file format, and associate them with the alignment. Note: the ids of the \r
tree file and your alignment MUST be the same.</em></li>\r
<li><strong>Load Features / Annotations<br>\r
- </strong><em>Jalview load precalculated <a href="../features/featuresFormat.html">sequence \r
+ </strong><em>Load files describing precalculated <a href="../features/featuresFormat.html">sequence \r
features</a> or <a href="../features/annotationsFormat.html">alignment \r
MUST be the same.<br>\r
<li><strong>Load Features / Annotations<br>\r
- </strong><em>Jalview load precalculated <a href="../features/featuresFormat.html">sequence \r
+ </strong><em>Load files describing precalculated <a href="../features/featuresFormat.html">sequence \r
features</a> or <a href="../features/annotationsFormat.html">alignment \r