The hidden representative sequences will not be used in any calculations
or web service alignments (<em>nb. this may change in the future</em>).
<p><strong><em>Hidden Sequence Representatives and
-Multiple</em> Views</strong><br>
+Multiple Views</em></strong><br>
<em>A word of warning: hidden representative sequence groups are
only partly implemented in the jalview 2.2 release, and the following
issues will be resolved in the future.</em><br>
are gathered back into into a single tabbed alignment window by pressing
<strong>G</strong>, or by selecting <strong>"View→Gather"</strong>).
+<p><strong>Hidden Sequence Representatives and Multiple
+<p>There are some unexpected interactions between hidden sequence
+representatives and their display in multiple views. See the
+corresponding entry in the <a href="hiddenRegions.html">documentation
+for hidden regions</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Structure and Analysis Viewers and Multiple
<p>A tree calculated on a particular view, or loaded onto it, is by
Nodes"</strong> submenu.</p>
<p>Currently, a <a href="pdbviewer.html">PDB Structure Viewer</a>
opened on a structure associated with a sequence in a particular view
-will only be associated with the seuqence as displayed in that view. <br><em>This
-will be resolved in a future release</em><!-- also, by default, only be associated
+will only be associated with the seuqence as displayed in that view. <br>
+<em>This will be resolved in a future release</em><!-- also, by default, only be associated
with the sequence as it is displayed in that view. The
"View→Associate View" submenu allows the association of
alternative views.</p> -->