<h3>Typical Use Cases</h3>
- <h4 name="opening_files">Opening files (<code>--open</code>, <code>--append</code>, <code>--newframe</code>)</h4>
+ <h4 name="opening_files">Opening files (<code>--open</code>, <code>--append</code>, <code>--new</code>)</h4>
To simply open one or more alignment files in different frames just put the filenames as the first arguments:
<strong>Note</strong> that whilst you can include a Jalview Project File (<code>.jvp</code>) as an <code>--append</code> value, the items in the file will always open in their original frames and not append to another.
- <h5 name="--newframe"><code>--newframe</code></h5>
+ <h5 name="--new"><code>--new</code></h5>
- To append different sets of alignment files in different frames, use <code>--newframe</code> to move on to a new alignment frame:
+ To append different sets of alignment files in different frames, use <code>--new</code> to move on to a new alignment frame:
- jalview --append these/filename*.fa --newframe --append other/filename*.fa
+ jalview --append these/filename*.fa --new --append other/filename*.fa
- <code>--open</code> is like using <code>--newframe --append</code> applied to every filename/URL given to <code>--open</code>
+ <code>--open</code> is like using <code>--new --append</code> applied to every filename/URL given to <code>--open</code>
- <code>index</code>:
+ <em><code>index</code></em>:
You can alternatively specify the (zero-indexed) index of the sequence within the alignment, although this is less precise. So to attach the structure to the 8th sequence use:
jalview --open examples/uniref50.fa --structure [7]examples/AlphaFold/AF-P00221-F1-model_v4.pdb
- <br/>
+ </p>
+ <p>
<code>none</code> and <code>jmol</code> will always be available, but to use the others you must have the appropriate software already set up on your computer and in Jalview. See the page <a href="../features/viewingpdbs.html">Discovering and Viewing PDB and 3D-Beacons structures</a> for more details.
jalview --open examples/uniref50.fa --structure [seqid=FER1_SPIOL,viewer=none]examples/AlphaFold/AF-P00221-F1-model_v4.pdb