// make bounds and automatic description strings for jalview user's benefit (these shouldn't be written back to vamsas document)
boolean first=true;
float min=0,max=1;
+ int lastval=0;
for (int i=0;i<arow.length; i++) {
if (arow[i]!=null) {
+ if (i-lastval>1) {
+ // do some interpolation *between* points
+ if (arow[lastval]!=null) {
+ float interval = arow[i].value-arow[lastval].value;
+ interval/=i-lastval;
+ float base = arow[lastval].value;
+ for (int ip=lastval+1,np=0; ip<i; np++,ip++) {
+ arow[ip] = new jalview.datamodel.Annotation("","",' ', interval*np+base);
+ // NB - Interpolated points don't get a tooltip and description.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lastval=i;
// check range - shouldn't we have a min and max property in the annotation object ?
if (first) { min=max=arow[i].value; first=false;}
else { if (arow[i].value<min) { min=arow[i].value; }
// make tooltip and display char value
if (!has[HASDESCSTR]) arow[i].description = arow[i].value + "";
if (!has[HASDC]) arow[i].displayCharacter=arow[i].value+"";
- }
+ }
int type=jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation.LINE_GRAPH;
if (has[HASHPHOB]) {