--- /dev/null
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+* @author: Copyright (C) Tim Carver
+package ext.jemboss;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.net.InetAddress;
+* Contains all property information about the client
+* and the server.
+public class JembossParams
+/** denotes a server is OK */
+ static public final int SERVER_OK = 0;
+/** denotes a server is giving errors */
+ static public final int SERVER_ERR = 1;
+/** denotes a server is not responding */
+ static public final int SERVER_DOWN = 2;
+ // these are the things that could be set
+ private boolean useHTTPSProxy = false;
+ private String useHTTPSProxyName = "useHTTPSProxy";
+ private boolean useProxy = false;
+ private String useProxyName = "proxy.use";
+ private String proxyHost = "wwwcache";
+ private String proxyHostName = "proxy.host";
+ private int proxyPortNum = 8080;
+ private String proxyPortNumName = "proxy.port";
+//browser proxy
+ /** use a separate proxy for browsing the web */
+ private boolean useBrowserProxy = false;
+ /** property name for using separate proxy for browsing the web */
+ private String useBrowserProxyName = "browserProxy.use";
+ /** browser proxy host */
+ private String browserProxyHost = "wwwcache";
+ /** property name for browser proxy host */
+ private String browserProxyHostName = "browserProxy.host";
+ /** browser proxy port */
+ private int browserProxyPort = 8080;
+ /** property name for browser proxy port */
+ private String browserProxyPortName = "browserProxy.port";
+ private boolean useTFM;
+ private String useTFMName = "tfm.use";
+ /** use proxy authentication */
+ private boolean useProxyAuth = false;
+ /** property name for using proxy authentication */
+ private String useProxyAuthName = "proxy.auth";
+ private String proxyAuthUser = "";
+ private String proxyAuthUserName = "proxy.user";
+ private String proxyAuthPasswd = "";
+ private String proxyAuthPasswdName = "proxy.passwd";
+ private boolean proxyOverride = false;
+ private String proxyOverrideName = "proxy.override";
+ /** use unix authentication to run applications on the server */
+ private boolean useAuth = false;
+ /** property name for using unix authentication */
+ private String useAuthName = "user.auth";
+ /** public services URL */
+ private String publicSoapURL =
+ "http://anaplog.compbio.dundee.ac.uk:8080/axis/services";
+ /** property name for public services URL */
+ private String publicSoapURLName = "server.public";
+ /** private services URL */
+ private String privateSoapURL =
+ "http://anaplog.compbio.dundee.ac.uk:8080/axis/services";
+ /** property name for private services URL */
+ private String privateSoapURLName = "server.private";
+ /** service name */
+ private String soapService = "JembossServer";
+ /** property name for service name */
+ private String soapServiceName = "VAMSAS Services";
+ /** private service name */
+ private String privateSoapService = "JembossServer";
+ /** property name for private service name */
+ private String privateSoapServiceName = "VAMSAS Services";
+ /** public service name */
+ private String publicSoapService = "JembossServer";
+ /** property name for public service name */
+ private String publicSoapServiceName = "VAMSAS Services";
+ //soap options
+ private boolean debug = false;
+ private String debugName = "jemboss.debug";
+ /** batch mode support */
+ private boolean hasBatchMode = true;
+ /** property name for batch mode support */
+ private String hasBatchModeName = "jemboss.hasbatchmode";
+ /** interactive mode support */
+ private boolean hasInteractiveMode = true;
+ /** property name for interactive mode support */
+ private String hasInteractiveModeName = "jemboss.hasinteractivemode";
+ /** current mode for running an application */
+ private String currentMode = "interactive";
+ /** property name for current mode */
+ private String currentModeName = "jemboss.mode";
+ // server lists for redundancy
+ private String serverPublicList = "";
+ private String serverPublicListName = "server.publiclist";
+ private String serverPrivateList = "";
+ private String serverPrivateListName = "server.privatelist";
+ // we don't remember these perhaps we should for captive systems
+ private String serviceUserName = "jalview";
+ private String serviceUserNameName = "user.name";
+ private char[] servicePasswd = null;
+ /** services password */
+ private byte[] servicePasswdByte = null;
+ Properties jembossSettings;
+ // Internal flags to help in the dynamic evaluation of properties
+ private boolean useJavaProxy = false;
+ private String javaProxyPort = "";
+ private String javaProxyHost = "";
+ private boolean useJavaNoProxy = false;
+ private String javaNoProxy = "";
+ private Vector javaNoProxyEntries;
+ private int javaProxyPortNum = 8080;
+ // structures for server redundancy
+ private boolean publicServerFailOver = false;
+ private boolean privateServerFailOver = false;
+ private Hashtable serverStatusHash;
+ private Vector publicServers;
+ private Vector privateServers;
+ /** Jemboss java server */
+ private static boolean jembossServer = false;
+ /** property name for Jemboss java server */
+ private String jembossServerName = "jemboss.server";
+ /** cygwin */
+ private static String cygwin = null;
+ /** property name for Jemboss java server */
+ private String cygwinName = "cygwin";
+ //EMBOSS directories
+ /** plplot library location */
+ private String plplot = "/usr/local/share/EMBOSS/";
+ /** property name for plplot library location */
+ private String plplotName = "plplot";
+ /** emboss data location */
+ private String embossData = "/usr/local/share/EMBOSS/data/";
+ /** property name for emboss data location */
+ private String embossDataName = "embossData";
+ /** emboss binary location */
+ private String embossBin = "/usr/local/bin/";
+ /** property name for emboss binary location */
+ private String embossBinName = "embossBin";
+ /** emboss path environment variable */
+ private String embossPath = "/usr/bin/:/bin";
+ /** property name for emboss path environment variable */
+ private String embossPathName = "embossPath";
+ /** emboss environment */
+ private String embossEnvironment = "";
+ /** property name for emboss environment */
+ private String embossEnvironmentName = "embossEnvironment";
+ /** acd file location */
+ private String acdDirToParse = "/usr/local/share/EMBOSS/acd/";
+ /** property name for acd file location */
+ private String acdDirToParseName = "acdDirToParse";
+ //EMBOSS Application pages
+ /** documentation URL */
+ private String embURL = "http://www.uk.embnet.org/Software/EMBOSS/Apps/";
+ /** property name for documentation URL */
+ private String embossURL = "embossURL";
+ // user properties
+ /** user home directory */
+ private String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home");
+ /** property name for user home directory */
+ private String userHomeName = "user.home";
+* Loads and holds the properties
+ public JembossParams()
+ {
+ Properties defaults = new Properties();
+ ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
+ // initialize data structures
+ serverStatusHash = new Hashtable();
+ publicServers = new Vector();
+ privateServers = new Vector();
+ // initialize settings from table above
+ defaults.put(userHomeName,userHome);
+ defaults.put(embossURL,embURL);
+ defaults.put(plplotName,plplot);
+ defaults.put(embossDataName,embossData);
+ defaults.put(embossBinName,embossBin);
+ defaults.put(embossPathName,embossPath);
+ defaults.put(embossEnvironmentName,embossEnvironment);
+ defaults.put(acdDirToParseName,acdDirToParse);
+ defaults.put(useBrowserProxyName, new Boolean(useBrowserProxy).toString());
+ defaults.put(browserProxyHostName,browserProxyHost);
+ defaults.put(browserProxyPortName,new Integer(browserProxyPort).toString());
+ defaults.put(useTFMName,new Boolean(useTFM).toString());
+ defaults.put(useProxyName, new Boolean(useProxy).toString());
+ defaults.put(useHTTPSProxyName, new Boolean(useHTTPSProxy).toString());
+ defaults.put(proxyHostName,proxyHost);
+ defaults.put(proxyPortNumName, new Integer(proxyPortNum).toString());
+ defaults.put(useProxyAuthName, new Boolean(useProxyAuth).toString());
+ defaults.put(proxyAuthUserName, proxyAuthUser);
+ defaults.put(proxyAuthPasswdName, proxyAuthPasswd);
+ defaults.put(proxyOverrideName, new Boolean(proxyOverride).toString());
+ defaults.put(useAuthName, new Boolean(useAuth).toString());
+ defaults.put(publicSoapURLName, publicSoapURL);
+ defaults.put(privateSoapURLName, privateSoapURL);
+ defaults.put(privateSoapServiceName, privateSoapService);
+ defaults.put(publicSoapServiceName, publicSoapService);
+ defaults.put(debugName, new Boolean(debug).toString());
+ defaults.put(hasBatchModeName, new Boolean(hasBatchMode).toString());
+ defaults.put(hasInteractiveModeName, new Boolean(hasInteractiveMode).toString());
+ defaults.put(currentModeName, currentMode);
+ defaults.put(serverPublicListName, serverPublicList);
+ defaults.put(serverPrivateListName, serverPrivateList);
+ defaults.put(serviceUserNameName, serviceUserName);
+ // load into real settings
+ jembossSettings = new Properties(defaults);
+ // try out of the classpath
+ try
+ {
+ jembossSettings.load(cl.getResourceAsStream("resources/jemboss.properties"));
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println("Didn't find properties file in classpath.");
+ }
+ // override with local system settings
+ loadIn(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ // override with local user settings
+ loadIn(System.getProperty("user.home"));
+ // update our settings
+ updateSettingsFromProperties();
+ if(System.getProperty("useHTTPSProxy") != null)
+ if(System.getProperty("useHTTPSProxy").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
+ useHTTPSProxy=true;
+ // set up for overrides
+ javaNoProxyEntries = new Vector();
+ if(System.getProperty("proxyPort") != null)
+ {
+ if(System.getProperty("proxyHost") != null)
+ {
+ useJavaProxy = true;
+ useProxy = useJavaProxy;
+ useBrowserProxy = useJavaProxy;
+ javaProxyPort = System.getProperty("proxyPort");
+ javaProxyPortNum = Integer.parseInt(javaProxyPort);
+ javaProxyHost = System.getProperty("proxyHost");
+ browserProxyHost = javaProxyHost;
+ browserProxyPort = javaProxyPortNum;
+ if(System.getProperty("http.nonProxyHosts") != null)
+ {
+ useJavaNoProxy = true;
+ javaNoProxy = System.getProperty("http.nonProxyHosts");
+ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(javaNoProxy,"|");
+ while (tok.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ String toks = tok.nextToken() + "/";
+ javaNoProxyEntries.add(toks);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Load a property from the jemboss.property file.
+ * @param folder location of jemboss.property
+ *
+ */
+ private void loadIn(String folder)
+ {
+ FileInputStream in = null;
+ try
+ {
+ String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
+ in = new FileInputStream(folder + fs + "jemboss.properties");
+ jembossSettings.load(in);
+ }
+ catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e)
+ {
+ in = null;
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println("Can't find properties file in"+folder+"."+
+ " Using defaults.");
+ }
+ catch (java.io.IOException e)
+ {
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println("Can't read properties file. " +
+ "Using defaults.");
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (in != null)
+ {
+ try { in.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { }
+ in = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Update the property settings for jembossSettings.
+ *
+ */
+ protected void updateSettingsFromProperties()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ String tmp;
+ userHome = jembossSettings.getProperty(userHomeName);
+ embURL = jembossSettings.getProperty(embossURL);
+ plplot = jembossSettings.getProperty(plplotName);
+ embossData = jembossSettings.getProperty(embossDataName);
+ embossBin = jembossSettings.getProperty(embossBinName);
+ embossPath = jembossSettings.getProperty(embossPathName);
+ embossEnvironment = jembossSettings.getProperty(embossEnvironmentName);
+ acdDirToParse = jembossSettings.getProperty(acdDirToParseName);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(jembossServerName);
+ jembossServer = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ cygwin = jembossSettings.getProperty(cygwinName);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(useHTTPSProxyName);
+ useHTTPSProxy = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(useProxyName);
+ useProxy = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ proxyHost = jembossSettings.getProperty(proxyHostName);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(proxyPortNumName);
+ proxyPortNum = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(useBrowserProxyName);
+ useBrowserProxy = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ browserProxyHost = jembossSettings.getProperty(browserProxyHostName);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(browserProxyPortName);
+ browserProxyPort = Integer.parseInt(tmp);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(useTFMName);
+ useTFM = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(useProxyAuthName);
+ useProxyAuth = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ proxyAuthUser = jembossSettings.getProperty(proxyAuthUserName);
+ proxyAuthPasswd = jembossSettings.getProperty(proxyAuthPasswdName);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(proxyOverrideName);
+ proxyOverride = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(useAuthName);
+ useAuth = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ publicSoapURL = jembossSettings.getProperty(publicSoapURLName);
+ privateSoapURL = jembossSettings.getProperty(privateSoapURLName);
+ soapService = jembossSettings.getProperty(soapServiceName);
+ privateSoapService = jembossSettings.getProperty(privateSoapServiceName);
+ publicSoapService = jembossSettings.getProperty(publicSoapServiceName);
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(debugName);
+ debug = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(hasBatchModeName);
+ hasBatchMode = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ tmp = jembossSettings.getProperty(hasInteractiveModeName);
+ hasInteractiveMode = new Boolean(tmp).booleanValue();
+ currentMode = jembossSettings.getProperty(currentModeName);
+ serverPublicList = jembossSettings.getProperty(serverPublicListName);
+ serverPrivateList = jembossSettings.getProperty(serverPrivateListName);
+// serviceUserName = jembossSettings.getProperty(serviceUserNameName);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) { }
+ }
+* Initialize the server redundancy data. This is a separate
+* method because the server info might not be initialized in
+* the constructor, but may be imported later from the command line.
+ protected void setupServerRedundancy()
+ {
+ if (!serverPublicList.equals(""))
+ {
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println("JembossParams: Redundant public servers\n "
+ +serverPublicList);
+ publicServerFailOver = true;
+ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(serverPublicList,"|");
+ while (tok.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ String toks = tok.nextToken();
+ publicServers.add(toks);
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println(" Entry " + toks);
+ serverStatusHash.put(toks, new Integer(SERVER_OK));
+ }
+ }
+ if(!serverPrivateList.equals(""))
+ {
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println("JembossParams: Redundant private servers\n "
+ +serverPrivateList);
+ privateServerFailOver = true;
+ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(serverPrivateList,"|");
+ while (tok.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ String toks = tok.nextToken();
+ privateServers.add(toks);
+ if(debug)
+ System.out.println(" Entry " + toks);
+ serverStatusHash.put(toks,new Integer(SERVER_OK));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* If using a proxy server
+ public boolean getUseProxy()
+ {
+ return useProxy;
+ }
+* If using an https proxy server
+ public boolean getUseHTTPSProxy()
+ {
+ return useHTTPSProxy;
+ }
+* If using a proxy server for a given URL
+* @param s the URL we wish to connect to
+ public boolean getUseProxy(String s)
+ {
+ if(proxyOverride)
+ return useProxy;
+ else
+ {
+ if(!useJavaProxy)
+ return useProxy;
+ else
+ {
+ boolean jp = true;
+ if (useJavaNoProxy)
+ {
+ int ip = javaNoProxyEntries.size();
+ for(int j = 0 ; j<ip ; ++j)
+ if(s.indexOf((String)javaNoProxyEntries.get(j).toString()) != -1)
+ jp = false;
+ }
+ return jp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* The name of the proxy server
+* @return name of the proxy host
+ public String getProxyHost()
+ {
+ if (proxyOverride)
+ return proxyHost;
+ else
+ {
+ if(!useJavaProxy)
+ return proxyHost;
+ else
+ return javaProxyHost;
+ }
+ }
+* The port the proxy server listens on
+* @return proxy port number
+ public int getProxyPortNum()
+ {
+ if(proxyOverride)
+ return proxyPortNum;
+ else
+ {
+ if(!useJavaProxy)
+ return proxyPortNum;
+ else
+ return javaProxyPortNum;
+ }
+ }
+* Determine if the a proxy server is being used for web browsing
+* @return true if using a proxy server for the browser
+ public boolean isBrowserProxy()
+ {
+ return useBrowserProxy;
+ }
+* Get the name of the proxy server for the browser
+* @return the name of the proxy host
+ public String getBrowserProxyHost()
+ {
+ return browserProxyHost;
+ }
+* The port number of the proxy server for the browser
+* @return proxy port number
+ public int getBrowserProxyPort()
+ {
+ return browserProxyPort;
+ }
+ public boolean isUseTFM() { return useTFM; }
+* If using authenticate with the proxy
+* @return true if unix authentication used
+ public boolean getUseProxyAuth()
+ {
+ return useProxyAuth;
+ }
+* Username needed to use for the proxy server
+ public String getProxyAuthUser()
+ {
+ return proxyAuthUser;
+ }
+* Password needed to use for the proxy server
+ public String getProxyAuthPasswd()
+ {
+ return proxyAuthPasswd;
+ }
+* A description of the proxy settings
+* @return a description of the proxy settings
+ public String proxyDescription()
+ {
+ String pdesc = "";
+ if (proxyOverride)
+ {
+ if(useProxy)
+ {
+ String spnum = new Integer(proxyPortNum).toString();
+ pdesc = "Current Settings: " + "Proxy Host: " + proxyHost +
+ " Proxy Port: " + spnum;
+ }
+ else
+ pdesc = "No proxies, connecting direct.";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (useJavaProxy)
+ {
+ pdesc = "Settings Imported from Java: " + "Proxy Host: " + javaProxyHost
+ + " Proxy Port: " + javaProxyPort;
+ if(useJavaNoProxy)
+ pdesc = pdesc + "\nNo Proxy On: " + javaNoProxy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(useProxy)
+ {
+ String spnum = new Integer(proxyPortNum).toString();
+ pdesc = "Current Settings: " + "Proxy Host: " + proxyHost +
+ " Proxy Port: " + spnum;
+ }
+ else
+ pdesc = "No proxies, connecting direct.";
+ }
+ }
+ return pdesc;
+ }
+* Whether the main service requires authentication
+* @return true if the server is using unix authentication
+ public boolean getUseAuth()
+ {
+ return useAuth;
+ }
+* Returns the URL of the public soap server
+* @return the public services URL
+ public String getPublicSoapURL()
+ {
+ return publicSoapURL;
+ }
+* @return true if using a Jemboss server
+ public static boolean isJembossServer()
+ {
+ return jembossServer;
+ }
+* @return true if using cygwin
+ public static boolean isCygwin()
+ {
+ if(cygwin == null || cygwin.equals(""))
+ return false;
+ else
+ return true;
+ }
+* Get the cygwin root
+* @return cygwin root
+ public String getCygwinRoot()
+ {
+ return cygwin;
+ }
+* Get the location of plplot
+* @return the location of plplot
+ public String getPlplot()
+ {
+ return plplot;
+ }
+* Get the user home directory
+* @return the user home directory
+ public String getUserHome()
+ {
+ return userHome;
+ }
+* Set the user home directory property
+* @param s the user home directory
+ public void setUserHome(String s)
+ {
+ userHome = s;
+ }
+* @return the documentation URL
+ public String getembURL()
+ {
+ return embURL;
+ }
+* @return the location of the emboss data
+ public String getEmbossData()
+ {
+ return embossData;
+ }
+* @return the location of the emboss binaries
+ public String getEmbossBin()
+ {
+ return embossBin;
+ }
+* Get the path for emboss
+* @return the path for emboss
+ public String getEmbossPath()
+ {
+ return embossPath;
+ }
+* Get the environment for emboss
+* @return the environment for emboss
+ public String getEmbossEnvironment()
+ {
+ embossEnvironment = embossEnvironment.trim();
+ embossEnvironment = embossEnvironment.replace(':',' ');
+ embossEnvironment = embossEnvironment.replace(',',' ');
+ return embossEnvironment;
+ }
+* Get the emboss environment as a String array
+* @return the emboss environment as a String array
+ public String[] getEmbossEnvironmentArray(String[] envp)
+ {
+ embossEnvironment = embossEnvironment.trim();
+ embossEnvironment = embossEnvironment.replace(':',' ');
+ embossEnvironment = embossEnvironment.replace(',',' ');
+ if(embossEnvironment.equals(""))
+ return envp;
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(embossEnvironment," ");
+ int n=0;
+ while(st.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ st.nextToken();
+ n++;
+ }
+ int sizeEnvp = envp.length;
+ String environ[] = new String[n+sizeEnvp];
+ st = new StringTokenizer(embossEnvironment," ");
+ for(int i=0;i<sizeEnvp;i++)
+ environ[i] = envp[i];
+ n=sizeEnvp;
+ while(st.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ environ[n] = new String(st.nextToken());
+ n++;
+ }
+ return environ;
+ }
+* Acd file location
+* @return acd file location
+ public String getAcdDirToParse()
+ {
+ return acdDirToParse;
+ }
+* Set the URL of the public soap server
+* @param s URL of the public services
+ public void setPublicSoapURL(String s)
+ {
+ publicSoapURL = s;
+ }
+* Returns the URL of the private soap server
+* @return URL of the private services
+ public String getPrivateSoapURL()
+ {
+ return privateSoapURL;
+ }
+* Set the URL of the private soap server
+* @param s URL of the private services
+ public void setPrivateSoapURL(String s)
+ {
+ privateSoapURL = s;
+ }
+* Return whether we have failover on the public server
+ public boolean getPublicServerFailover()
+ {
+ return publicServerFailOver;
+ }
+* Return whether we have failover on the private server
+ public boolean getPrivateServerFailover()
+ {
+ return privateServerFailOver;
+ }
+* Return a vector containing the list of public servers
+ public Vector getPublicServers()
+ {
+ return publicServers;
+ }
+* Return a vector containing the list of private servers
+ public Vector getPrivateServers()
+ {
+ return privateServers;
+ }
+* Mark a server as bad
+ public void setServerStatus(String server, int i)
+ {
+ serverStatusHash.put(server, new Integer(i));
+ }
+* Return the username needed for the remote service
+* @return the username
+ public String getServiceUserName()
+ {
+ return serviceUserName;
+ }
+* Save the username needed for the remote service
+* @param newUserName the username
+ public void setServiceUserName(String newUserName)
+ {
+ serviceUserName = newUserName;
+ }
+* Return the password needed for the remote service
+* @return password
+ public char[] getServicePasswd()
+ {
+ return servicePasswd;
+ }
+* Return the password needed for the remote service
+* @return password
+ public byte[] getServicePasswdByte()
+ {
+ return servicePasswdByte;
+ }
+* Return the password as byte array
+ private static byte[] toByteArr(char ch[])
+ {
+ int len = ch.length;
+ byte msb[] = new byte[len];
+ for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
+ msb[i] = (byte)(ch[i]);
+ return msb;
+ }
+* Save the password needed for the remote service
+* @param newPasswd the username
+ public void setServicePasswd(char[] newPasswd)
+ {
+ int csize = newPasswd.length;
+ servicePasswd = new char[csize];
+ for(int i=0;i<csize;i++)
+ servicePasswd[i] = newPasswd[i];
+ servicePasswdByte = toByteArr(newPasswd);
+ }
+* Get the name of the soap service
+* @return soap service name
+ public String getSoapService()
+ {
+ return soapService;
+ }
+* Get the name of the private soap service
+* @return private service name
+ public String getPrivateSoapService()
+ {
+ return privateSoapService;
+ }
+* Set the name of the private soap service
+* @param s private service name
+ public void setPrivateSoapService(String s)
+ {
+ privateSoapService = s;
+ }
+* Get the name of the public soap service we're using
+* @return public service name
+ public String getPublicSoapService()
+ {
+ return publicSoapService;
+ }
+* Set the name of the public soap service we're using
+* @param s public service name
+ public void setPublicSoapService(String s)
+ {
+ publicSoapService = s;
+ }
+* A description of the server settings
+* @return description of the services
+ public String serverDescription()
+ {
+ String serverdesc = "Current Settings:"
+ +"\nPublic Server: "+publicSoapURL
+ +"\nPrivate Server: "+privateSoapURL
+ +"\nPublic SOAP service: "+publicSoapService
+ +"\nPrivate SOAP service: "+privateSoapService;
+ return serverdesc;
+ }
+* Whether to show debugging information
+ public boolean getDebug()
+ {
+ return debug;
+ }
+* Whether this service supports batch mode
+* @return true if batch mode supported
+ public boolean getHasBatchMode()
+ {
+ return hasBatchMode;
+ }
+* Whether this service supports interactive mode
+* @return true if interactive mode supported
+ public boolean getHasInteractiveMode()
+ {
+ return hasInteractiveMode;
+ }
+* The current mode (interactive or batch).
+* @return a String containing the current mode
+ public String getCurrentMode()
+ {
+ if(hasInteractiveMode)
+ {
+ if (hasBatchMode)
+ return currentMode;
+ else
+ return "interactive";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (hasBatchMode)
+ return "batch";
+ else
+ return currentMode;
+ }
+ }
+* Set the current mode (interactive or batch).
+* @param newMode The new execution mode
+ public void setCurrentMode(String newMode)
+ {
+ currentMode = newMode;
+ }
+* Return the mode list as a vector, suitable for loading into
+* a combobox.
+* @return mode list
+ public Vector modeVector()
+ {
+ Vector mv = new Vector();
+ if (hasInteractiveMode)
+ {
+ if (hasBatchMode)
+ {
+ if (currentMode.equals("interactive"))
+ {
+ mv.add("interactive");
+ mv.add("batch");
+ }
+ else if (currentMode.equals("batch"))
+ {
+ mv.add("batch");
+ mv.add("interactive");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mv.add(currentMode);
+ mv.add("interactive");
+ mv.add("batch");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ mv.add("interactive");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(hasBatchMode)
+ mv.add("batch");
+ }
+ return mv;
+ }
+* Update the properties structure.
+* This doesn't update the actual properties, just the Properties object
+* so you must call updateSettingsFromProperties yoursefl
+* @param name A String naming the property to be updated
+* @param newvalue A String containing the new value of the property
+ public void updateJembossProperty(String name, String newvalue)
+ {
+ if (jembossSettings.getProperty(name) != null)
+ jembossSettings.setProperty(name,newvalue);
+ }
+* Parse a key=value string to update the properties structure
+* @param entry String containing a key=value message
+ public void updateJembossPropString(String entry)
+ {
+ int isep = entry.indexOf('=');
+ if(isep != -1)
+ {
+ String pkey = entry.substring(0,isep);
+ String pvalue = entry.substring(isep+1);
+ updateJembossProperty(pkey, pvalue);
+ }
+ }
+* Parse an array of key=value strings to update the properties structure
+* @param entries Array of Strings containing key=value messages
+ public void updateJembossPropStrings(String[] entries)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i < entries.length; ++i)
+ updateJembossPropString(entries[i]);
+ updateSettingsFromProperties();
+ setupServerRedundancy();
+ }
+* Update properties from a Hashtable
+* @param hash Hashtable containg properties
+ public void updateJembossPropHash(Hashtable hash)
+ {
+ Enumeration enumer = hash.keys();
+ while(enumer.hasMoreElements())
+ {
+ String thiskey = (String)enumer.nextElement().toString();
+ String thisval = (String)hash.get(thiskey);
+ updateJembossProperty(thiskey,thisval);
+ }
+ updateSettingsFromProperties();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+* @author: Copyright (C) Tim Carver
+package ext.jemboss.soap;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import ext.jemboss.JembossParams;
+import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
+import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
+import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import org.apache.axis.encoding.XMLType;
+* Make a axis call to a private server, using the default service
+public class PrivateRequest
+ /** results from calling the web service */
+ private Hashtable proganswer;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param mysettings jemboss properties
+ * @param method method to call
+ * @param args arguments
+ * @throws JembossSoapException if authentication fails
+ *
+ */
+ public PrivateRequest(JembossParams mysettings, String method, Vector args)
+ throws JembossSoapException
+ {
+ this(mysettings, mysettings.getPrivateSoapService(), method, args);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param mysettings jemboss properties
+ * @param service service to call
+ * @param method method to call
+ * @throws JembossSoapException If authentication fails
+ *
+ */
+ public PrivateRequest(JembossParams mysettings, String service, String method)
+ throws JembossSoapException
+ {
+ this(mysettings, service, method, (Vector) null);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param mysettings jemboss properties
+ * @param service service to call
+ * @param method method to call
+ * @param args arguments
+ * @throws JembossSoapException if authentication fails
+ */
+ public PrivateRequest(JembossParams mysettings, String service, String method,
+ Vector args) throws JembossSoapException
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ String endpoint = mysettings.getPublicSoapURL()+"/"+service;
+ org.apache.axis.client.Service serv =
+ new org.apache.axis.client.Service();
+ Call call = (Call) serv.createCall();
+ QName qn = new QName(service, method);
+ call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new java.net.URL(endpoint) );
+ call.setOperationName(new QName(service, method));
+ call.setEncodingStyle(org.apache.axis.Constants.URI_SOAP12_ENC);
+ int nargs = 0;
+ Object params[] = null;
+ if(args != null)
+ {
+ if(mysettings.getUseAuth())
+ nargs = args.size()+2;
+ else
+ nargs = args.size()+1;
+ params = new Object[nargs];
+ Enumeration e = args.elements();
+ for(int i=0;i<args.size();i++)
+ {
+ Object obj = e.nextElement();
+ params[i] = obj;
+ if(obj.getClass().equals(String.class))
+ {
+ call.addParameter("Args"+i, XMLType.XSD_STRING,
+ javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN);
+ }
+ else if(obj.getClass().equals(Hashtable.class))
+ {
+ params[i] = getVector((Hashtable)obj);
+ call.addParameter("Args"+i, XMLType.SOAP_VECTOR,
+ javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN);
+ }
+ else // byte[]
+ {
+ call.addParameter("ByteArray", XMLType.XSD_BASE64,
+ javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN);
+ params[i] = obj;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(mysettings.getUseAuth() == true)
+ {
+ if(args == null)
+ {
+ nargs = 2;
+ params = new Object[nargs];
+ }
+ call.addParameter("Door", XMLType.XSD_STRING,
+ javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN);
+ params[nargs-2] = mysettings.getServiceUserName();
+ call.addParameter("Key", XMLType.XSD_BASE64,
+ javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN);
+ params[nargs-1] = mysettings.getServicePasswdByte();
+ }
+ else //No authorization reqd, so use user name here
+ { //to create own sand box on server
+ if(nargs == 0)
+ {
+ nargs = 1;
+ params = new Object[nargs];
+ }
+ if(args == null)
+ args = new Vector();
+ call.addParameter("Door", XMLType.XSD_STRING,
+ javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN);
+ params[nargs-1] = System.getProperty("user.name");
+ }
+ call.setReturnType(org.apache.axis.Constants.SOAP_VECTOR);
+ Vector vans = (Vector)call.invoke( params );
+ proganswer = new Hashtable();
+ // assumes it's even sized
+ int n = vans.size();
+ for(int j=0;j<n;j+=2)
+ {
+ String s = (String)vans.get(j);
+ if(s.equals("msg"))
+ {
+ String msg = (String)vans.get(j+1);
+ if(msg.startsWith("Failed Authorisation"))
+ throw new JembossSoapException("Authentication Failed");
+ else if(msg.startsWith("Error"))
+ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "alert",
+ }
+ proganswer.put(s,vans.get(j+1));
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ System.out.println("Exception in PrivateRequest "+
+ e.getMessage ());
+ throw new JembossSoapException(" Fault Code = " );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Change the contents of a hashtable to a vector
+ * @return contents of the hash
+ *
+ */
+ private Vector getVector(Hashtable h)
+ {
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ for(Enumeration e = h.keys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;)
+ {
+ String s = (String)e.nextElement();
+ v.add(s);
+ v.add(h.get(s));
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Gets an element out of the embreo result hash
+ * @param val key to look up
+ * @return the element, or an empty String if there is no
+ * element that matches the key
+ *
+ */
+ public Object getVal(String val)
+ {
+ if (proganswer.containsKey(val))
+ return proganswer.get(val);
+ else
+ return "";
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Get the results returned by the server call
+ * @return results
+ *
+ */
+ public Hashtable getHash()
+ {
+ return proganswer;
+ }