--- /dev/null
+<head><title>Alignment Consensus Annotation</title></head>\r
+<p><strong>Alignment Consensus Annotation</strong></p>\r
+<p>The consensus displayed below the alignment is the percentage of the modal \r
+ residue per column. By default this calculation takes includes gaps in column. \r
+ You can choose to ignore gaps in the calculation by right clicking on the label \r
+ "Consensus" to the left of the consensus bar chart. \r
+<p>If the modal value is shared by more than 1 residue, a "+" symbol \r
+ is used in the display for the simple reason that it is not possible to display \r
+ multiple characters in a single character space.\r
--- /dev/null
+<head><title>DAS Settings</title></head>\r
+<p><strong>DAS Settings</strong></p>\r
+<p>Jalview can retrieve features from multiple <a href="http://biodas.org/">DAS</a> \r
+ sources. The DAS sources are selected in the DAS settings panel.</p>\r
+<p><img src="das.jpg" width="497" height="365">\r
+<p>On start up of the DAS Settings panel, Jalview will use the registry URL (default \r
+ is http://das.sanger.ac.uk/registry/das1/sources/) to retrieve a list of currently \r
+ available DAS sources. These are all listed in the table using the sources' \r
+ Nickname as an identifier. <br>\r
+ Click on a Nickname in the table to reveal more information about that service \r
+ in the panel to the right of the table. \r
+<p>You can filter the visible DAS sources by authority, type and "label". \r
+ You should read the DAS documentation to understand more about these values.\r
+<p>Tick the box "Use Source" so that Jalview will use a particular source \r
+ when fetching features. \r
+<p>You can add your own DAS source to the list by clicking the "Add Local \r
+ Source" button. Enter the URL and nickname of your additional service. \r
+ It should be noted that Jalview 2.1 will not query additional sources for more \r
+ information, but this will be implemented in future editions. \r
+<p> \r