<?xml version="1.0"?>
- * just a crude zip up of non-Jalview classes for development purposes -BH 2018
- *
- * external JAR class treatment for JavaScript: see src2/README_SWINGJS.txt
- *
+This ANT task creates the follwing .zip files in the libjs directory:
+Some source files from other projects need to be transpiled, but they do not need to be part of the
+Java compilation. In fact, some of them (MiGLayout) should NOT be part of the Java compilation, because
+the implementation is not complete.
+The solution was to store these files "off-classpath" in srcjar/ and just transfer them temporarily
+to the classpath (in src2/), compile, and delete the temporary java files.
+The sequence is:
+1) copy files from srcjar/ to src2/
+2) let the transpiler do its job on them (automatically, if Project...Build Automatically is checked)
+3) run this ANT task
+4) delete the *.java files in src2/
<project name="jalviewX" default="zipall" basedir="."
-This is sources/net.sf.j2s.java.core/dist/DEV_NOTES.txt
+This is sources/net.sf.j2s.java.core/dist/DEV_NOTES.txt
-_j2sclasslist.txt the list of .js files concatenated into coreswingjs.js and minified to coreswingjs.z.js
-net.sj.j2s.core.jar Java8 transpiler (place in eclipse/dropins)
+the list of .js files concatenated into coreswingjs.js and minified to coreswingjs.z.js
-net.sj.j2s.core-j11.jar Java 11 transpiler (place in eclipse/dropins)
-SwingJS-site.zip the full site directory for SwingJS including all files not in the test/ directory.
-timestamp the date this directory was last modified yyyymmddhhmmss
-If the name of the jar file in eclipse/dropins changes, be sure to restart Eclipse with the -clean option.
+the full site directory for SwingJS including all files not in the test/ directory.