automatically by the Jalview application when double-clicked in a
file browser on Windows and OSX.
- The way that you launch Jalview from the command line depends on the
- platform you are on, and how it has been installed.
+ <p>From version 2.11.2, Jalview includes a <strong>launching shell script</strong> which is the recommended way to
+ launch an installed Jalview application from the command line. It supports all the <a href="clarguments.html">command line arguments</a>
+ that Jalview has previously supported, but makes it easier to launch directly from the command line.</p>
+ <p>There are some important differences between the using the launching script and launching Jalview from its icon:
- <li>Standard installation on Linux/Unix:<pre>
- /PATH_TO_JALVIEW/Jalview -open -annotations -colour Clustal</pre>
+ <li>The launching script will NOT look for updates or perform automatic updates.</li>
+ <li>The launching script cannot open or use JVL files.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <p>If you installed Jalview prior to version 2.11.2 you will not have had the option to add the launching shell script to your PATH.
+ If your application has updated to 2.11.2 then the scripts will now be there, but not in your <code>PATH</code>.
+ There are instructions below to add the launching shell script to your <code>PATH</code> if you want to do so.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <p><em>In <strong>Linux</strong> or <strong>Unix</strong> (<code></code>)</em></p>
+ <p>The installer gives you the option of adding a symbolic link to
+ that script in your <code>$PATH</code>, if it finds a suitable place that your user can add such a
+ link (e.g. <code>~/bin</code>, <code>~/.local/bin</code>, <code>~/local/bin</code>, <code>~/opt/bin</code>). If you chose that option then
+ you should be able to launch Jalview on the command line with the simple command
+ <pre>jalview</pre>
+ If you didn't choose that option during installation (or used an earlier version installer), or wish to make another symbolic link, you can link to the
+ launching shell script with the command
+ <pre>ln -s /PATH_TO_JALVIEW/bin/ jalview</pre>
+ or you could add <code>/PATH_TO_JALVIEW/bin</code> to your own <code>$PATH</code> as it already contains a symbolic link <code>jalview</code>.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p><em>In <strong>Windows</strong> (<code>jalview.bat</code>, <code>jalview.ps1</code>)</em></p>
+ <p>The installer gives you the option of adding Jalview's script folder to your <code>%PATH%</code> allowing you to launch Jalview
+ in a Command Prompt simply with the command
+ <pre>jalview</pre>
+ If you didn't choose that option during installation (or used an earlier version installer), you can either
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ add the <code>\PATH_TO_JALVIEW\bin</code> folder to your <code>%PATH%</code>, or
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ run the launcher script on the command line with its full path
+ <pre>\PATH_TO_JALVIEW\bin\jalview.bat</pre>
+ (you can leave off the <code>.bat</code> extension if you want).
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ The <code>jalview.bat</code> file is a generic wrapper around the
+ PowerShell script <code>jalview.ps1</code> in the same folder. This PowerShell script should work with both
+ PowerShell 5.x (which is installed by default on all modern Windows machines), and also PowerShell 6.0+
+ which might have been installed afterwards.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p><em>In <strong>macOS</strong> (<code>jalview</code>)</em></p>
+ <p>
+ The script you should use to launch Jalview is linked to as
+ <pre>/Applications/</pre>
+ so you can run that command with its full path, or make your own symbolic link to there, or add that folder to your <code>$PATH</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <em>If Jalview automatically updated from a version before 2.11.2</em> you will have to make a symbolic link to <code>/Applications/</code> with the command
+ <pre>ln -s /Applications/ jalview</pre>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p><em>Future</em></p>
+ A future version of Jalview will include a tool to allow adding these "<code>jalview</code>" links to your <code>PATH</code> automatically.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><strong>Older versions of Jalview</strong></p>
+ <p>
+ If you are using a version of Jalview prior to 2.11.2, you can still launch from the command line, but you will have to
+ use a more platform specific way to launch and use command line arguments.
+ <ul>
+ <li>Standard installation on Linux/Unix:
+ <pre>/PATH_TO_JALVIEW/Jalview -open -annotations -colour Clustal</pre>
- <li>Standard installation on Windows:<pre>
- \PATH_TO_JALVIEW\Jalview.exe -open %HOMEPATH%\myalignment.fa</pre>
+ <li>Standard installation on Windows:
+ <pre>\PATH_TO_JALVIEW\Jalview.exe -open %HOMEPATH%\myalignment.fa</pre>
- <li>OSX Application:<pre>
-open /Applications/ --args -open ~/myalignment.fa</pre><em>(put
- all the Jalview arguments <em>after</em> the --args parameter)
- </em><br />
+ <li>OSX Application:
+ <pre>open /Applications/ --args -open /FULL/PATH/TO/myalignment.fa</pre>
+ <em>(put all the Jalview arguments <em>after</em> the --args parameter, and note that paths to files should be full paths from <code>/</code>)</em>
+ <br />
<br /></li>
<li>Jalview standalone executable Jar<pre>
<Path to Java home>/bin/java -jar <Path to Jalview Jar>/jalview-all-1.8.jar -open myalignment.fa</pre></li>