+task launcherJar(type: Jar) {
+ manifest {
+ attributes (
+ "Main-Class": shadow_jar_main_class,
+ "Implementation-Version": JALVIEW_VERSION,
+ "Application-Name": applicationName
+ )
+ }
shadowJar {
group = "distribution"
description = "Create a single jar file with all dependency libraries merged. Can be run with java -jar"
from groovyJars
from otherJars
+ manifest {
+ // shadowJar manifest must inheritFrom another Jar task. Can't set attributes here.
+ inheritFrom(project.tasks.launcherJar.manifest)
+ }
// we need to include the groovy-swing Include-Package for it to run in the shadowJar
doFirst {
def jarFileManifests = []
jarFileManifests += mf
manifest {
- attributes "Implementation-Version": JALVIEW_VERSION, "Application-Name": applicationName
from (jarFileManifests) {
eachEntry { details ->
if (!details.key.equals("Import-Package")) {
duplicatesStrategy "INCLUDE"
+ // this mainClassName is mandatory but gets ignored due to manifest created in doFirst{}. Set the Main-Class as an attribute in launcherJar instead
mainClassName = shadow_jar_main_class
classifier = "all-"+JALVIEW_VERSION+"-j"+JAVA_VERSION