final int sequenceStart = sequence.getStart();
if (absStart == -1)
- // Is local sequence contained in dataset sequence?
+ // couldn't find local sequence in sequence from database, so check if
+ // the database sequence is a subsequence of local sequence
absStart = nonGapped.indexOf(entrySeq);
if (absStart == -1)
- { // verification failed.
+ {
+ // verification failed. couldn't find any relationship between
+ // entrySeq and local sequence
+ " SEQUENCE NOT %100 MATCH \n");
+ /*
+ * found match for the whole of the database sequence within the local
+ * sequence's reference frame.
+ */
transferred = true;
sbuffer.append(sequence.getName() + " HAS " + absStart
+ " PREFIXED RESIDUES COMPARED TO " + dbSource + "\n");
- //
- // absStart = 0;
- // create valid mapping between matching region of local sequence and
- // the mapped sequence
+ /*
+ * So create a mapping to the external entry from the matching region of
+ * the local sequence, and leave local start/end untouched.
+ */
mp = new Mapping(null, new int[] { sequenceStart + absStart,
sequenceStart + absStart + entrySeq.length() - 1 }, new int[]
{ entry.getStart(), entry.getStart() + entrySeq.length() - 1 },
1, 1);
- updateRefFrame = false; // mapping is based on current start/end so
- // don't modify start and end
+ updateRefFrame = false;
+ /*
+ * found a match for the local sequence within sequence from
+ * the external database
+ */
transferred = true;
// update start and end of local sequence to place it in entry's
// reference frame.
// apply identity map map from whole of local sequence to matching
// absStart+sequence.getStart()+entrySeq.length()-1},
// new int[] { entry.getStart(), entry.getEnd() }, 1, 1);
// relocate local features for updated start
if (updateRefFrame)
if (sequence.getSequenceFeatures() != null)
+ /*
+ * relocate existing sequence features by offset
+ */
SequenceFeature[] sf = sequence.getSequenceFeatures();
int start = sequenceStart;
int end = sequence.getEnd();
System.out.println("Adding dbrefs to " + sequence.getName()
+ " from " + dbSource + " sequence : " + entry.getName());
sequence.transferAnnotation(entry, mp);
- // unknownSequences.remove(sequence);
absStart += entry.getStart();
int absEnd = absStart + nonGapped.length() - 1;
if (!trimDatasetSeqs)