+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
void drawBarGraph(Graphics g, AlignmentAnnotation _aa,
Annotation[] aa_annotations, int sRes, int eRes, float min,
float max, int y, boolean renderHistogram, boolean renderProfile,
boolean isCdnaProfile = profl[0] == AlignmentAnnotation.CDNA_PROFILE;
float ht = normaliseProfile ? y - _aa.graphHeight : y1;
double htn = normaliseProfile ? _aa.graphHeight : (y2 - y1);// aa.graphHeight;
- double hght;
- float wdth;
- double ht2 = 0;
- char[] dc;
* Render a single base for a sequence profile, a base pair for
* structure profile, and a triplet for a cdna profile
- dc = new char[isStructureProfile ? 2 : (isCdnaProfile ? 3 : 1)];
+ char[] dc = new char[isStructureProfile ? 2
+ : (isCdnaProfile ? 3 : 1)];
+ // lm is not necessary - we can just use fm - could be off by no more
+ // than 0.5 px
+ // LineMetrics lm = g.getFontMetrics(ofont).getLineMetrics("Q", g);
+ // System.out.println(asc + " " + dec + " " + (asc - lm.getAscent())
+ // + " " + (dec - lm.getDescent()));
+ double asc = fm.getAscent();
+ double dec = fm.getDescent();
+ double fht = fm.getHeight();
- LineMetrics lm = g.getFontMetrics(ofont).getLineMetrics("Q", g);
double scale = 1f / (normaliseProfile ? profl[2] : 100f);
- float ofontHeight = 1f / lm.getAscent();// magnify to fill box
- double scl = 0.0;
+ // float ofontHeight = 1f / fm.getAscent();// magnify to fill box
* Traverse the character(s)/percentage data in the array
- int c = 3;
- int valuesProcessed = 0;
+ float ht2 = ht;
// profl[1] is the number of values in the profile
- while (valuesProcessed < profl[1])
+ for (int i = 0, c = 3, last = profl[1]; i < last; i++)
+ String s;
if (isStructureProfile)
// todo can we encode a structure pair as an int, like codons?
dc[0] = (char) profl[c++];
dc[1] = (char) profl[c++];
+ s = new String(dc);
else if (isCdnaProfile)
- dc = CodingUtils.decodeCodon(profl[c++]);
+ CodingUtils.decodeCodon2(profl[c++], dc);
+ s = new String(dc);
dc[0] = (char) profl[c++];
+ s = new String(dc);
- wdth = charWidth;
- wdth /= fm.charsWidth(dc, 0, dc.length);
- ht += scl;
// next profl[] position is profile % for the character(s)
- scl = htn * scale * profl[c++];
- lm = ofont.getLineMetrics(dc, 0, 1,
- g.getFontMetrics().getFontRenderContext());
- Font font = ofont.deriveFont(AffineTransform
- .getScaleInstance(wdth, scl / lm.getAscent()));
- g.setFont(font);
- lm = g.getFontMetrics().getLineMetrics(dc, 0, 1, g);
- // Debug - render boxes around characters
- // g.setColor(Color.red);
- // g.drawRect(x*av.charWidth, (int)ht, av.charWidth,
- // (int)(scl));
- // g.setColor(profcolour.findColour(dc[0]).darker());
+ double newHeight = htn * scale * profl[c++];
* Set character colour as per alignment colour scheme; use the
if (isCdnaProfile)
final String codonTranslation = ResidueProperties
- .codonTranslate(new String(dc));
+ .codonTranslate(s);
colour = profcolour.findColour(codonTranslation.charAt(0),
column, null);
g.setColor(colour == Color.white ? Color.lightGray : colour);
- hght = (ht + (scl - lm.getDescent()
- - lm.getBaselineOffsets()[lm.getBaselineIndex()]));
+ // Debug - render boxes around characters
+ // g.setColor(Color.red);
+ // g.drawRect(x*av.charWidth, (int)ht, av.charWidth,
+ // (int)(scl));
+ // g.setColor(profcolour.findColour(dc[0]).darker());
- g.drawChars(dc, 0, dc.length, x * charWidth, (int) hght);
- valuesProcessed++;
+ double sx = 1f * charWidth / fm.charsWidth(dc, 0, dc.length);
+ double sy = newHeight / asc;
+ double newAsc = asc * sy;
+ double newDec = dec * sy;
+ // it is not necessary to recalculated lm for the new font.
+ // note: lm.getBaselineOffsets()[lm.getBaselineIndex()]) must be 0
+ // by definition. Was:
+ // int hght = (int) (ht + (newAsc - newDec - lm.getBaselineOffsets()[lm.getBaselineIndex()]));
+ // original:
+ if (/** @j2sNative false && */ true) {
+ int hght = (int) (ht + (newAsc - newDec)); // Q: why " - newDec " ? (0,0) is on the font baseline, I think
+ Font font = ofont.deriveFont(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(sx, sy));
+ g.setFont(font);
+ g.drawChars(dc, 0, dc.length, x * charWidth, hght);
+ ht += newHeight;
+ } else {
+ // SwingJS does not implement font.deriveFont()
+ // this is off by a very small amount.
+ int hght2 = (int) (ht2 + newAsc);
+ Graphics2D gg = (Graphics2D) g.create();
+ gg.setFont(ofont);
+ gg.transform(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(sx, sy));
+ //System.out.println("sx " + sx + " sy " + sy + " " + hght + " " + lm.getDescent() + " " + dec + " " + newDec + " " + lm.getAscent() + " " + asc + " " + newAsc);
+ gg.drawString(s, (int) (x * charWidth / sx),
+ (int) (hght2 / sy));
+ gg.dispose();
+ ht2 += newHeight;
+ }
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE,
BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 3f, new float[]
- { 5f, 3f }, 0f));
+ { 5f, 3f }, 0f));
y2 = (int) (y
- ((_aa.threshold.value - min) / range) * _aa.graphHeight);