id 'eclipse'
id "com.diffplug.gradle.spotless" version "3.28.0"
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '4.0.3'
- id 'com.install4j.gradle' version '8.0.4'
+ id 'com.install4j.gradle' version '8.0.10'
id 'com.dorongold.task-tree' version '1.5' // only needed to display task dependency tree with gradle task1 [task2 ...] taskTree
+ id 'com.palantir.git-version' version '0.12.3'
repositories {
// in ext the values are cast to Object. Ensure string values are cast as String (and not GStringImpl) for later use
def string(Object o) {
return o == null ? "" : o.toString()
-ext {
- jalviewDirAbsolutePath = file(jalviewDir).getAbsolutePath()
- jalviewDirRelativePath = jalviewDir
- // local build environment properties
- // can be "projectDir/"
- def localProps = "${projectDir}/"
- def propsFile = null;
- if (file(localProps).exists()) {
- propsFile = localProps
+def overrideProperties(String propsFileName, boolean output = false) {
+ if (propsFileName == null) {
+ return
- // or "../"
- def dirLocalProps = projectDir.getParent() + "/" + projectDir.getName() + ""
- if (file(dirLocalProps).exists()) {
- propsFile = dirLocalProps
- }
- if (propsFile != null) {
+ def propsFile = file(propsFileName)
+ if (propsFile != null && propsFile.exists()) {
+ println("Using properties from file '${propsFileName}'")
try {
def p = new Properties()
def localPropsFIS = new FileInputStream(propsFile)
p.each {
key, val ->
- def oldval = findProperty(key)
- setProperty(key, val)
- if (oldval != null) {
- println("Overriding property '${key}' ('${oldval}') with ${file(propsFile).getName()} value '${val}'")
+ def oldval
+ if (project.hasProperty(key)) {
+ oldval = project.findProperty(key)
+ project.setProperty(key, val)
+ if (output) {
+ println("Overriding property '${key}' ('${oldval}') with ${file(propsFile).getName()} value '${val}'")
+ }
} else {
- println("Setting unknown property '${key}' with ${file(propsFile).getName()}s value '${val}'")
+ ext.setProperty(key, val)
+ if (output) {
+ println("Setting ext property '${key}' with ${file(propsFile).getName()}s value '${val}'")
+ }
} catch (Exception e) {
- System.out.println("Exception reading")
+ println("Exception reading")
+ e.printStackTrace()
+ext {
+ jalviewDirAbsolutePath = file(jalviewDir).getAbsolutePath()
+ jalviewDirRelativePath = jalviewDir
+ getdownChannelName = CHANNEL.toLowerCase()
+ // default to "default". Currently only has different cosmetics for "develop", "release", "default"
+ propertiesChannelName = ["develop", "release", "test-release", "jalviewjs", "jalviewjs-release" ].contains(getdownChannelName) ? getdownChannelName : "default"
+ // Import channel_properties
+ channelDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${channel_properties_dir}/${propertiesChannelName}")
+ channelGradleProperties = string("${channelDir}/")
+ overrideProperties(channelGradleProperties, false)
+ // local build environment properties
+ // can be "projectDir/"
+ overrideProperties("${projectDir}/", true)
+ // or "../"
+ overrideProperties(projectDir.getParent() + "/" + projectDir.getName() + "", true)
// Import releaseProps from the RELEASE file
+ // datestamp
+ buildDate = new Date().format("yyyyMMdd")
// essentials
bareSourceDir = string(source_dir)
sourceDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${bareSourceDir}")
//cloverTestClassesDir = cloverClassesDir
cloverDb = string("${cloverBuildDir}/clover.db")
- resourceClassesDir = useClover ? cloverClassesDir : classesDir
testSourceDir = useClover ? cloverTestInstrDir : testDir
testClassesDir = useClover ? cloverTestClassesDir : "${jalviewDir}/${test_output_dir}"
getdownWebsiteDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_website_dir}/${JAVA_VERSION}")
buildDist = true
+ buildProperties = null
// the following values might be overridden by the CHANNEL switch
- getdownChannelName = CHANNEL.toLowerCase()
getdownDir = string("${getdownChannelName}/${JAVA_VERSION}")
getdownAppBase = string("${getdown_channel_base}/${getdownDir}")
getdownLauncher = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_lib_dir}/${getdown_launcher}")
getdownAppDistDir = getdown_app_dir_alt
- buildProperties = string("${resourceDir}/${build_properties_file}")
+ getdownImagesDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_images_dir}")
+ getdownSetAppBaseProperty = false // whether to pass the appbase and appdistdir to the application
reportRsyncCommand = false
jvlChannelName = CHANNEL.toLowerCase()
install4jSuffix = CHANNEL.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + CHANNEL.substring(1).toLowerCase(); // BUILD -> Build
- install4jDSStore = "DS_Store-NON-RELEASE"
- install4jDMGBackgroundImage = "jalview_dmg_background-NON-RELEASE.png"
+ install4jDMGDSStore = "${install4j_images_dir}/${install4j_dmg_ds_store}"
+ install4jDMGBackgroundImage = "${install4j_images_dir}/${install4j_dmg_background}"
install4jInstallerName = "${jalview_name} Non-Release Installer"
- install4jExecutableName = jalview_name.replaceAll("[^\\w]+", "_").toLowerCase()
+ install4jExecutableName = install4j_executable_name
install4jExtraScheme = "jalviewx"
+ install4jMacIconsFile = string("${install4j_images_dir}/${install4j_mac_icons_file}")
+ install4jWindowsIconsFile = string("${install4j_images_dir}/${install4j_windows_icons_file}")
+ install4jPngIconFile = string("${install4j_images_dir}/${install4j_png_icon_file}")
+ install4jBackground = string("${install4j_images_dir}/${install4j_background}")
switch (CHANNEL) {
case "BUILD":
install4jExtraScheme = "jalviewb"
- case "RELEASE":
getdownAppDistDir = getdown_app_dir_release
reportRsyncCommand = true
install4jSuffix = ""
- install4jDSStore = "DS_Store"
- install4jDMGBackgroundImage = "jalview_dmg_background.png"
install4jInstallerName = "${jalview_name} Installer"
case "DEVELOP":
reportRsyncCommand = true
+ getdownSetAppBaseProperty = true
// DEVELOP-RELEASE is usually associated with a Jalview release series so set the version
install4jSuffix = "Develop"
- install4jDSStore = "DS_Store-DEVELOP"
- install4jDMGBackgroundImage = "jalview_dmg_background-DEVELOP.png"
install4jExtraScheme = "jalviewd"
install4jInstallerName = "${jalview_name} Develop Installer"
install4jSuffix = "Test"
- install4jDSStore = "DS_Store-TEST-RELEASE"
- install4jDMGBackgroundImage = "jalview_dmg_background-TEST.png"
install4jExtraScheme = "jalviewt"
install4jInstallerName = "${jalview_name} Test Installer"
install4jSuffix = "Test-Local"
- install4jDSStore = "DS_Store-TEST-RELEASE"
- install4jDMGBackgroundImage = "jalview_dmg_background-TEST.png"
install4jExtraScheme = "jalviewt"
install4jInstallerName = "${jalview_name} Test Installer"
- case "LOCAL":
+ case [ "LOCAL", "JALVIEWJS" ]:
getdownAppBase = file(getdownWebsiteDir).toURI().toString()
getdownLauncher = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_lib_dir}/${getdown_launcher_local}")
// override getdownAppBase if requested
if (findProperty("getdown_appbase_override") != null) {
- getdownAppBase = string(getProperty("getdown_appbase_override"))
+ // revert to LOCAL if empty string
+ if (string(getdown_appbase_override) == "") {
+ getdownAppBase = file(getdownWebsiteDir).toURI().toString()
+ getdownLauncher = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_lib_dir}/${getdown_launcher_local}")
+ } else if (string(getdown_appbase_override).startsWith("file://")) {
+ getdownAppBase = string(getdown_appbase_override)
+ getdownLauncher = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_lib_dir}/${getdown_launcher_local}")
+ } else {
+ getdownAppBase = string(getdown_appbase_override)
+ }
println("Overriding getdown appbase with '${getdownAppBase}'")
// sanitise file name for jalview launcher file for this channel
.replaceAll("_*-_*", "-") // collapse _-_
+ getdownWrapperLink = install4jUnixApplicationFolder // e.g. "jalview_local"
getdownAppDir = string("${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdownAppDistDir}")
//getdownJ11libDir = "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdown_j11lib_dir}"
getdownResourceDir = string("${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdown_resource_dir}")
modules_compileClasspath = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${j11modDir}", include: ["*.jar"])
modules_runtimeClasspath = modules_compileClasspath
- gitHash = string("")
- gitBranch = string("")
+ def details = versionDetails()
+ gitHash = details.gitHash
+ gitBranch = details.branchName
println("Using a ${CHANNEL} profile.")
'--add-modules', j11modules
- } else if (JAVA_VERSION.equals("12") || JAVA_VERSION.equals("13")) {
- libDir = j11libDir
- libDistDir = j11libDir
- compile_source_compatibility = JAVA_VERSION
- compile_target_compatibility = JAVA_VERSION
+ } else if (JAVA_VERSION.equals("17")) {
+ JAVA_INTEGER_VERSION = string("17")
+ libDir = j17libDir
+ libDistDir = j17libDir
+ compile_source_compatibility = 17
+ compile_target_compatibility = 17
getdownAltJavaMinVersion = string(findProperty("getdown_alt_java11_min_version"))
getdownAltJavaMaxVersion = string(findProperty("getdown_alt_java11_max_version"))
getdownAltMultiJavaLocation = string(findProperty("getdown_alt_java11_txt_multi_java_location"))
- eclipseJavaRuntimeName = string("JavaSE-11")
+ eclipseJavaRuntimeName = string("JavaSE-17")
/* compile without modules -- using classpath libraries
additional_compiler_args += [
'--module-path', modules_compileClasspath.asPath,
install4jHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home") + install4jHomeDir.substring(1)
+ resourceBuildDir = string("${buildDir}/resources")
+ resourcesBuildDir = string("${resourceBuildDir}/resources_build")
+ helpBuildDir = string("${resourceBuildDir}/help_build")
+ docBuildDir = string("${resourceBuildDir}/doc_build")
+ if (buildProperties == null) {
+ buildProperties = string("${resourcesBuildDir}/${build_properties_file}")
+ }
buildingHTML = string("${jalviewDir}/${doc_dir}/building.html")
- helpFile = string("${resourceClassesDir}/${help_dir}/help.jhm")
helpParentDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${help_parent_dir}")
helpSourceDir = string("${helpParentDir}/${help_dir}")
+ helpFile = string("${helpBuildDir}/${help_dir}/help.jhm")
relativeBuildDir = file(jalviewDirAbsolutePath).toPath().relativize(buildDir.toPath())
jalviewjsTransferSiteSwingJsDir = string("${jalviewjsBuildDir}/tmp/${jalviewjs_site_dir}_swingjs")
jalviewjsTransferSiteCoreDir = string("${jalviewjsBuildDir}/tmp/${jalviewjs_site_dir}_core")
jalviewjsJalviewCoreHtmlFile = string("")
+ jalviewjsJalviewCoreName = string(jalviewjs_core_name)
jalviewjsCoreClasslists = []
jalviewjsJalviewTemplateName = string(jalviewjs_name)
jalviewjsJ2sSettingsFileName = string("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_settings}")
resources {
- srcDirs resourceDir
- srcDirs += helpParentDir
+ srcDirs = [ resourcesBuildDir, docBuildDir, helpBuildDir ]
- jar.destinationDir = file("${jalviewDir}/${package_dir}")
compileClasspath = files(
compileClasspath += fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${libDir}", include: ["*.jar"])
runtimeClasspath = compileClasspath
+ runtimeClasspath += files(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs)
clover {
compileClasspath += fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${utils_dir}/testnglibs", include: ["**/*.jar"])
runtimeClasspath = compileClasspath
+ runtimeClasspath += files(sourceSets.test.resources.srcDirs)
classpath {
//defaultOutputDir =
- def removeThese = []
- configurations.each{
- if (it.isCanBeResolved()) {
- removeThese += it
+ configurations.each{ c->
+ if (c.isCanBeResolved()) {
+ minusConfigurations += [c]
- minusConfigurations += removeThese
plusConfigurations = [ ]
file {
-task setGitVals {
- doFirst {
- def hashStdOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
- def resultHash = exec {
- commandLine "git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"
- standardOutput = hashStdOut
- ignoreExitValue true
- }
- def branchStdOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
- def resultBranch = exec {
- commandLine "git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"
- standardOutput = branchStdOut
- ignoreExitValue true
- }
- gitHash = resultHash.getExitValue() == 0 ? hashStdOut.toString().trim() : "NO_GIT_COMMITID_FOUND"
- gitBranch = resultBranch.getExitValue() == 0 ? branchStdOut.toString().trim() : "NO_GIT_BRANCH_FOUND"
- }
- outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
-task createBuildProperties(type: WriteProperties) {
- group = "build"
- description = "Create the ${buildProperties} file"
- dependsOn setGitVals
- inputs.dir(sourceDir)
- inputs.dir(resourceDir)
- file(buildProperties).getParentFile().mkdirs()
- outputFile (buildProperties)
- // taking time specific comment out to allow better incremental builds
- comment "--Jalview Build Details--\n"+getDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
- //comment "--Jalview Build Details--\n"+getDate("yyyy-MM-dd")
- property "BUILD_DATE", getDate("HH:mm:ss dd MMMM yyyy")
- property "INSTALLATION", INSTALLATION+" git-commit:"+gitHash+" ["+gitBranch+"]"
- outputs.file(outputFile)
-clean {
- doFirst {
- delete buildProperties
- }
-task cleanBuildingHTML(type: Delete) {
- doFirst {
- delete buildingHTML
- }
def convertMdToHtml (FileTree mdFiles, File cssFile) {
MutableDataSet options = new MutableDataSet()
def htmlFilePath = mdFile.getPath().replaceAll(/\..*?$/, ".html")
def htmlFile = file(htmlFilePath)
+ println("Creating ${htmlFilePath}")
htmlFile.text = htmlText
+task copyDocs(type: Copy) {
+ def inputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${doc_dir}"
+ def outputDir = "${docBuildDir}/${doc_dir}"
+ from(inputDir) {
+ include('**/*.txt')
+ include('**/*.md')
+ include('**/*.html')
+ include('**/*.xml')
+ filter(ReplaceTokens,
+ beginToken: '$$',
+ endToken: '$$',
+ tokens: [
+ 'Version-Rel': JALVIEW_VERSION,
+ 'Year-Rel': getDate("yyyy")
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ from(inputDir) {
+ exclude('**/*.txt')
+ exclude('**/*.md')
+ exclude('**/*.html')
+ exclude('**/*.xml')
+ }
+ into outputDir
+ inputs.dir(inputDir)
+ outputs.dir(outputDir)
task convertMdFiles {
- dependsOn cleanBuildingHTML
- def mdFiles = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${doc_dir}", include: "*.md")
+ dependsOn copyDocs
+ def mdFiles = fileTree(dir: docBuildDir, include: "**/*.md")
def cssFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${flexmark_css}")
doLast {
-task syncDocs(type: Sync) {
- dependsOn convertMdFiles
- def syncDir = "${classesDir}/${doc_dir}"
- from fileTree("${jalviewDir}/${doc_dir}")
- into syncDir
task copyHelp(type: Copy) {
def inputDir = helpSourceDir
- def outputDir = "${resourceClassesDir}/${help_dir}"
+ def outputDir = "${helpBuildDir}/${help_dir}"
from(inputDir) {
- exclude '**/*.gif'
- exclude '**/*.jpg'
- exclude '**/*.png'
+ include('**/*.txt')
+ include('**/*.md')
+ include('**/*.html')
+ include('**/*.hs')
+ include('**/*.xml')
+ include('**/*.jhm')
beginToken: '$$',
endToken: '$$',
from(inputDir) {
- include '**/*.gif'
- include '**/*.jpg'
- include '**/*.png'
+ exclude('**/*.txt')
+ exclude('**/*.md')
+ exclude('**/*.html')
+ exclude('**/*.hs')
+ exclude('**/*.xml')
+ exclude('**/*.jhm')
into outputDir
-task syncLib(type: Sync) {
- def syncDir = "${resourceClassesDir}/${libDistDir}"
- from fileTree("${jalviewDir}/${libDistDir}")
- into syncDir
+task copyResources(type: Copy) {
+ group = "build"
+ description = "Copy (and make text substitutions in) the resources dir to the build area"
+ def inputDir = resourceDir
+ def outputDir = resourcesBuildDir
+ from(inputDir) {
+ include('**/*.txt')
+ include('**/*.md')
+ include('**/*.html')
+ include('**/*.xml')
+ filter(ReplaceTokens,
+ beginToken: '$$',
+ endToken: '$$',
+ tokens: [
+ 'Version-Rel': JALVIEW_VERSION,
+ 'Year-Rel': getDate("yyyy")
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ from(inputDir) {
+ exclude('**/*.txt')
+ exclude('**/*.md')
+ exclude('**/*.html')
+ exclude('**/*.xml')
+ }
+ into outputDir
+ inputs.dir(inputDir)
+ outputs.dir(outputDir)
+task copyChannelResources(type: Copy) {
+ dependsOn copyResources
+ group = "build"
+ description = "Copy the channel resources dir to the build resources area"
-task syncResources(type: Sync) {
- dependsOn createBuildProperties
- from resourceDir
- include "**/*.*"
- into "${resourceClassesDir}"
- preserve {
- include "**"
+ def inputDir = "${channelDir}/${resource_dir}"
+ def outputDir = resourcesBuildDir
+ from inputDir
+ into outputDir
+ inputs.dir(inputDir)
+ outputs.dir(outputDir)
+task createBuildProperties(type: WriteProperties) {
+ dependsOn copyResources
+ group = "build"
+ description = "Create the ${buildProperties} file"
+ inputs.dir(sourceDir)
+ inputs.dir(resourcesBuildDir)
+ outputFile (buildProperties)
+ // taking time specific comment out to allow better incremental builds
+ comment "--Jalview Build Details--\n"+getDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+ //comment "--Jalview Build Details--\n"+getDate("yyyy-MM-dd")
+ property "BUILD_DATE", getDate("HH:mm:ss dd MMMM yyyy")
+ property "INSTALLATION", INSTALLATION+" git-commit:"+gitHash+" ["+gitBranch+"]"
+ if (getdownSetAppBaseProperty) {
+ property "GETDOWNAPPBASE", getdownAppBase
+ property "GETDOWNAPPDISTDIR", getdownAppDistDir
+ outputs.file(outputFile)
+task buildIndices(type: JavaExec) {
+ dependsOn copyHelp
+ classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
+ main = ""
+ workingDir = "${helpBuildDir}/${help_dir}"
+ def argDir = "html"
+ args = [ argDir ]
+ inputs.dir("${workingDir}/${argDir}")
+ outputs.dir("${classesDir}/doc")
+ outputs.dir("${classesDir}/help")
+ outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS")
+ outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS.TAB")
+ outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/OFFSETS")
+ outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/POSITIONS")
+ outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/SCHEMA")
+ outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP")
+task buildResources {
+ dependsOn copyResources
+ dependsOn copyChannelResources
+ dependsOn createBuildProperties
task prepare {
- dependsOn syncResources
- dependsOn syncDocs
+ dependsOn buildResources
+ dependsOn copyDocs
dependsOn copyHelp
+ dependsOn convertMdFiles
+ dependsOn buildIndices
+compileJava.dependsOn prepare
+run.dependsOn compileJava
+//run.dependsOn prepare
//testReportDirName = "test-reports" // note that test workingDir will be $jalviewDir
test {
dependsOn prepare
- //dependsOn compileJava ////? DELETE
if (useClover) {
dependsOn cloverClasses
} else { //?
- dependsOn compileJava //?
+ dependsOn compileJava //?
useTestNG() {
maxHeapSize = "1024m"
workingDir = jalviewDir
- //systemProperties 'clover.jar'
+ def testLaf = project.findProperty("test_laf")
+ if (testLaf != null) {
+ println("Setting Test LaF to '${testLaf}'")
+ systemProperty "laf", testLaf
+ }
+ def testHiDPIScale = project.findProperty("test_HiDPIScale")
+ if (testHiDPIScale != null) {
+ println("Setting Test HiDPI Scale to '${testHiDPIScale}'")
+ systemProperty "sun.java2d.uiScale", testHiDPIScale
+ }
sourceCompatibility = compile_source_compatibility
targetCompatibility = compile_target_compatibility
jvmArgs += additional_compiler_args
-task buildIndices(type: JavaExec) {
- dependsOn copyHelp
- classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
- main = ""
- workingDir = "${classesDir}/${help_dir}"
- def argDir = "html"
- args = [ argDir ]
- inputs.dir("${workingDir}/${argDir}")
- outputs.dir("${classesDir}/doc")
- outputs.dir("${classesDir}/help")
- outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS")
- outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS.TAB")
- outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/OFFSETS")
- outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/POSITIONS")
- outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/SCHEMA")
- outputs.file("${workingDir}/JavaHelpSearch/TMAP")
task compileLinkCheck(type: JavaCompile) {
options.fork = true
classpath = files("${jalviewDir}/${utils_dir}")
task linkCheck(type: JavaExec) {
- dependsOn prepare, compileLinkCheck
+ dependsOn prepare
+ dependsOn compileLinkCheck
def helpLinksCheckerOutFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${utils_dir}/HelpLinksChecker.out")
classpath = files("${jalviewDir}/${utils_dir}")
main = "HelpLinksChecker"
workingDir = jalviewDir
- args = [ "${classesDir}/${help_dir}", "-nointernet" ]
+ args = [ "${helpBuildDir}/${help_dir}", "-nointernet" ]
def outFOS = new FileOutputStream(helpLinksCheckerOutFile, false) // false == don't append
- def errFOS = outFOS
standardOutput = new
- standardOutput)
+ System.out)
errorOutput = new
- errorOutput)
+ System.err)
- inputs.dir("${classesDir}/${help_dir}")
+ inputs.dir(helpBuildDir)
// import the pubhtmlhelp target = "${jalviewDir}" = "${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${classes_dir}/${help_dir}" = "${helpBuildDir}/${help_dir}"
ant.importBuild "${utils_dir}/publishHelp.xml"
jar {
+ dependsOn prepare
dependsOn linkCheck
- dependsOn buildIndices
- dependsOn createBuildProperties
manifest {
attributes "Main-Class": main_class,
"Permissions": "all-permissions",
- "Application-Name": "Jalview Desktop",
- "Codebase": application_codebase
+ "Application-Name": install4jApplicationName,
+ "Codebase": application_codebase,
+ "Implementation-Version": JALVIEW_VERSION
- destinationDir = file("${jalviewDir}/${package_dir}")
- archiveName =".jar"
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${package_dir}"
+ destinationDirectory = file(outputDir)
+ archiveFileName =".jar"
+ duplicatesStrategy "EXCLUDE"
exclude "cache*/**"
exclude "*.jar"
exclude "**/*.jar"
exclude "**/*.jar.*"
- inputs.dir(classesDir)
- outputs.file("${jalviewDir}/${package_dir}/${archiveName}")
+ inputs.dir(
+ sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs.each{ dir ->
+ inputs.dir(dir)
+ }
+ outputs.file("${outputDir}/${archiveFileName}")
// doing a Sync instead of Copy as Copy doesn't deal with "outputs" very well
task syncJars(type: Sync) {
+ dependsOn jar
from fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${libDistDir}", include: "**/*.jar").files
into "${jalviewDir}/${package_dir}"
preserve {
- include jar.archiveName
+ include jar.archiveFileName.getOrNull()
dependsOn clean
shadowJar {
group = "distribution"
description = "Create a single jar file with all dependency libraries merged. Can be run with java -jar"
manifest {
- attributes 'Implementation-Version': JALVIEW_VERSION
+ attributes "Implementation-Version": JALVIEW_VERSION,
+ "Application-Name": install4jApplicationName
+ duplicatesStrategy "INCLUDE"
mainClassName = shadow_jar_main_class
classifier = "all-"+JALVIEW_VERSION+"-j"+JAVA_VERSION
copy {
from buildProperties
- rename(build_properties_file, getdown_build_properties)
+ rename(file(buildProperties).getName(), getdown_build_properties)
into getdownAppDir
getdownWebsiteResourceFilenames += "${getdownAppDistDir}/${getdown_build_properties}"
if (getdownAltMultiJavaLocation != null && getdownAltMultiJavaLocation.length() > 0) {
props.put("getdown_txt_multi_java_location", getdownAltMultiJavaLocation)
+ if (getdownImagesDir != null && file(getdownImagesDir).exists()) {
+ props.put("getdown_txt_ui.background_image", "${getdownImagesDir}/${getdown_background_image}")
+ props.put("getdown_txt_ui.instant_background_image", "${getdownImagesDir}/${getdown_instant_background_image}")
+ props.put("getdown_txt_ui.error_background", "${getdownImagesDir}/${getdown_error_background}")
+ props.put("getdown_txt_ui.progress_image", "${getdownImagesDir}/${getdown_progress_image}")
+ props.put("getdown_txt_ui.icon", "${getdownImagesDir}/${getdown_icon}")
+ props.put("getdown_txt_ui.mac_dock_icon", "${getdownImagesDir}/${getdown_mac_dock_icon}")
+ }
props.put("getdown_txt_title", jalview_name)
props.put("", install4jApplicationName)
into getdownResourceDir
+ def getdownWrapperScripts = [ getdown_bash_wrapper_script, getdown_powershell_wrapper_script, getdown_batch_wrapper_script ]
+ getdownWrapperScripts.each{ script ->
+ def s = file( "${jalviewDir}/utils/getdown/${getdown_wrapper_script_dir}/${script}" )
+ if (s.exists()) {
+ copy {
+ from s
+ into "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdown_wrapper_script_dir}"
+ }
+ getdownTextString += "resource = ${getdown_wrapper_script_dir}/${script}\n"
+ }
+ }
def codeFiles = []
fileTree(file(package_dir)).each{ f ->
//getdownTextString += "class = " + file(getdownLauncher).getName() + "\n"
getdownTextString += "resource = ${getdown_launcher_new}\n"
getdownTextString += "class = ${main_class}\n"
+ // Not setting these properties in general so that getdownappbase and getdowndistdir will default to release version in jalview.bin.Cache
+ if (getdownSetAppBaseProperty) {
+ getdownTextString += "jvmarg = -Dgetdowndistdir=${getdownAppDistDir}\n"
+ getdownTextString += "jvmarg = -Dgetdownappbase=${getdownAppBase}\n"
+ }
def getdown_txt = file("${getdownWebsiteDir}/getdown.txt")
def launchJvl = file("${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdownLaunchJvl}")
+ // files going into the getdown website dir: getdown-launcher.jar
copy {
from getdownLauncher
rename(file(getdownLauncher).getName(), getdown_launcher_new)
into getdownWebsiteDir
+ // files going into the getdown website dir: getdown-launcher(-local).jar
copy {
from getdownLauncher
if (file(getdownLauncher).getName() != getdown_launcher) {
into getdownWebsiteDir
+ // files going into the getdown website dir: ./install dir and files
if (! (CHANNEL.startsWith("ARCHIVE") || CHANNEL.startsWith("DEVELOP"))) {
copy {
from getdown_txt
from getdownLauncher
- from "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdown_build_properties}"
+ from "${getdownAppDir}/${getdown_build_properties}"
if (file(getdownLauncher).getName() != getdown_launcher) {
rename(file(getdownLauncher).getName(), getdown_launcher)
into getdownInstallDir
+ // and make a copy in the getdown files dir (these are not downloaded by getdown)
copy {
from getdownInstallDir
into getdownFilesInstallDir
+ // files going into the getdown files dir: getdown.txt, getdown-launcher.jar, channel-launch.jvl, build_properties
copy {
from getdown_txt
from launchJvl
into getdownFilesDir
+ // and ./resources (not all downloaded by getdown)
copy {
from getdownResourceDir
into "${getdownFilesDir}/${getdown_resource_dir}"
- // remove the "Uninstall Old Jalview (optional)" symlink from DMG for non-release DS_Stores
- if (! (CHANNEL == "RELEASE" || CHANNEL == "TEST-RELEASE" ) ) {
- def symlink = install4jConfigXml.'**'.topLevelFiles.symlink.find { sl -> sl.'@name' == "Uninstall Old Jalview (optional).app" }
- symlink.parent().remove(symlink)
- }
// write install4j file
install4jConfFile.text = XmlUtil.serialize(install4jConfigXml)
task installers(type: com.install4j.gradle.Install4jTask) {
group = "distribution"
description = "Create the install4j installers"
- dependsOn setGitVals
dependsOn getdown
dependsOn copyInstall4jTemplate
'JALVIEW_APPLICATION_NAME': install4jApplicationName,
'JALVIEW_DIR': "../..",
'JRE_DIR': getdown_app_dir_java,
'INSTALLER_TEMPLATE_VERSION': install4jTemplateVersion,
'BUNDLE_ID': install4jBundleId,
'INTERNAL_ID': install4jInternalId,
'WINDOWS_APPLICATION_ID': install4jWinApplicationId,
- 'MACOS_DS_STORE': install4jDSStore,
+ 'MACOS_DMG_DS_STORE': install4jDMGDSStore,
'MACOS_DMG_BG_IMAGE': install4jDMGBackgroundImage,
+ 'WRAPPER_LINK': getdownWrapperLink,
+ 'BASH_WRAPPER_SCRIPT': getdown_bash_wrapper_script,
+ 'POWERSHELL_WRAPPER_SCRIPT': getdown_powershell_wrapper_script,
+ 'WRAPPER_SCRIPT_BIN_DIR': getdown_wrapper_script_dir,
'INSTALLER_NAME': install4jInstallerName,
'INSTALL4J_UTILS_DIR': install4j_utils_dir,
'GETDOWN_WEBSITE_DIR': getdown_website_dir,
'UNIX_APPLICATION_FOLDER': install4jUnixApplicationFolder,
'EXECUTABLE_NAME': install4jExecutableName,
'EXTRA_SCHEME': install4jExtraScheme,
+ 'MAC_ICONS_FILE': install4jMacIconsFile,
+ 'WINDOWS_ICONS_FILE': install4jWindowsIconsFile,
+ 'PNG_ICON_FILE': install4jPngIconFile,
+ 'BACKGROUND': install4jBackground,
if (install4j_faster.equals("true") || CHANNEL.startsWith("LOCAL")) {
faster = true
disableSigning = true
+ disableNotarization = true
macKeystorePassword = OSX_KEYPASS
+ }
+ appleIdPassword = OSX_ALTOOLPASS
+ disableNotarization = false
+ } else {
+ disableNotarization = true
doFirst {
println("Using projectFile "+projectFile)
+ if (!disableNotarization) { println("Will notarize OSX App DMG") }
+ //verbose=true
task sourceDist(type: Tar) {
group "distribution"
description "Create a source .tar.gz file for distribution"
+ dependsOn createBuildProperties
dependsOn convertMdFiles
def outputFileName = "${}_${VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.tar.gz"
- // cater for buildship < 3.1 [3.0.1 is max version in eclipse 2018-09]
- try {
- archiveFileName = outputFileName
- } catch (Exception e) {
- archiveName = outputFileName
- }
+ archiveFileName = outputFileName
compression Compression.GZIP
// exclude(EXCLUDE_FILES)
// exclude(PROCESS_FILES)
// }
+ from(file(buildProperties).getParent()) {
+ include(file(buildProperties).getName())
+ rename(file(buildProperties).getName(), "build_properties")
+ filter({ line ->
+ line.replaceAll("^INSTALLATION=.*\$","INSTALLATION=Source Release"+" git-commit\\\\:"+gitHash+" ["+gitBranch+"]")
+ })
+ }
dependsOn copyHelp
dependsOn pubhtmlhelp
- inputs.dir("${classesDir}/${help_dir}")
+ inputs.dir("${helpBuildDir}/${help_dir}")
preserve {
include "**"
+ // should this be exclude really ?
+ duplicatesStrategy "INCLUDE"
outputs.files outputFiles
inputs.files inputFiles
task jalviewjsSyncResources (type: Sync) {
- def inputFiles = fileTree(dir: resourceDir)
+ dependsOn buildResources
+ def inputFiles = fileTree(dir: resourcesBuildDir)
def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_subdir}"
from inputFiles
- standardOutput)
+ System.out)
errorOutput = new
- errorOutput)
+ System.err)
} else {
standardOutput = new
- errorOutput)
+ System.err)
} else {
standardOutput = new
+ // _jmol and _jalview cores. Add any other peculiar classlist.txt files here
+ //classlistFiles += [ 'file': file("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_classlist_jmol}"), 'name': "_jvjmol" ]
+ classlistFiles += [ 'file': file("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_classlist_jalview}"), 'name': jalviewjsJalviewCoreName ]
jalviewjsCoreClasslists = []
classlistFiles.each {
def list = fileTree(dir: j2sDir, includes: filelist)
- def jsfile = "${outputDir}/core_${name}.js"
- def zjsfile = "${outputDir}/core_${name}.z.js"
+ def jsfile = "${outputDir}/core${name}.js"
+ def zjsfile = "${outputDir}/core${name}.z.js"
jalviewjsCoreClasslists += [
'jsfile': jsfile,
+ // _stevesoft core. add any cores without a classlist here (and the inputs and outputs)
+ def stevesoftClasslistName = "_stevesoft"
+ def stevesoftClasslist = [
+ 'jsfile': "${outputDir}/core${stevesoftClasslistName}.js",
+ 'zjsfile': "${outputDir}/core${stevesoftClasslistName}.z.js",
+ 'list': fileTree(dir: j2sDir, include: "com/stevesoft/pat/**/*.js"),
+ 'name': stevesoftClasslistName
+ ]
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists += stevesoftClasslist
+ inputs.files(stevesoftClasslist['list'])
+ outputs.file(stevesoftClasslist['jsfile'])
+ outputs.file(stevesoftClasslist['zjsfile'])
// _all core
- def allClasslistName = "all"
+ def allClasslistName = "_all"
def allJsFiles = fileTree(dir: j2sDir, include: "**/*.js")
allJsFiles += fileTree(
dir: libJ2sDir,
def allClasslist = [
- 'jsfile': "${outputDir}/core_${allClasslistName}.js",
- 'zjsfile': "${outputDir}/core_${allClasslistName}.z.js",
+ 'jsfile': "${outputDir}/core${allClasslistName}.js",
+ 'zjsfile': "${outputDir}/core${allClasslistName}.z.js",
'list': allJsFiles,
'name': allClasslistName
description "Creates a tar.gz file for the website"
dependsOn jalviewjsBuildSite
def outputFilename = "jalviewjs-site-${JALVIEW_VERSION}.tar.gz"
- try {
- archiveFileName = outputFilename
- } catch (Exception e) {
- archiveName = outputFilename
- }
+ archiveFileName = outputFilename
compression Compression.GZIP
def htmlFile = "${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${filename}"
doLast {
- SimpleHttpFileServerFactory factory = new SimpleHttpFileServerFactory()
+ def factory
+ try {
+ def f = Class.forName("org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.http.simple.SimpleHttpFileServerFactory")
+ factory = f.newInstance()
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new GradleException("Unable to create SimpleHttpFileServerFactory")
+ }
def port = Integer.valueOf(jalviewjs_server_port)
def start = port
def running = false