Hernández Díaz and Laura Ferrandis Martinez who created Jalview's
first spanish user interface translation.<br /> If you notice any
problems, or would like to help translate Jalview's user interface
- into other languages, please sign up at issues.jalview.org and put in
- a feature request for your translation to the i18n component, and
- David or Jim will get in contact with you.
+ into other languages, head over to <a href="http://issues.jalview.org">issues.jalview.org</a>
+ and put in a feature request describing the translations you can
+ provide to the <a
+ href="http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL/component/10682">i18n
+ component</a>.<br/>
+ David has also put together some documentation about getting started with i18n translations
<strong>Enhancements and new features</strong>