label.viewer_path_tip = Jalview will first try any path entered here, else standard installation locations.<br>Double-click to browse for file.
label.invalid_viewer_path = Path not found or not executable
label.viewer_missing = Structure viewer not found.<br/>Please enter the path to the executable (if installed),<br/>or download and install the program.
-label.chimera_failed = Error opening Chimera - is it installed?\nCheck path in Preferences, Structure
+label.open_viewer_failed = Error opening {0} - is it installed?\nCheck path in Preferences, Structure
label.min_colour = Minimum Colour
label.max_colour = Maximum Colour
label.no_colour = No Colour
label.jmol_help = Jmol Help
label.chimera_help = Chimera Help
label.close_viewer = Close Viewer
-label.confirm_close_chimera = This will close Jalview''s connection to {0}.<br>Do you want to close the Chimera window as well?
+label.confirm_close_viewer = This will close Jalview''s connection to {0}.<br>Do you want to close the {1} window as well?
label.all = All
label.sort_by = Sort alignment by
label.sort_by_score = Sort by Score
action.export_annotations=Exportar Anotaciones
action.set_as_reference=Marcar como Referencia
action.unmark_as_reference=Desmarcar como Referencia
-label.chimera_failed=Error al abrir Chimera - está instalado?\nCompruebe ruta en Preferencias, Estructura
+label.open_viewer_failed=Error al abrir {0} - está instalado?\nCompruebe ruta en Preferencias, Estructura
label.select_pdb_file=Seleccionar Fichero PDB
label.structures_filter=Filtro de Estructuras
warn.oneseq_msainput_selection=La selección actual sólo contiene una única secuencia. ¿Quieres enviar todas las secuencias para la alineación en su lugar?
label.use_rnaview=Usar RNAView para estructura secondaria
label.search_all=Introducir uno o más valores de búsqueda separados por punto y coma ";" (Nota: buscará en toda la base de datos PDB)
-label.confirm_close_chimera=Cerrará la conexión de Jalview a {0}.<br>¿Quieres cerrar la ventana Chimera también?
+label.confirm_close_viewer=Cerrará la conexión de Jalview a {0}.<br>¿Quieres cerrar la ventana {1} también?
tooltip.rnalifold_calculations=Se calcularán predicciones de estructura secondaria de RNA para el alineaminento, y se actualizarán si se efectuan cambios
tooltip.rnalifold_settings=Modificar la configuración de la predicción RNAAlifold. Úselo para ocultar o mostrar resultados del cálculo de RNA, o cambiar parámetros de el plegado de RNA.
label.show_selected_annotations=Mostrar anotaciones seleccionadas
package jalview.appletgui;
-import jalview.bin.JalviewLite;
-import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
-import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry;
-import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
-import jalview.schemes.BuriedColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.HelixColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.HydrophobicColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.PurinePyrimidineColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.StrandColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.TaylorColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.TurnColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme;
-import jalview.schemes.ZappoColourScheme;
-import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager;
-import jalview.util.MessageManager;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
+import jalview.bin.JalviewLite;
+import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
+import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry;
+import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
+import jalview.schemes.BuriedColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.HelixColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.HydrophobicColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.PurinePyrimidineColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.StrandColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.TaylorColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.TurnColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.UserColourScheme;
+import jalview.schemes.ZappoColourScheme;
+import jalview.structure.StructureSelectionManager;
+import jalview.util.MessageManager;
public class AppletJmol extends EmbmenuFrame implements
// StructureListener,
KeyListener, ActionListener, ItemListener
void closeViewer()
- jmb.closeViewer();
+ jmb.closeViewer(true);
jmb = null;
return getViewerTitle("Jmol", true);
- public void closeViewer()
- {
- // remove listeners for all structures in viewer
- getSsm().removeStructureViewerListener(this, this.getStructureFiles());
- jmolViewer.dispose();
- lastCommand = null;
- jmolViewer = null;
- releaseUIResources();
- }
public List<String> executeCommand(StructureCommandI command,
boolean getReply)
import jalview.api.AlignmentViewPanel;
import jalview.api.structures.JalviewStructureDisplayI;
-import jalview.bin.Cache;
import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
import jalview.datamodel.PDBEntry;
import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultMatchI;
* Close down the Jalview viewer and listener, and (optionally) the associated
* Chimera window.
+ @Override
public void closeViewer(boolean closeChimera)
- getSsm().removeStructureViewerListener(this, this.getStructureFiles());
+ super.closeViewer(closeChimera);
if (closeChimera)
- releaseUIResources();
* @return
- public boolean isChimeraRunning()
+ @Override
+ public boolean isViewerRunning()
return chimeraManager.isChimeraLaunched();
- * Ask Chimera to save its session to the given file. Returns true if
- * successful, else false.
- *
- * @param filepath
- * @return
- */
- public boolean saveSession(String filepath)
- {
- if (isChimeraRunning())
- {
- /*
- * Chimera:
- * ChimeraX:
- */
- String command = getCommandGenerator().saveSession(filepath)
- .getCommand();
- List<String> reply = chimeraManager.sendChimeraCommand(command, true);
- if (reply.contains("Session written"))
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- Cache.log
- .error("Error saving Chimera session: " + reply.toString());
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
* Ask Chimera to open a session file. Returns true if successful, else false.
* The filename must have a .py (Chimera) or .cxs (ChimeraX) extension for
* this command to work.
- public void closeViewer(boolean closeExternalViewer)
- {
- // Jmol does not use an external viewer
- if (jmb != null)
- {
- jmb.closeViewer();
- }
- setAlignmentPanel(null);
- _aps.clear();
- _alignwith.clear();
- _colourwith.clear();
- // TODO: check for memory leaks where instance isn't finalised because jmb
- // holds a reference to the window
- jmb = null;
- }
- @Override
public void run()
_started = true;
if (!jmb.launchChimera())
- MessageManager.getString("label.chimera_failed"),
+ MessageManager.formatMessage("label.open_viewer_failed",
+ getViewerName()),
- * Close down this instance of Jalview's Chimera viewer, giving the user the
- * option to close the associated Chimera window (process). They may wish to
- * keep it open until they have had an opportunity to save any work.
- *
- * @param closeChimera
- * if true, close any linked Chimera process; if false, prompt first
- */
- @Override
- public void closeViewer(boolean closeChimera)
- {
- if (jmb != null && jmb.isChimeraRunning())
- {
- if (!closeChimera)
- {
- String prompt = MessageManager
- .formatMessage("label.confirm_close_chimera", new Object[]
- { jmb.getViewerTitle(getViewerName(), false) });
- prompt = JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(true, prompt);
- int confirm = JvOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, prompt,
- MessageManager.getString("label.close_viewer"),
- /*
- * abort closure if user hits escape or Cancel
- */
- if (confirm == JvOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION
- || confirm == JvOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION)
- {
- return;
- }
- closeChimera = confirm == JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION;
- }
- jmb.closeViewer(closeChimera);
- }
- setAlignmentPanel(null);
- _aps.clear();
- _alignwith.clear();
- _colourwith.clear();
- // TODO: check for memory leaks where instance isn't finalised because jmb
- // holds a reference to the window
- jmb = null;
- dispose();
- }
- /**
* Open any newly added PDB structures in Chimera, having first fetched data
* from PDB (if not already saved).
return ViewerType.PYMOL;
- public boolean isPymolRunning()
+ @Override
+ public boolean isViewerRunning()
return pymolManager.isPymolLaunched();
+ @Override
public void closeViewer(boolean closePymol)
- getSsm().removeStructureViewerListener(this, this.getStructureFiles());
+ super.closeViewer(closePymol);
if (closePymol)
- releaseUIResources();
public boolean openSession(String pymolSessionFile)
if (!binding.launchPymol())
- MessageManager.getString("label.pymol_failed"),
+ MessageManager.formatMessage("label.open_viewer_failed",
+ getViewerName()),
- public void closeViewer(boolean closePymol)
- {
- if (binding != null && binding.isPymolRunning())
- {
- if (!closePymol)
- {
- // TODO i18n (and pull up)
- String prompt = MessageManager
- .formatMessage("label.confirm_close_pymol", new Object[]
- { binding.getViewerTitle(getViewerName(), false) });
- prompt = JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(true, prompt);
- int confirm = JvOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, prompt,
- MessageManager.getString("label.close_viewer"),
- /*
- * abort closure if user hits escape or Cancel
- */
- if (confirm == JvOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION
- || confirm == JvOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION)
- {
- return;
- }
- closePymol = confirm == JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION;
- }
- binding.closeViewer(closePymol);
- }
- setAlignmentPanel(null);
- _aps.clear();
- _alignwith.clear();
- _colourwith.clear();
- // TODO: check for memory leaks where instance isn't finalised because
- // binding
- // holds a reference to the window
- binding = null;
- dispose();
- }
- @Override
public ViewerType getViewerType()
return ViewerType.PYMOL;
return getBinding() == null ? null : getBinding().saveSession();
+ /**
+ * Close down this instance of Jalview's Chimera viewer, giving the user the
+ * option to close the associated Chimera window (process). They may wish to
+ * keep it open until they have had an opportunity to save any work.
+ *
+ * @param forceClose
+ * if true, close any linked Chimera process; if false, prompt first
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void closeViewer(boolean forceClose)
+ {
+ AAStructureBindingModel binding = getBinding();
+ if (binding != null && binding.isViewerRunning())
+ {
+ if (!forceClose)
+ {
+ String viewerName = getViewerName();
+ String prompt = MessageManager
+ .formatMessage("label.confirm_close_viewer", new Object[]
+ { binding.getViewerTitle(viewerName, false), viewerName });
+ prompt = JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(true, prompt);
+ int confirm = JvOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, prompt,
+ MessageManager.getString("label.close_viewer"),
+ /*
+ * abort closure if user hits escape or Cancel
+ */
+ if (confirm == JvOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION
+ || confirm == JvOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ forceClose = confirm == JvOptionPane.YES_OPTION;
+ }
+ binding.closeViewer(forceClose);
+ }
+ setAlignmentPanel(null);
+ _aps.clear();
+ _alignwith.clear();
+ _colourwith.clear();
+ // TODO: check for memory leaks where instance isn't finalised because jmb
+ // holds a reference to the window
+ // jmb = null;
+ dispose();
+ }
executeCommand(cmd, false);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the viewer is an external structure viewer for which the
+ * process is still alive, else false (for Jmol, or an external viewer which
+ * the user has independently closed)
+ *
+ * @return
+ */
+ public boolean isViewerRunning()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Closes Jalview's structure viewer panel and releases associated resources.
+ * If it is managing an external viewer program, and {@code forceClose} is
+ * true, also shuts down that program.
+ *
+ * @param forceClose
+ */
+ public void closeViewer(boolean forceClose)
+ {
+ getSsm().removeStructureViewerListener(this, this.getStructureFiles());
+ releaseUIResources();
+ // add external viewer shutdown in overrides
+ // todo - or can maybe pull up to here
+ }
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
+import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
+import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import jalview.api.FeatureRenderer;
import jalview.api.structures.JalviewStructureDisplayI;
import jalview.bin.Cache;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
-import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
-import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
-import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@Test(singleThreaded = true)
public class JalviewChimeraView
- assertTrue(binding.isChimeraRunning(), "Failed to start Chimera");
+ assertTrue(binding.isViewerRunning(), "Failed to start Chimera");
assertEquals(chimeraViewer.getBinding().getPdbCount(), 1);
} while (!binding.isFinishedInit());
- assertTrue(binding.isChimeraRunning(), "Failed to launch Chimera");
+ assertTrue(binding.isViewerRunning(), "Failed to launch Chimera");
assertEquals(binding.getPdbCount(), 1);
} while (!binding.isFinishedInit());
- assertTrue(binding.isChimeraRunning(), "Failed to launch Chimera");
+ assertTrue(binding.isViewerRunning(), "Failed to launch Chimera");
assertEquals(binding.getPdbCount(), 1);