def eclipseJ2sPlugin = "${eclipseHome}/dropins/${j2sPluginFile.getName()}"
def eclipseJ2sPluginFile = file(eclipseJ2sPlugin)
if (!eclipseJ2sPluginFile.exists()) {
- def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is not installed"
- println(msg)
+ def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is not installed (could not find '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}')"
+ System.err.println(msg)
if (! copyPlugin) {
throw new GradleException(msg)
if (j2sPluginMd5 != eclipseJ2sPluginMd5) {
def msg = "WARNING! Eclipse J2S Plugin '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}' is different to this commit's version '${j2sPlugin}'"
- println(msg)
+ System.err.println(msg)
if (! copyPlugin) {
throw new StopExecutionException(msg)
into eclipseJ2sPluginFile.getParent()
} else {
- def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is the same as '${j2sPlugin}'"
+ def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is the same as '${j2sPlugin}' (this is good)"