Annotation</strong> is not ticked). Any displayed annotation row can be hidden (using the pop-up
menu obtained by right-clicking the label), or re-ordered by dragging the label to a new
position with the left mouse button.</p>
-<p>Web services can also add annotation to an alignment (see the
- <a href="../webServices/jnet.html">JNet web service</a>), and as of Jalview 2.08 quantitative and symbolic
- annotations can be added to an alignment via an <a href="annotationsFormat.html">Annotations
- File</a> dragged into the alignment window or loaded from the
- alignment's file menu.</p>
+Web services can also add annotation to an alignment (see the <a
+href="../webServices/jnet.html">JNet</a> and <a
+href="../webServices/proteinDisorder.html">Disorder</a> protein
+structure prediction services), and as of Jalview 2.08 quantitative
+and symbolic annotations can be added to an alignment via an <a
+href="annotationsFormat.html">Annotations File</a> dragged into the
+alignment window or loaded from the alignment's file menu.
<p><strong>Interactive Alignment Annotation</strong></p>
Annotation rows are added using the <strong>Annotation Label</strong>
below). A dialog box will open for you to enter the text. Consecutive
arrows will be joined together to form a single green arrow.</em>
+<li><a name="rna">RNA Helix</a> (only shown when working with nucleotide sequences)<br>
+<em>Mark selected positions as participating in a base pair
+either upstream or downstream. When the dialog box opens, enter a
+'(' to indicate these bases pair with columns upstream (to right),
+and ')' to indicate this region pairs with bases to the left of the
+highlighted columns.<br />If any brackets do not match up, then an
+orange square will highlight the first position where a bracket was
+found not to match.
<li>Label<br><em>Set the text label at the selected positions. A
dialog box will open for you to enter the text. If
more that one consecutive position is marked with the same label, only