_GENE_TREE_NODES = "_stripped_gene_tree_nodes.txt";
+ final static private String SUFFIX_FOR_SPECIES_TREE_USED = "_species_tree_used.xml";
final static private String LOGFILE_SUFFIX = "_gsdi_log.txt";
final static private String PRG_NAME = "gsdi";
final static private String PRG_VERSION = "0.901";
System.exit( -1 );
final List<String> allowed_options = new ArrayList<String>();
- allowed_options.add( gsdi.STRIP_OPTION );
allowed_options.add( gsdi.SDI_OPTION );
allowed_options.add( gsdi.GUESS_FORMAT_OF_SPECIES_TREE );
allowed_options.add( gsdi.MOST_PARSIMONIOUS_OPTION );
private static void execute( final CommandLineArguments cla ) throws IOException {
- boolean strip_species_tree = false;
boolean most_parsimonous_duplication_model = false;
boolean species_tree_in_phyloxml = true;
boolean allow_stripping_of_gene_tree = false;
- if ( cla.isOptionSet( gsdi.STRIP_OPTION ) ) {
- strip_species_tree = true;
- }
if ( cla.isOptionSet( gsdi.SDI_OPTION ) ) {
base_algorithm = BASE_ALGORITHM.SDI;
File species_tree_file = null;
File out_file = null;
File log_file = null;
- Writer log_writer = null;
+ EasyWriter log_writer = null;
try {
gene_tree_file = cla.getFile( 0 );
species_tree_file = cla.getFile( 1 );
ForesterUtil.fatalError( gsdi.PRG_NAME, ForesterUtil.isWritableFile( log_file ) );
try {
- log_writer = ForesterUtil.createBufferedWriter( log_file );
+ log_writer = ForesterUtil.createEasyWriter( log_file );
catch ( final IOException e ) {
ForesterUtil.fatalError( gsdi.PRG_NAME, "Failed to create [" + log_file + "]: " + e.getMessage() );
gene_tree.setRooted( true );
species_tree.setRooted( true );
if ( !gene_tree.isCompletelyBinary() ) {
- log_writer.write( "User Error: gene tree is not completely binary" );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "User Error: gene tree is not completely binary" );
ForesterUtil.fatalError( gsdi.PRG_NAME, "gene tree is not completely binary" );
if ( base_algorithm != BASE_ALGORITHM.GSDI ) {
if ( !species_tree.isCompletelyBinary() ) {
- log_writer.write( "User Error: species tree is not completely binary, use GSDI instead" );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "User Error: species tree is not completely binary, use GSDI instead" );
ForesterUtil.fatalError( gsdi.PRG_NAME, "species tree is not completely binary, use GSDI instead" );
// Helper.randomizeSpecies( 1, 8192, gene_tree );
// Helper.intervalNumberSpecies( gene_tree, 4096 );
// Helper.numberSpeciesInDescOrder( gene_tree );
- log_writer.write( PRG_NAME + " - " + PRG_DESC );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( " version : " + PRG_VERSION );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( " date : " + PRG_DATE );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( " forester version: " + ForesterConstants.FORESTER_VERSION );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( "Start time: " + new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss" ).format( new Date() ) );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( "Gene tree file: " + gene_tree_file.getCanonicalPath() );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( "Gene tree name: "
+ log_writer.println( PRG_NAME + " - " + PRG_DESC );
+ log_writer.println( " version : " + PRG_VERSION );
+ log_writer.println( " date : " + PRG_DATE );
+ log_writer.println( " forester version: " + ForesterConstants.FORESTER_VERSION );
+ log_writer.println( "Start time: " + new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss" ).format( new Date() ) );
+ log_writer.println( "Gene tree file: " + gene_tree_file.getCanonicalPath() );
+ log_writer.println( "Gene tree name: "
+ ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( gene_tree.getName() ) ? "" : gene_tree.getName() ) );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( "Species tree file: " + species_tree_file.getCanonicalPath() );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- log_writer.write( "Species tree name: "
+ log_writer.println( "Species tree file: " + species_tree_file.getCanonicalPath() );
+ log_writer.println( "Species tree name: "
+ ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( species_tree.getName() ) ? "" : gene_tree.getName() ) );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
- System.out.println( "Strip species tree: " + strip_species_tree );
- log_writer.write( "Strip species tree: " + strip_species_tree );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
SDI sdi = null;
final long start_time = new Date().getTime();
try {
System.out.println( "Use most parsimonous duplication model: " + most_parsimonous_duplication_model );
System.out.println( "Allow stripping of gene tree nodes : " + allow_stripping_of_gene_tree );
- log_writer.write( "Use most parsimonous duplication model: " + most_parsimonous_duplication_model );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Use most parsimonous duplication model: " + most_parsimonous_duplication_model );
log_writer.write( "Allow stripping of gene tree nodes : " + allow_stripping_of_gene_tree );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
sdi = new GSDI( gene_tree,
- strip_species_tree );
+ true );
else {
System.out.println( "Using SDIse algorithm" );
- log_writer.write( "Using SDIse algorithm" );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Using SDIse algorithm" );
sdi = new SDIse( gene_tree, species_tree );
catch ( final SdiException e ) {
- log_writer.write( "User Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "User Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );
ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() );
catch ( final IOException e ) {
- log_writer.write( "Error: " + e );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Error: " + e );
ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, e.toString() );
catch ( final Exception e ) {
- log_writer.write( "Error: " + e );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Error: " + e );
System.exit( -1 );
System.out.println( "Running time (excluding I/O): " + ( new Date().getTime() - start_time ) + "ms" );
- log_writer.write( "Running time (excluding I/O): " + ( new Date().getTime() - start_time ) + "ms" );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Running time (excluding I/O): " + ( new Date().getTime() - start_time ) + "ms" );
try {
final PhylogenyWriter writer = new PhylogenyWriter();
writer.toPhyloXML( out_file, gene_tree, 0 );
ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "Failed to write to [" + out_file + "]: " + e.getMessage() );
- System.out.println( "Successfully wrote resulting gene tree to: " + out_file );
+ System.out.println( "Wrote resulting gene tree to: " + out_file );
- log_writer.write( "Wrote resulting gene tree to: " + out_file );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Wrote resulting gene tree to: " + out_file );
if ( base_algorithm == BASE_ALGORITHM.SDI ) {
System.out.println( "Mapping cost : " + sdi.computeMappingCostL() );
- log_writer.write( "Mapping cost : " + sdi.computeMappingCostL() );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Mapping cost : " + sdi.computeMappingCostL() );
System.out.println( "Number of duplications : " + sdi.getDuplicationsSum() );
- log_writer.write( "Number of duplications : " + sdi.getDuplicationsSum() );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Number of duplications : " + sdi.getDuplicationsSum() );
if ( ( base_algorithm == BASE_ALGORITHM.GSDI ) ) {
final GSDI gsdi = ( GSDI ) sdi;
+ File species_tree_used_file = new File( out_file + SUFFIX_FOR_SPECIES_TREE_USED );
+ try {
+ final PhylogenyWriter writer = new PhylogenyWriter();
+ writer.toPhyloXML( species_tree_used_file, gsdi.getSpeciesTree(), 0 );
+ }
+ catch ( final IOException e ) {
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME,
+ "Failed to write to [" + species_tree_used_file + "]: " + e.getMessage() );
+ }
+ System.out.println();
+ System.out.println( "Wrote used species tree to: " + species_tree_used_file );
+ System.out.println();
+ log_writer.println( "Wrote used species tree to: " + species_tree_used_file );
if ( !most_parsimonous_duplication_model ) {
final int duplications = gsdi.getSpeciationOrDuplicationEventsSum();
System.out.println( "Number of potential duplications: " + duplications );
- log_writer.write( "Number of potential duplications: " + duplications );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Number of potential duplications: " + duplications );
final int spec = gsdi.getSpeciationsSum();
System.out.println( "Number of speciations : " + spec );
- log_writer.write( "Number of speciations : " + spec );
- log_writer.write( ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR );
+ log_writer.println( "Number of speciations : " + spec );
for( PhylogenyNode n : gsdi.getMappedExternalSpeciesTreeNodes() ) {
System.out.println( n.toString() );
System.out.println( "Options:" );
// System.out.println( " -" + gsdi.ALLOW_STRIPPING_OF_GENE_TREE_OPTION + ": to allow stripping of gene tree nodes without a matching species in the species tree (writes list of stripped nodes to " + );
- System.out.println( " -" + gsdi.STRIP_OPTION
- + ": to strip the species tree of unneeded species prior to duplication inference" );
System.out.println( " -" + gsdi.SDI_OPTION + ": to use SDI algorithm instead of GSDI algorithm" );//TODO gsdi.ALLOW_STRIPPING_OF_GENE_TREE_OPTION not allowed
System.out.println( " -" + gsdi.MOST_PARSIMONIOUS_OPTION
+ ": use most parimonious duplication model for GSDI: " );