System.out.println( " disallowed, as are most options)" );
System.out.println( " Formats" );
- System.out.println( " The species tree is expected to be in phyloXML format." );
- .println( " The gene trees ideally are in phyloXML as well, but can also be in New Hamphshire (Newick)" );
- System.out.println( " or Nexus format as long as species information can be extracted from the gene names" );
- System.out.println( " (e.g. \"HUMAN\" from \"BCL2_HUMAN\")." );
+ .println( " The gene trees, as well as the species tree, ideally are in phyloXML ( format," );
+ System.out
+ .println( " but can also be in New Hamphshire (Newick) or Nexus format as long as species information can be" );
+ System.out
+ .println( " extracted from the gene names (e.g. \"HUMAN\" from \"BCL2_HUMAN\") and matched to a single species" );
+ System.out.println( " in the species tree." );
System.out.println( " Examples" );
System.out.println( " \"rio gene_trees.nh species.xml outtable.tsv log.txt\"" );
private void setSpecialOptionsForNexParser( final NexusPhylogeniesParser nex ) {
nex.setReplaceUnderscores( getOptions().isReplaceUnderscoresInNhParsing() );
+ nex.setTaxonomyExtraction( getOptions().getTaxonomyExtraction() );
private void setSpecialOptionsForNhxParser( final NHXParser nhx ) {
public final class ForesterConstants {
- public final static String FORESTER_VERSION = "1.011";
- public final static String FORESTER_DATE = "121214";
+ public final static String FORESTER_VERSION = "1.012";
+ public final static String FORESTER_DATE = "121219";
public final static String PHYLO_XML_VERSION = "1.10";
public final static String PHYLO_XML_LOCATION = "";
public final static String PHYLO_XML_XSD = "phyloxml.xsd";