import jalview.datamodel.Annotation;
import jalview.datamodel.Sequence;
import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
+import jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties;
import java.awt.Color;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
int end;
- Vector seqNums; // vector of int vectors where first is sequence checksum
+ Vector<int[]> seqNums; // vector of int vectors where first is sequence
+ // checksum
int maxLength = 0; // used by quality calcs
boolean seqNumsChanged = false; // updated after any change via calcSeqNum;
- Hashtable[] total;
+ Hashtable<String, Integer>[] total;
boolean canonicaliseAa = true; // if true then conservation calculation will
// symbol
/** Stores calculated quality values */
- public Vector quality;
+ public Vector<Double> quality;
/** Stores maximum and minimum values of quality values */
- public Double[] qualityRange = new Double[2];
- String consString = "";
+ private double[] qualityRange = new double[2];
Sequence consSequence;
- Hashtable propHash;
+ Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> propHash;
int threshold;
seqNums.addElement(new int[sq.length() + 1]);
- if (sq.hashCode() != ((int[]) seqNums.elementAt(i))[0])
+ if (sq.hashCode() != seqNums.elementAt(i)[0])
int j;
int len;
public void calculate()
- Hashtable resultHash, ht;
int thresh, j, jSize = sequences.length;
int[] values; // Replaces residueHash
- String type, res = null;
char c;
- Enumeration enumeration2;
total = new Hashtable[maxLength];
if (canonicaliseAa)
{ // lookup the base aa code symbol
- c = (char) jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties.aaIndex[sequences[j]
- .getCharAt(i)];
+ c = (char) ResidueProperties.aaIndex[sequences[j].getCharAt(i)];
if (c > 20)
c = '-';
// recover canonical aa symbol
- c = jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties.aa[c].charAt(0);
+ c = ResidueProperties.aa[c].charAt(0);
thresh = (threshold * (jSize)) / 100;
// loop over all the found residues
- resultHash = new Hashtable();
+ Hashtable<String, Integer> resultHash = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
for (char v = '-'; v < 'Z'; v++)
if (values[v] > thresh)
- res = String.valueOf(v);
+ String res = String.valueOf(v);
// Now loop over the properties
- enumeration2 = propHash.keys();
- while (enumeration2.hasMoreElements())
+ for (String type : propHash.keySet())
- type = (String) enumeration2.nextElement();
- ht = (Hashtable) propHash.get(type);
+ Hashtable<String, Integer> ht = (Hashtable<String, Integer>) propHash
+ .get(type);
// Have we ticked this before?
if (!resultHash.containsKey(type))
resultHash.put(type, ht.get("-"));
- else if (((Integer) resultHash.get(type)).equals(ht.get(res)) == false)
+ else if (!resultHash.get(type).equals(ht.get(res)))
resultHash.put(type, new Integer(-1));
* Calculates the conservation sequence
* @param consflag
- * if true, poitiveve conservation; false calculates negative
+ * if true, positive conservation; false calculates negative
* conservation
* @param percentageGaps
* commonly used value is 25
public void verdict(boolean consflag, float percentageGaps)
StringBuffer consString = new StringBuffer();
- String type;
- Integer result;
- int[] gapcons;
- int totGaps, count;
- float pgaps;
- Hashtable resultHash;
- Enumeration enumeration;
consSymbs = new String[end - start + 1];
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
- gapcons = countConsNGaps(i);
- totGaps = gapcons[1];
- pgaps = ((float) totGaps * 100) / sequences.length;
+ int[] gapcons = countConsNGaps(i);
+ int totGaps = gapcons[1];
+ float pgaps = ((float) totGaps * 100) / sequences.length;
consSymbs[i - start] = new String();
if (percentageGaps > pgaps)
- resultHash = total[i - start];
+ Hashtable<String, Integer> resultHash = total[i - start];
// Now find the verdict
- count = 0;
- enumeration = resultHash.keys();
- while (enumeration.hasMoreElements())
+ int count = 0;
+ for (String type : resultHash.keySet())
- type = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
- result = (Integer) resultHash.get(type);
+ int result = resultHash.get(type).intValue();
// Do we want to count +ve conservation or +ve and -ve cons.?
if (consflag)
- if (result.intValue() == 1)
+ if (result == 1)
consSymbs[i - start] = type + " " + consSymbs[i - start];
- if (result.intValue() != -1)
+ if (result != -1)
+ if (result == 0)
- if (result.intValue() == 0)
- {
- consSymbs[i - start] = consSymbs[i - start] + " !" + type;
- }
- else
- {
- consSymbs[i - start] = type + " " + consSymbs[i - start];
- }
+ consSymbs[i - start] = consSymbs[i - start] + " !" + type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ consSymbs[i - start] = type + " " + consSymbs[i - start];
private void percentIdentity2()
- seqNums = new Vector();
+ seqNums = new Vector<int[]>();
// calcSeqNum(s);
int i = 0, iSize = sequences.length;
// Do we need to calculate this again?
while (j < sequences.length)
- sqnum = (int[]) seqNums.elementAt(j);
+ sqnum = seqNums.elementAt(j);
for (i = 1; i < sqnum.length; i++)
* Calculates the quality of the set of sequences
- * @param start
+ * @param startRes
* Start residue
- * @param end
+ * @param endRes
* End residue
- public void findQuality(int start, int end)
+ public void findQuality(int startRes, int endRes)
- quality = new Vector();
+ quality = new Vector<Double>();
double max = -10000;
- int[][] BLOSUM62 = jalview.schemes.ResidueProperties.getBLOSUM62();
+ int[][] BLOSUM62 = ResidueProperties.getBLOSUM62();
// Loop over columns // JBPNote Profiling info
// long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (l = 0; l < size; l++)
- lengths[l] = ((int[]) seqNums.elementAt(l)).length - 1;
+ lengths[l] = seqNums.elementAt(l).length - 1;
- for (j = start; j <= end; j++)
+ for (j = startRes; j <= endRes; j++)
bigtot = 0;
tot = 0;
xx = new double[24];
- seqNum = (j < lengths[k]) ? ((int[]) seqNums.elementAt(k))[j + 1]
+ seqNum = (j < lengths[k]) ? seqNums.elementAt(k)[j + 1]
: 23; // Sequence, or gap at the end
// This is a loop over r
double newmax = -10000;
- for (j = start; j <= end; j++)
+ for (j = startRes; j <= endRes; j++)
- tmp = ((Double) quality.elementAt(j)).doubleValue();
+ tmp = quality.elementAt(j).doubleValue();
tmp = ((max - tmp) * (size - cons2[j][23])) / size;
// System.out.println(tmp+ " " + j);
// System.out.println("Quality " + s);
- qualityRange[0] = new Double(0);
- qualityRange[1] = new Double(newmax);
+ qualityRange[0] = 0D;
+ qualityRange[1] = newmax;
- * complete the given consensus and quuality annotation rows. Note: currently
+ * Complete the given consensus and quuality annotation rows. Note: currently
* this method will enlarge the given annotation row if it is too small,
* otherwise will leave its length unchanged.
char c;
- if (conservation.annotations != null
+ if (conservation != null && conservation.annotations != null
&& conservation.annotations.length < alWidth)
conservation.annotations = new Annotation[alWidth];
if (quality2 != null)
- quality2.graphMax = qualityRange[1].floatValue();
+ quality2.graphMax = (float) qualityRange[1];
if (quality2.annotations != null
&& quality2.annotations.length < alWidth)
quality2.annotations = new Annotation[alWidth];
- qmin = qualityRange[0].floatValue();
- qmax = qualityRange[1].floatValue();
+ qmin = (float) qualityRange[0];
+ qmax = (float) qualityRange[1];
for (int i = istart; i < alWidth; i++)
value = 10;
- float vprop = value - min;
- vprop /= max;
- int consp = i - start;
- String conssym = (value > 0 && consp > -1 && consp < consSymbs.length) ? consSymbs[consp]
- : "";
- conservation.annotations[i] = new Annotation(String.valueOf(c),
- conssym, ' ', value, new Color(minR + (maxR * vprop), minG
- + (maxG * vprop), minB + (maxB * vprop)));
+ if (conservation != null)
+ {
+ float vprop = value - min;
+ vprop /= max;
+ int consp = i - start;
+ String conssym = (value > 0 && consp > -1 && consp < consSymbs.length) ? consSymbs[consp]
+ : "";
+ conservation.annotations[i] = new Annotation(String.valueOf(c),
+ conssym, ' ', value, new Color(minR + (maxR * vprop), minG
+ + (maxG * vprop), minB + (maxB * vprop)));
+ }
// Quality calc
if (quality2 != null)
- value = ((Double) quality.elementAt(i)).floatValue();
- vprop = value - qmin;
+ value = quality.elementAt(i).floatValue();
+ float vprop = value - qmin;
vprop /= qmax;
quality2.annotations[i] = new Annotation(" ",
String.valueOf(value), ' ', value, new Color(minR
import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertSame;
import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import jalview.bin.Cache;
+import jalview.bin.Jalview;
import jalview.datamodel.AlignedCodonFrame;
import jalview.datamodel.Alignment;
+import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation;
import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
+import jalview.datamodel.Annotation;
import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry;
import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry.Type;
import jalview.datamodel.Sequence;
@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception
- jalview.bin.Jalview.main(new String[] { "-props",
- "test/jalview/testProps.jvprops" });
+ Jalview.main(new String[] { "-props", "test/jalview/testProps.jvprops" });
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
+ /**
+ * Test for JAL-1306 - conservation thread should run even when only Quality
+ * (and not Conservation) is enabled in Preferences
+ */
+ @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
+ public void testUpdateConservation_qualityOnly()
+ {
+ Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_ANNOTATIONS",
+ Boolean.TRUE.toString());
+ Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_QUALITY",
+ Boolean.TRUE.toString());
+ Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_CONSERVATION",
+ Boolean.FALSE.toString());
+ Cache.applicationProperties.setProperty("SHOW_IDENTITY",
+ Boolean.FALSE.toString());
+ AlignFrame af = new FileLoader().LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(
+ "examples/uniref50.fa", FormatAdapter.FILE);
+ AlignmentAnnotation[] anns = af.viewport.getAlignment().getAlignmentAnnotation();
+ assertNotNull("No annotations found", anns);
+ assertEquals("More than one annotation found", 1, anns.length);
+ assertTrue("Annotation is not Quality",
+ anns[0].description.startsWith("Alignment Quality"));
+ Annotation[] annotations = anns[0].annotations;
+ assertNotNull("Quality annotations are null", annotations);
+ assertNotNull("Quality in column 1 is null", annotations[0]);
+ assertTrue("No quality value in column 1", annotations[0].value > 10f);
+ }