label.enter_percentage_identity_above_which_colour_residues = Enter % identity above which to colour residues\r
label.wswublast_client_credits = To display sequence features an exact Uniprot id with 100% sequence identity match must be entered.\nIn order to display these features, try changing the names of your sequences to the ids suggested below.\n\nRunning WSWUBlast at EBI.\nPlease quote Pillai S., Silventoinen V., Kallio K., Senger M., Sobhany S., Tate J., Velankar S., Golovin A., Henrick K., Rice P., Stoehr P., Lopez R.\nSOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute.\nNucleic Acids Res. 33(1):W25-W28 (2005));\r
label.blasting_for_unidentified_sequence = BLASTing for unidentified sequences
+label.select_columns_containing = Select columns containing\r
+label.select_columns_not_containing = Select columns that do not contain\r