status.das_feature_fetching_complete = DAS Feature Fetching Complete
status.fetching_db_refs = Fetching db refs
label.font_doesnt_have_letters_defined = Font doesn't have letters defined\nso cannot be used\nwith alignment data
+label.font_too_small = Font size is too small
label.error_loading_file_params = Error loading file {0}
label.error_loading_jalview_file = Error loading Jalview file
warn.out_of_memory_when_action = Out of memory when {0}\!\!\nSee help files for increasing Java Virtual Machine memory.
status.das_feature_fetching_complete = Recuperación de características DAS completada
status.fetching_db_refs = Recuperando db refs
label.font_doesnt_have_letters_defined = La fuente no tiene letras definidas\npor lo que no puede emplease\ncon datos de alineamientos
+label.font_too_small = Tamaño de la letra es demasiado pequeña
label.error_loading_file_params = Error cargando el fichero {0}
label.error_loading_jalview_file = Error cargando el fichero Jalview
warn.out_of_memory_when_action = Sin memoria al {0}\!\!\nConsulte los ficheros de ayuda para ajustar la memoria de la m\u00E1quina virtual de Java.
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
+import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
import javax.swing.JLayeredPane;
(Integer) fontSize.getSelectedItem());
FontMetrics fm = getGraphics().getFontMetrics(newFont);
- double mw = fm.getStringBounds("M", getGraphics()).getWidth(), iw = fm
- .getStringBounds("I", getGraphics()).getWidth();
+ double mw = fm.getStringBounds("M", getGraphics()).getWidth();
+ final Rectangle2D iBounds = fm.getStringBounds("I", getGraphics());
+ double iw = iBounds.getWidth();
if (mw < 1 || iw < 1)
+ final String messageKey = iBounds.getHeight() < 1 ? "label.font_doesnt_have_letters_defined"
+ : "label.font_too_small";
- MessageManager.getString("label.font_doesnt_have_letters_defined"),
+ MessageManager.getString(messageKey),
MessageManager.getString("label.invalid_font"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
* Restore the changed value - note this will reinvoke this method via the