"Escape" key.</li>
<li>Tick the "Match Case" box to perform a case
sensitive search.</li>
+ <li>To access a <a ref="#queryhistory">previously used query</a> press the down arrow or click on the button on the right of the text field.
<strong>Creating Features from Search Results</strong>
max number of times</td>
+ <p><a name="queryhistory"/><strong>Search History</strong></p>
+ <p>A record of all the recent queries made via the Find dialog are stored along with your Jalview user preferences. To open the search history, click on the button to the right of the query field, or press the down arrow key.</p>
+ <img src="searchhist.png" width="404" height="185" align="left"/>
+ <p>The search history keeps up to 99 queries by default. To clear the history, or modify the size of the history, right-click the text box.</p>
+ <img src="searchclearhist.png" width="402" height="121" align="left"/>
+ <p><strong>Other dialogs that provide a query history</strong></p>
+ <p>Jalview's <a href="uniprotsequencefetcher.html">Uniprot</a> and <a href="pdbsequencefetcher.html">PDB</a> free text database search dialogs also provide a query history.</p>
+ <em>The query histories were introduced in Jalview 2.10.2</em>
(just select the region containing insertions to remove)
without affecting the rest of the hidden columns.</li>
+ <li>Recent search histories for <a
+ href="features/search.html#queryhistory">Find</a> and the free
+ text search system (for querying Uniprot and the PDBe).</li>
<strong><a name="experimental">Experimental Features</a></strong>