<arg value="--short" />
<arg value="HEAD" />
- <!-- and checkout the same commit in the workspace project -->
+ <!-- update and checkout the same commit in the workspace project -->
+ <exec executable="/usr/bin/git" failifexecutionfails="true" dir="${eclipse-workrepo}">
+ <arg value="pull" />
+ </exec>
<exec executable="/usr/bin/git" failifexecutionfails="true" dir="${eclipse-workrepo}">
<arg value="checkout" />
<arg value="${git.commit}" />
- <copyfile src=".classpath.js" dest="${eclipse-workrepo}/.classpath"/>
+ <copy file=".classpath.js" tofile="${eclipse-workrepo}/.classpath"/>
<!-- execute the eclipse build - the build may fail but valid javascript may still be produced, so we ignore return codes -->
<exec executable="${eclipse-exec}" failonerror="no">
<!-- and reset the .classpath -->
<exec executable="/usr/bin/git" failifexecutionfails="true" dir="${eclipse-workrepo}">
<arg value="checkout" />
- <arg value="${git.commit} .classpath" />
+ <arg value="${git.commit}"/>
+ <arg value="--"/>
+ <arg value=".classpath" />
<!-- finally copy artefacts from eclipse project checkout to the build site -->
- <copydir src="${eclipse-workrepo}/site" dest="${site}"/>
+ <copy todir="${site}">
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse-workrepo}/site"/>
+ </copy>
<property name="swingjs.zip" value="${swingjsdir}/SwingJS-site.zip" />
<unzip src="${swingjs.zip}" dest="${site}/" overwrite="true"/>