String acc = (String) accs.nextElement();\r
// logger.debug("Processing sequence " + acc);\r
- String seq = (String) seqs.get(acc);\r
+ String seq = (String) seqs.remove(acc);\r
if (maxLength < seq.length())\r
maxLength = seq.length();\r
if (seqAnn != null && seqAnn.containsKey(acc))\r
- accAnnotations = (Hashtable) seqAnn.get(acc);\r
+ accAnnotations = (Hashtable) seqAnn.remove(acc);\r
// Split accession in id and from/to\r
// We need to adjust the positions of all features to account for gaps\r
- features = (Hashtable) accAnnotations.get("features");\r
+ features = (Hashtable) accAnnotations.remove("features");\r
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e)\r
// loggerwarn("Getting Features for " + acc + ": " +\r
// if we have features\r
if (features != null)\r
+ int posmap[] = seqO.findPositionMap();\r
Enumeration i = features.keys();\r
while (i.hasMoreElements())\r
// TODO: parse out scores as annotation row\r
// TODO: map coding region to core jalview feature types\r
String type = i.nextElement().toString();\r
- Hashtable content = (Hashtable) features.get(type);\r
+ Hashtable content = (Hashtable) features.remove(type);\r
Enumeration j = content.keys();\r
while (j.hasMoreElements())\r
for (int k = 0; k < byChar.length; k++)\r
char c = byChar[k];\r
- if (!(c == ' ' || c == '_' || c == '-'))\r
+ if (!(c == ' ' || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.')) // PFAM uses '.' for feature background\r
- int new_pos = seqO.findPosition(k);\r
+ int new_pos = posmap[k]; // look up nearest seqeunce position to this column\r
SequenceFeature feat = new SequenceFeature(type, desc,\r
new_pos, new_pos, 0f, null);\r
+ \r
+ // garbage collect\r
+ \r
// logger.debug("Adding seq " + acc + " from " + start + " to " + end\r
// + ": " + seq);\r
String acc = s.stringMatched(1);\r
String type = s.stringMatched(2);\r
- String seq = s.stringMatched(3);\r
- String description = new String();\r
+ String seq = new String(s.stringMatched(3));\r
+ String description = null;\r
// Check for additional information about the current annotation\r
- if (x.search(seq))\r
+ // We use a simple string tokenizer here for speed\r
+ StringTokenizer sep = new StringTokenizer(seq," \t");\r
+ description = sep.nextToken();\r
+ if (sep.hasMoreTokens())\r
- description = x.stringMatched(1);\r
- seq = x.stringMatched(2);\r
+ seq = sep.nextToken();\r
+ } else {\r
+ seq = description;\r
+ description = new String();\r
// sequence id with from-to fields\r