import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory;
import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.PhylogenyFactory;
import org.forester.sdi.RIO;
-import org.forester.sdi.RioException;
+import org.forester.sdi.RIOException;
import org.forester.sdi.SDIException;
import org.forester.util.CommandLineArguments;
import org.forester.util.EasyWriter;
tableOutput( table_outfile, rio );
- catch ( final RioException e ) {
+ catch ( final RIOException e ) {
ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, e.getLocalizedMessage() );
catch ( final SDIException e ) {
System.exit( 0 );
- private static void tableOutput( final File table_outfile, final RIO rio ) throws IOException, RioException {
+ private static void tableOutput( final File table_outfile, final RIO rio ) throws IOException, RIOException {
final IntMatrix m = RIO.calculateOrthologTable( rio.getAnalyzedGeneTrees() );
writeTable( table_outfile, rio, m );
* Default constructor.
* @throws SDIException
* @throws IOException
- * @throws RioException
+ * @throws RIOException
public RIO( final File gene_trees_file, final Phylogeny species_tree, final String query ) throws IOException,
- SDIException, RioException {
+ SDIException, RIOException {
if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "query is empty" );
public RIO( final File gene_trees_file, final Phylogeny species_tree ) throws IOException, SDIException,
- RioException {
+ RIOException {
inferOrthologs( gene_trees_file, species_tree, null );
* the sequence name of the squence whose orthologs are to be
* inferred
* @throws SDIException
- * @throws RioException
+ * @throws RIOException
* @throws IOException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
private final void inferOrthologs( final File gene_trees_file, final Phylogeny species_tree, final String query )
- throws SDIException, RioException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+ throws SDIException, RIOException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// Read in first tree to get its sequence names
// and strip species_tree.
final PhylogenyFactory factory = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance();
// Removes from species_tree all species not found in gene_tree.
PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( gene_trees[ 0 ], species_tree );
if ( species_tree.isEmpty() ) {
- throw new RioException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" );
+ throw new RIOException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" );
if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) {
PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( species_tree, gene_trees[ 0 ] );
if ( gene_trees[ 0 ].isEmpty() ) {
- throw new RioException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" );
+ throw new RIOException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" );
_seq_names = getAllExternalSequenceNames( gene_trees[ 0 ] );
if ( ( _seq_names == null ) || ( _seq_names.size() < 1 ) ) {
- throw new RioException( "could not get sequence names" );
+ throw new RIOException( "could not get sequence names" );
_o_maps = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>();
_so_maps = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>();
// Removes from gene_tree all species not found in species_tree.
PhylogenyMethods.taxonomyBasedDeletionOfExternalNodes( species_tree, gt );
if ( gt.isEmpty() ) {
- throw new RioException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" );
+ throw new RIOException( "failed to establish species based mapping between gene and species trees" );
_analyzed_gene_trees[ c++ ] = inferOrthologsHelper( gt, species_tree, query );
// the external node with seqname query.
private final Phylogeny inferOrthologsHelper( final Phylogeny gene_tree,
final Phylogeny species_tree,
- final String query ) throws SDIException, RioException {
+ final String query ) throws SDIException, RIOException {
final SDIR sdiunrooted = new SDIR();
final Phylogeny assigned_tree = sdiunrooted.infer( gene_tree,
if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) {
final List<PhylogenyNode> nodes = getNodesViaSequenceName( assigned_tree, query );
if ( nodes.size() > 1 ) {
- throw new RioException( "node named [" + query + "] not unique" );
+ throw new RIOException( "node named [" + query + "] not unique" );
else if ( nodes.isEmpty() ) {
- throw new RioException( "no node containing a sequence named [" + query + "] found" );
+ throw new RIOException( "no node containing a sequence named [" + query + "] found" );
final PhylogenyNode query_node = nodes.get( 0 );
updateCounts( _o_maps, query, PhylogenyMethods.getOrthologousNodes( assigned_tree, query_node ) );
- public final static IntMatrix calculateOrthologTable( final Phylogeny[] analyzed_gene_trees ) throws RioException {
+ public final static IntMatrix calculateOrthologTable( final Phylogeny[] analyzed_gene_trees ) throws RIOException {
final List<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>();
final Set<String> labels_set = new HashSet<String>();
String label;
final String mx = m.getLabel( x );
final PhylogenyNode nx = map.get( mx );
if ( nx == null ) {
- throw new RioException( "node \"" + mx + "\" not present in gene tree #" + counter );
+ throw new RIOException( "node \"" + mx + "\" not present in gene tree #" + counter );
String my;
PhylogenyNode ny;
my = m.getLabel( y );
ny = map.get( my );
if ( ny == null ) {
- throw new RioException( "node \"" + my + "\" not present in gene tree #" + counter );
+ throw new RIOException( "node \"" + my + "\" not present in gene tree #" + counter );
if ( !PhylogenyMethods.calculateLCAonTreeWithIdsInPreOrder( nx, ny ).isDuplication() ) {
m.inreaseByOne( x, y );
return s;
- private final static List<String> getAllExternalSequenceNames( final Phylogeny phy ) throws RioException {
+ private final static List<String> getAllExternalSequenceNames( final Phylogeny phy ) throws RIOException {
final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = phy.iteratorExternalForward(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
final PhylogenyNode n =;
names.add( n.getName() );
else {
- throw new RioException( "node has no (sequence) name: " + n );
+ throw new RIOException( "node has no (sequence) name: " + n );
return names;