warn.couldnt_create_sequence_fetcher_client = Could not create the sequence fetcher client. Check error logs for details.
warn.server_didnt_pass_validation = Service did not pass validation.\nCheck the Jalview Console for more details.
warn.url_must_contain = Sequence URL must contain $SEQUENCE_ID$ or a regex $SEQUENCE_ID=/<regex>/=$
+warn.urls_not_contacted = URLs that could not be contacted
+warn.urls_no_jaba = URLs without any JABA Services
info.validate_jabaws_server = Validate JabaWS Server ?\n(Look in console output for results)
label.test_server = Test Server?
info.you_want_jalview_to_find_uniprot_accessions = Do you want Jalview to find\nUniprot Accession ids for given sequence names?
if (getInvalidServiceUrls() != null
&& getInvalidServiceUrls().size() > 0)
- ermsg.append("URLs that could not be contacted: \n");
+ ermsg.append(MessageManager.getString("warn.urls_not_contacted")
+ + ": \n");
for (String svcurl : getInvalidServiceUrls())
if (list)
if (getUrlsWithoutServices() != null
&& getUrlsWithoutServices().size() > 0)
- ermsg.append("URLs without any JABA Services : \n");
+ ermsg.append(MessageManager.getString("warn.urls_no_jaba") + ": \n");
for (String svcurl : getUrlsWithoutServices())
if (list)