// Don't want these to be activated if in headless build
synchronizationTasks "eclipseSynchronizationTask"
- autoBuildTasks "eclipseAutoBuildTask"
+ //autoBuildTasks "eclipseAutoBuildTask"
+ }
+ }
+ /* hack to change eclipse prefs in .settings files other than org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs */
+ // Class to allow updating arbitrary properties files
+ class PropertiesFile extends PropertiesPersistableConfigurationObject {
+ public PropertiesFile(PropertiesTransformer t) { super(t); }
+ @Override protected void load(Properties properties) { }
+ @Override protected void store(Properties properties) { }
+ @Override protected String getDefaultResourceName() { return ""; }
+ // This is necessary, because PropertiesPersistableConfigurationObject fails
+ // if no default properties file exists.
+ @Override public void loadDefaults() { load(new StringBufferInputStream("")); }
+ }
+ // Task to update arbitrary properties files (set outputFile)
+ class PropertiesFileTask extends PropertiesGeneratorTask<PropertiesFile> {
+ private final PropertiesFileContentMerger file;
+ public PropertiesFileTask() { file = new PropertiesFileContentMerger(getTransformer()); }
+ protected PropertiesFile create() { return new PropertiesFile(getTransformer()); }
+ protected void configure(PropertiesFile props) {
+ file.getBeforeMerged().execute(props); file.getWhenMerged().execute(props);
+ public void file(Closure closure) { ConfigureUtil.configure(closure, file); }
+ task eclipseUIPreferences(type: PropertiesFileTask) {
+ description = "Generate Eclipse additional settings"
+ def filename = "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs"
+ outputFile = "$projectDir/.settings/${filename}" as File
+ file {
+ withProperties {
+ it.load new FileInputStream("$projectDir/utils/eclipse/${filename}" as String)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ task eclipseGroovyCorePreferences(type: PropertiesFileTask) {
+ description = "Generate Eclipse additional settings"
+ def filename = "org.eclipse.jdt.groovy.core.prefs"
+ outputFile = "$projectDir/.settings/${filename}" as File
+ file {
+ withProperties {
+ it.load new FileInputStream("$projectDir/utils/eclipse/${filename}" as String)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ task eclipseAllPreferences {
+ dependsOn eclipseJdt
+ dependsOn eclipseUIPreferences
+ dependsOn eclipseGroovyCorePreferences
+ }
+ eclipseUIPreferences.mustRunAfter eclipseJdt
+ eclipseGroovyCorePreferences.mustRunAfter eclipseJdt
+ /* end of eclipse preferences hack */
-task cloverInstr {
- // only instrument source, we build test classes as normal
- inputs.files files (sourceSets.main.allJava,sourceSets.test.allJava) // , fileTree(dir:"$jalviewDir/$testSourceDir", include: ["**/*.java"]))
- outputs.dir cloverInstrDir
+// clover bits
+task cleanClover {
doFirst {
- delete cloverInstrDir
- def argsList = [
- "--initstring",
- cloverDb,
- "-d",
- cloverInstrDir.getPath(),
- ]
- argsList.addAll(
- inputs.files.files.collect(
- { file -> file.absolutePath }
- )
+ delete cloverBuildDir
+ }
+task cloverInstrJava(type: JavaExec) {
+ group = "Verification"
+ description = "Create clover instrumented source java files"
+ dependsOn cleanClover
+ inputs.files(sourceSets.main.allJava)
+ outputs.dir(cloverInstrDir)
+ //classpath = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${clover_lib_dir}", include: ["*.jar"])
+ classpath = sourceSets.clover.compileClasspath
+ main = "com.atlassian.clover.CloverInstr"
+ def argsList = [
+ "--encoding",
+ "UTF-8",
+ "--initstring",
+ cloverDb,
+ "--destdir",
+ cloverInstrDir.getPath(),
+ ]
+ def srcFiles = sourceSets.main.allJava.files
+ argsList.addAll(
+ srcFiles.collect(
+ { file -> file.absolutePath }
- String[] args = argsList.toArray()
- println("About to instrument "+args.length +" files")
- com.atlassian.clover.CloverInstr.mainImpl(args)
+ )
+ args argsList.toArray()
+ doFirst {
+ delete cloverInstrDir
+ println("Clover: About to instrument "+srcFiles.size() +" files")
+ }
+task cloverInstrTests(type: JavaExec) {
+ group = "Verification"
+ description = "Create clover instrumented source test files"
+ dependsOn cleanClover
+ inputs.files(testDir)
+ outputs.dir(cloverTestInstrDir)
+ classpath = sourceSets.clover.compileClasspath
+ main = "com.atlassian.clover.CloverInstr"
+ def argsList = [
+ "--encoding",
+ "UTF-8",
+ "--initstring",
+ cloverDb,
+ "--srcdir",
+ testDir,
+ "--destdir",
+ cloverTestInstrDir.getPath(),
+ ]
+ args argsList.toArray()
+ doFirst {
+ delete cloverTestInstrDir
+ println("Clover: About to instrument test files")
compileJava {
+ // JBP->BS should the print statement in doFirst refer to compile_target_compatibility ?
+ sourceCompatibility = compile_source_compatibility
+ targetCompatibility = compile_target_compatibility
+ options.compilerArgs = additional_compiler_args
+ options.encoding = "UTF-8"
doFirst {
- sourceCompatibility = compile_source_compatibility
- targetCompatibility = compile_target_compatibility
- options.compilerArgs = additional_compiler_args
-- print ("Setting target compatibility to "+targetCompatibility+"\n")
++ print ("Setting target compatibility to "+compile_target_compatibility+"\n")
compileTestJava {
- if (use_clover) {
- dependsOn compileCloverJava
- classpath += configurations.cloverRuntime
- } else {
- classpath += sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
- }
++ sourceCompatibility = compile_source_compatibility
++ targetCompatibility = compile_target_compatibility
++ options.compilerArgs = additional_compiler_args
doFirst {
-- sourceCompatibility = compile_source_compatibility
-- targetCompatibility = compile_target_compatibility
-- options.compilerArgs = additional_compiler_args
print ("Setting target compatibility to "+targetCompatibility+"\n")
- clean {
- doFirst {
- delete buildingHTML
- }
- }
task syncDocs(type: Sync) {
dependsOn convertBuildingMD
- def syncDir = "${resourceClassesDir}/${doc_dir}"
- def syncDir = "${classesDir}/${docDir}"
- from fileTree("${jalviewDir}/${docDir}")
++ def syncDir = "${classesDir}/${doc_dir}"
+ from fileTree("${jalviewDir}/${doc_dir}")
into syncDir
task syncResources(type: Sync) {
+ dependsOn createBuildProperties
from resourceDir
include "**/*.*"
- into "${classesDir}"
+ into "${resourceClassesDir}"
preserve {
include "**"
// getdown-launcher.jar should not be in main application class path so the main application can move it when updated. Listed as a resource so it gets updated.
//getdownTextString += "class = " + file(getdownLauncher).getName() + "\n"
getdownTextString += "resource = ${getdown_launcher_new}\n"
-- getdownTextString += "class = ${mainClass}\n"
++ getdownTextString += "class = ${main_class}\n"
def getdown_txt = file("${getdownWebsiteDir}/getdown.txt")
- task eclipseAutoBuildTask {}
- task eclipseSynchronizationTask {}
+ task j2sSetHeadlessBuild {
+ doFirst {
+ IN_ECLIPSE = false
+ }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsSetEclipseWorkspace {
+ def propKey = "jalviewjs_eclipse_workspace"
+ def propVal = null
+ if (project.hasProperty(propKey)) {
+ propVal = project.getProperty(propKey)
+ if (propVal.startsWith("~/")) {
+ propVal = System.getProperty("user.home") + propVal.substring(1)
+ }
+ }
+ def propsFileName = "${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_eclipse_workspace_location_file}"
+ def propsFile = file(propsFileName)
+ def eclipseWsDir = propVal
+ def props = new Properties()
+ def writeProps = true
+ if (( eclipseWsDir == null || !file(eclipseWsDir).exists() ) && propsFile.exists()) {
+ def ins = new FileInputStream(propsFileName)
+ props.load(ins)
+ ins.close()
+ if (props.getProperty(propKey, null) != null) {
+ eclipseWsDir = props.getProperty(propKey)
+ writeProps = false
+ }
+ }
+ if (eclipseWsDir == null || !file(eclipseWsDir).exists()) {
+ def tempDir = File.createTempDir()
+ eclipseWsDir = tempDir.getAbsolutePath()
+ writeProps = true
+ }
+ eclipseWorkspace = file(eclipseWsDir)
+ doFirst {
+ // do not run a headless transpile when we claim to be in Eclipse
+ if (IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ println("Skipping task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Not running headless transpile whilst IN_ECLIPSE is '${IN_ECLIPSE}'")
+ } else {
+ println("Running task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ }
+ if (writeProps) {
+ props.setProperty(propKey, eclipseWsDir)
+ propsFile.parentFile.mkdirs()
+ def bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ props.store(bytes, null)
+ def propertiesString = bytes.toString()
+ propsFile.text = propertiesString
+ print("NEW ")
+ } else {
+ print("EXISTING ")
+ }
+ println("ECLIPSE WORKSPACE: "+eclipseWorkspace.getPath())
+ }
+ //inputs.property(propKey, eclipseWsDir) // eclipseWsDir only gets set once this task runs, so will be out-of-date
+ outputs.file(propsFileName)
+ outputs.upToDateWhen { eclipseWorkspace.exists() && propsFile.exists() }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsEclipsePaths {
+ def eclipseProduct
+ def eclipseRoot = jalviewjs_eclipse_root
+ if (eclipseRoot.startsWith("~/")) {
+ eclipseRoot = System.getProperty("user.home") + eclipseRoot.substring(1)
+ }
+ if (OperatingSystem.current().isMacOsX()) {
+ eclipseRoot += "/Eclipse.app"
+ eclipseBinary = "${eclipseRoot}/Contents/MacOS/eclipse"
+ eclipseProduct = "${eclipseRoot}/Contents/Eclipse/.eclipseproduct"
+ } else if (OperatingSystem.current().isWindows()) { // check these paths!!
+ if (file("${eclipseRoot}/eclipse").isDirectory() && file("${eclipseRoot}/eclipse/.eclipseproduct").exists()) {
+ eclipseRoot += "/eclipse"
+ }
+ eclipseBinary = "${eclipseRoot}/eclipse.exe"
+ eclipseProduct = "${eclipseRoot}/.eclipseproduct"
+ } else { // linux or unix
+ if (file("${eclipseRoot}/eclipse").isDirectory() && file("${eclipseRoot}/eclipse/.eclipseproduct").exists()) {
+ eclipseRoot += "/eclipse"
+ println("eclipseDir exists")
+ }
+ eclipseBinary = "${eclipseRoot}/eclipse"
+ eclipseProduct = "${eclipseRoot}/.eclipseproduct"
+ }
+ eclipseVersion = "4.13" // default
+ def assumedVersion = true
+ if (file(eclipseProduct).exists()) {
+ def fis = new FileInputStream(eclipseProduct)
+ def props = new Properties()
+ props.load(fis)
+ eclipseVersion = props.getProperty("version")
+ fis.close()
+ assumedVersion = false
+ }
+ def propKey = "eclipse_debug"
+ eclipseDebug = (project.hasProperty(propKey) && project.getProperty(propKey).equals("true"))
+ doFirst {
+ // do not run a headless transpile when we claim to be in Eclipse
+ if (IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ println("Skipping task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Not running headless transpile whilst IN_ECLIPSE is '${IN_ECLIPSE}'")
+ } else {
+ println("Running task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ }
+ if (!assumedVersion) {
+ println("ECLIPSE VERSION=${eclipseVersion}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ task printProperties {
+ group "Debug"
+ description "Output to console all System.properties"
+ doFirst {
+ System.properties.each { key, val -> System.out.println("Property: ${key}=${val}") }
+ }
+ }
+ task eclipseSetup {
+ dependsOn eclipseProject
+ dependsOn eclipseClasspath
+ dependsOn eclipseJdt
+ }
+ // this version (type: Copy) will delete anything in the eclipse dropins folder that isn't in fromDropinsDir
+ task jalviewjsEclipseCopyDropins(type: Copy) {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipsePaths
+ def inputFiles = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_eclipse_dropins_dir}", include: "*.jar")
+ inputFiles += file("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsJ2sPlugin}")
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_eclipse_tmp_dropins_dir}"
+ from inputFiles
+ into outputDir
+ }
+ // this eclipse -clean doesn't actually work
+ task jalviewjsCleanEclipse(type: Exec) {
+ dependsOn eclipseSetup
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipsePaths
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipseCopyDropins
+ executable(eclipseBinary)
+ args(["-nosplash", "--launcher.suppressErrors", "-data", eclipseWorkspace.getPath(), "-clean", "-console", "-consoleLog"])
+ if (eclipseDebug) {
+ args += "-debug"
+ }
+ args += "-l"
+ def inputString = """exit
+ y
+ """
+ def inputByteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputString.getBytes())
+ standardInput = inputByteStream
+ }
+ /* not really working yet
+ jalviewjsEclipseCopyDropins.finalizedBy jalviewjsCleanEclipse
+ */
+ task jalviewjsTransferUnzipSwingJs {
+ def file_zip = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_swingjs_zip}"
+ doLast {
+ copy {
+ from zipTree(file_zip)
+ into "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteSwingJsDir}"
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.file file_zip
+ outputs.dir "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteSwingJsDir}"
+ }
+ task jalviewjsTransferUnzipLib {
+ def zipFiles = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_libjs_dir}", include: "*.zip")
+ doLast {
+ zipFiles.each { file_zip ->
+ copy {
+ from zipTree(file_zip)
+ into "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteLibDir}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.files zipFiles
+ outputs.dir "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteLibDir}"
+ }
+ task jalviewjsTransferUnzipAllLibs {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsTransferUnzipSwingJs
+ dependsOn jalviewjsTransferUnzipLib
+ }
+ task jalviewjsCreateJ2sSettings(type: WriteProperties) {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ description "Create the .j2s file from the j2s.* properties"
+ jalviewjsJ2sProps = project.properties.findAll { it.key.startsWith("j2s.") }.sort { it.key }
+ def siteDirProperty = "j2s.site.directory"
+ def setSiteDir = false
+ jalviewjsJ2sProps.each { prop, val ->
+ if (val != null) {
+ if (prop == siteDirProperty) {
+ if (!(val.startsWith('/') || val.startsWith("file://") )) {
+ val = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}/${val}"
+ }
+ setSiteDir = true
+ }
+ property(prop,val)
+ }
+ if (!setSiteDir) { // default site location, don't override specifically set property
+ property(siteDirProperty,"${jalviewDirRelativePath}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}")
+ }
+ }
+ outputFile = jalviewjsJ2sSettingsFileName
+ if (! IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ inputs.properties(jalviewjsJ2sProps)
+ outputs.file(jalviewjsJ2sSettingsFileName)
+ }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsEclipseSetup {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipseCopyDropins
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSetEclipseWorkspace
+ dependsOn jalviewjsCreateJ2sSettings
+ }
+ task jalviewjsSyncAllLibs (type: Sync) {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsTransferUnzipAllLibs
+ def inputFiles = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteLibDir}")
+ inputFiles += fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteSwingJsDir}")
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
+ from inputFiles
+ into outputDir
+ def outputFiles = []
+ rename { filename ->
+ outputFiles += "${outputDir}/${filename}"
+ null
+ }
+ preserve {
+ include "**"
+ }
+ outputs.files outputFiles
+ inputs.files inputFiles
+ }
+ task jalviewjsSyncResources (type: Sync) {
+ def inputFiles = fileTree(dir: resourceDir)
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_subdir}"
+ from inputFiles
+ into outputDir
+ def outputFiles = []
+ rename { filename ->
+ outputFiles += "${outputDir}/${filename}"
+ null
+ }
+ preserve {
+ include "**"
+ }
+ outputs.files outputFiles
+ inputs.files inputFiles
+ }
+ task jalviewjsSyncSiteResources (type: Sync) {
+ def inputFiles = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_site_resource_dir}")
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
+ from inputFiles
+ into outputDir
+ def outputFiles = []
+ rename { filename ->
+ outputFiles += "${outputDir}/${filename}"
+ null
+ }
+ preserve {
+ include "**"
+ }
+ outputs.files outputFiles
+ inputs.files inputFiles
+ }
+ task jalviewjsSyncBuildProperties (type: Sync) {
+ dependsOn createBuildProperties
+ def inputFiles = [file(buildProperties)]
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_subdir}"
+ from inputFiles
+ into outputDir
+ def outputFiles = []
+ rename { filename ->
+ outputFiles += "${outputDir}/${filename}"
+ null
+ }
+ preserve {
+ include "**"
+ }
+ outputs.files outputFiles
+ inputs.files inputFiles
+ }
+ task jalviewjsProjectImport(type: Exec) {
+ dependsOn eclipseSetup
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipsePaths
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipseSetup
+ doFirst {
+ // do not run a headless import when we claim to be in Eclipse
+ if (IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ println("Skipping task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Not running headless import whilst IN_ECLIPSE is '${IN_ECLIPSE}'")
+ } else {
+ println("Running task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ }
+ }
+ //def projdir = eclipseWorkspace.getPath()+"/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/jalview/org.eclipse.jdt.core"
+ def projdir = eclipseWorkspace.getPath()+"/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/jalview"
+ executable(eclipseBinary)
+ args(["-nosplash", "--launcher.suppressErrors", "-application", "com.seeq.eclipse.importprojects.headlessimport", "-data", eclipseWorkspace.getPath(), "-import", jalviewDirAbsolutePath])
+ if (eclipseDebug) {
+ args += "-debug"
+ }
+ args += [ "--launcher.appendVmargs", "-vmargs", "-Dorg.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins.directory=${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_eclipse_tmp_dropins_dir}" ]
+ if (!IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ args += [ "-D${j2sHeadlessBuildProperty}=true" ]
+ }
+ inputs.file("${jalviewDir}/.project")
+ outputs.upToDateWhen {
+ file(projdir).exists()
+ }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsTranspile(type: Exec) {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipseSetup
+ dependsOn jalviewjsProjectImport
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipsePaths
+ doFirst {
+ // do not run a headless transpile when we claim to be in Eclipse
+ if (IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ println("Skipping task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Not running headless transpile whilst IN_ECLIPSE is '${IN_ECLIPSE}'")
+ } else {
+ println("Running task ${name} as IN_ECLIPSE=${IN_ECLIPSE}")
+ }
+ }
+ executable(eclipseBinary)
+ args(["-nosplash", "--launcher.suppressErrors", "-application", "org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.aptBuild", "-data", eclipseWorkspace, "-${jalviewjs_eclipse_build_arg}", eclipse_project_name ])
+ if (eclipseDebug) {
+ args += "-debug"
+ }
+ args += [ "--launcher.appendVmargs", "-vmargs", "-Dorg.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins.directory=${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_eclipse_tmp_dropins_dir}" ]
+ if (!IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ args += [ "-D${j2sHeadlessBuildProperty}=true" ]
+ }
+ def stdout
+ def stderr
+ doFirst {
+ stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ def logOutFileName = "${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_transpile_stdout}"
+ def logOutFile = file(logOutFileName)
+ logOutFile.createNewFile()
+ logOutFile.text = """ROOT: ${jalviewjs_eclipse_root}
+ BINARY: ${eclipseBinary}
+ VERSION: ${eclipseVersion}
+ WORKSPACE: ${eclipseWorkspace}
+ DEBUG: ${eclipseDebug}
+ ----
+ """
+ def logOutFOS = new FileOutputStream(logOutFile, true) // true == append
+ // combine stdout and stderr
+ def logErrFOS = logOutFOS
+ if (jalviewjs_j2s_to_console.equals("true")) {
+ standardOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logOutFOS,
+ stdout),
+ standardOutput)
+ errorOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logErrFOS,
+ stderr),
+ errorOutput)
+ } else {
+ standardOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logOutFOS,
+ stdout)
+ errorOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logErrFOS,
+ stderr)
+ }
+ }
+ doLast {
+ if (stdout.toString().contains("Error processing ")) {
+ // j2s did not complete transpile
+ //throw new TaskExecutionException("Error during transpilation:\n${stderr}\nSee eclipse transpile log file '${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_transpile_stdout}'")
+ if (jalviewjs_ignore_transpile_errors.equals("true")) {
+ println("See eclipse transpile log file '${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_transpile_stdout}'")
+ } else {
+ throw new GradleException("Error during transpilation:\n${stderr}\nSee eclipse transpile log file '${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_transpile_stdout}'")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.dir("${jalviewDir}/${sourceDir}")
+ outputs.dir("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}")
+ outputs.upToDateWhen( { file("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}${jalviewjs_server_resource}").exists() } )
+ }
+ def jalviewjsCallCore(String name, FileCollection list, String prefixFile, String suffixFile, String jsfile, String zjsfile, File logOutFile, Boolean logOutConsole) {
+ def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ def stderr = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ def coreFile = file(jsfile)
+ def msg = ""
+ msg = "Creating core for ${name}...\nGenerating ${jsfile}"
+ println(msg)
+ logOutFile.createNewFile()
+ logOutFile.append(msg+"\n")
+ def coreTop = file(prefixFile)
+ def coreBottom = file(suffixFile)
+ coreFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ coreFile.createNewFile()
+ coreFile.write( coreTop.getText("UTF-8") )
+ list.each {
+ f ->
+ if (f.exists()) {
+ def t = f.getText("UTF-8")
+ t.replaceAll("Clazz\\.([^_])","Clazz_${1}")
+ coreFile.append( t )
+ } else {
+ msg = "...file '"+f.getPath()+"' does not exist, skipping"
+ println(msg)
+ logOutFile.append(msg+"\n")
+ }
+ }
+ coreFile.append( coreBottom.getText("UTF-8") )
+ msg = "Generating ${zjsfile}"
+ println(msg)
+ logOutFile.append(msg+"\n")
+ def logOutFOS = new FileOutputStream(logOutFile, true) // true == append
+ def logErrFOS = logOutFOS
+ javaexec {
+ classpath = files(["${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_closure_compiler}"])
+ main = "com.google.javascript.jscomp.CommandLineRunner"
+ jvmArgs = [ "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" ]
+ args = [ "--compilation_level", "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS", "--warning_level", "QUIET", "--charset", "UTF-8", "--js", jsfile, "--js_output_file", zjsfile ]
+ maxHeapSize = "2g"
+ msg = "\nRunning '"+commandLine.join(' ')+"'\n"
+ println(msg)
+ logOutFile.append(msg+"\n")
+ if (logOutConsole) {
+ standardOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logOutFOS,
+ stdout),
+ standardOutput)
+ errorOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logErrFOS,
+ stderr),
+ errorOutput)
+ } else {
+ standardOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logOutFOS,
+ stdout)
+ errorOutput = new org.apache.tools.ant.util.TeeOutputStream(
+ logErrFOS,
+ stderr)
+ }
+ }
+ msg = "--"
+ println(msg)
+ logOutFile.append(msg+"\n")
+ }
+ task jalviewjsBuildAllCores {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ description "Build the core js lib closures listed in the classlists dir"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsTranspile
+ dependsOn jalviewjsTransferUnzipSwingJs
+ def j2sDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_subdir}"
+ def swingJ2sDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteSwingJsDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_subdir}"
+ def libJ2sDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteLibDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_subdir}"
+ def jsDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteSwingJsDir}/${jalviewjs_js_subdir}"
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteCoreDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_subdir}/core"
+ def prefixFile = "${jsDir}/core/coretop2.js"
+ def suffixFile = "${jsDir}/core/corebottom2.js"
+ inputs.file prefixFile
+ inputs.file suffixFile
+ def classlistFiles = []
+ // add the classlists found int the jalviewjs_classlists_dir
+ fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_classlists_dir}", include: "*.txt").each {
+ file ->
+ def name = file.getName() - ".txt"
+ classlistFiles += [
+ 'file': file,
+ 'name': name
+ ]
+ }
+ // _jmol and _jalview cores. Add any other peculiar classlist.txt files here
+ //classlistFiles += [ 'file': file("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_classlist_jmol}"), 'name': "_jvjmol" ]
+ classlistFiles += [ 'file': file("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_classlist_jalview}"), 'name': jalviewjsJalviewCoreName ]
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists = []
+ classlistFiles.each {
+ hash ->
+ def file = hash['file']
+ if (! file.exists()) {
+ //println("...classlist file '"+file.getPath()+"' does not exist, skipping")
+ return false // this is a "continue" in groovy .each closure
+ }
+ def name = hash['name']
+ if (name == null) {
+ name = file.getName() - ".txt"
+ }
+ def filelist = []
+ file.eachLine {
+ line ->
+ filelist += line
+ }
+ def list = fileTree(dir: j2sDir, includes: filelist)
+ def jsfile = "${outputDir}/core${name}.js"
+ def zjsfile = "${outputDir}/core${name}.z.js"
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists += [
+ 'jsfile': jsfile,
+ 'zjsfile': zjsfile,
+ 'list': list,
+ 'name': name
+ ]
+ inputs.file(file)
+ inputs.files(list)
+ outputs.file(jsfile)
+ outputs.file(zjsfile)
+ }
+ // _stevesoft core. add any cores without a classlist here (and the inputs and outputs)
+ def stevesoftClasslistName = "_stevesoft"
+ def stevesoftClasslist = [
+ 'jsfile': "${outputDir}/core${stevesoftClasslistName}.js",
+ 'zjsfile': "${outputDir}/core${stevesoftClasslistName}.z.js",
+ 'list': fileTree(dir: j2sDir, include: "com/stevesoft/pat/**/*.js"),
+ 'name': stevesoftClasslistName
+ ]
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists += stevesoftClasslist
+ inputs.files(stevesoftClasslist['list'])
+ outputs.file(stevesoftClasslist['jsfile'])
+ outputs.file(stevesoftClasslist['zjsfile'])
+ // _all core
+ def allClasslistName = "_all"
+ def allJsFiles = fileTree(dir: j2sDir, include: "**/*.js")
+ allJsFiles += fileTree(
+ dir: libJ2sDir,
+ include: "**/*.js",
+ excludes: [
+ // these exlusions are files that the closure-compiler produces errors for. Should fix them
+ "**/org/jmol/jvxl/readers/IsoIntersectFileReader.js",
+ "**/org/jmol/export/JSExporter.js"
+ ]
+ )
+ allJsFiles += fileTree(
+ dir: swingJ2sDir,
+ include: "**/*.js",
+ excludes: [
+ // these exlusions are files that the closure-compiler produces errors for. Should fix them
+ "**/sun/misc/Unsafe.js",
+ "**/swingjs/jquery/jquery-editable-select.js",
+ "**/swingjs/jquery/j2sComboBox.js",
+ "**/sun/misc/FloatingDecimal.js"
+ ]
+ )
+ def allClasslist = [
+ 'jsfile': "${outputDir}/core${allClasslistName}.js",
+ 'zjsfile': "${outputDir}/core${allClasslistName}.z.js",
+ 'list': allJsFiles,
+ 'name': allClasslistName
+ ]
+ // not including this version of "all" core at the moment
+ //jalviewjsCoreClasslists += allClasslist
+ inputs.files(allClasslist['list'])
+ outputs.file(allClasslist['jsfile'])
+ outputs.file(allClasslist['zjsfile'])
+ doFirst {
+ def logOutFile = file("${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_closure_stdout}")
+ logOutFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ logOutFile.createNewFile()
+ logOutFile.write(getDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")+" jalviewjsBuildAllCores\n----\n")
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists.each {
+ jalviewjsCallCore(it.name, it.list, prefixFile, suffixFile, it.jsfile, it.zjsfile, logOutFile, jalviewjs_j2s_to_console.equals("true"))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def jalviewjsPublishCoreTemplate(String coreName, String templateName, File inputFile, String outputFile) {
+ copy {
+ from inputFile
+ into file(outputFile).getParentFile()
+ rename { filename ->
+ if (filename.equals(inputFile.getName())) {
+ return file(outputFile).getName()
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ filter(ReplaceTokens,
+ beginToken: '_',
+ endToken: '_',
+ tokens: [
- 'MAIN': '"'+mainClass+'"',
++ 'MAIN': '"'+main_class+'"',
+ 'CODE': "null",
+ 'NAME': jalviewjsJalviewTemplateName+" [core ${coreName}]",
+ 'COREKEY': jalviewjs_core_key,
+ 'CORENAME': coreName
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsPublishCoreTemplates {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsBuildAllCores
+ def inputFileName = "${jalviewDir}/${j2s_coretemplate_html}"
+ def inputFile = file(inputFileName)
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteCoreDir}"
+ def outputFiles = []
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists.each { cl ->
+ def outputFile = "${outputDir}/${jalviewjsJalviewTemplateName}_${cl.name}.html"
+ cl['outputfile'] = outputFile
+ outputFiles += outputFile
+ }
+ doFirst {
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists.each { cl ->
+ jalviewjsPublishCoreTemplate(cl.name, jalviewjsJalviewTemplateName, inputFile, cl.outputfile)
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.file(inputFile)
+ outputs.files(outputFiles)
+ }
+ task jalviewjsSyncCore (type: Sync) {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsBuildAllCores
+ dependsOn jalviewjsPublishCoreTemplates
+ def inputFiles = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteCoreDir}")
+ def outputDir = "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
+ from inputFiles
+ into outputDir
+ def outputFiles = []
+ rename { filename ->
+ outputFiles += "${outputDir}/${filename}"
+ null
+ }
+ preserve {
+ include "**"
+ }
+ outputs.files outputFiles
+ inputs.files inputFiles
+ }
+ // this Copy version of TransferSiteJs will delete anything else in the target dir
+ task jalviewjsCopyTransferSiteJs(type: Copy) {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsTranspile
+ from "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}"
+ into "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
+ }
+ // this Sync version of TransferSite is used by buildship to keep the website automatically up to date when a file changes
+ task jalviewjsSyncTransferSiteJs(type: Sync) {
+ from "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}"
+ include "**/*.*"
+ into "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
+ preserve {
+ include "**"
+ }
+ }
+ jalviewjsSyncAllLibs.mustRunAfter jalviewjsCopyTransferSiteJs
+ jalviewjsSyncResources.mustRunAfter jalviewjsCopyTransferSiteJs
+ jalviewjsSyncSiteResources.mustRunAfter jalviewjsCopyTransferSiteJs
+ jalviewjsSyncBuildProperties.mustRunAfter jalviewjsCopyTransferSiteJs
+ jalviewjsSyncAllLibs.mustRunAfter jalviewjsSyncTransferSiteJs
+ jalviewjsSyncResources.mustRunAfter jalviewjsSyncTransferSiteJs
+ jalviewjsSyncSiteResources.mustRunAfter jalviewjsSyncTransferSiteJs
+ jalviewjsSyncBuildProperties.mustRunAfter jalviewjsSyncTransferSiteJs
+ task jalviewjsPrepareSite {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ description "Prepares the website folder including unzipping files and copying resources"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncAllLibs
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncResources
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncSiteResources
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncBuildProperties
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncCore
+ }
+ task jalviewjsBuildSite {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ description "Builds the whole website including transpiled code"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsCopyTransferSiteJs
+ dependsOn jalviewjsPrepareSite
+ }
+ task cleanJalviewjsTransferSite {
+ doFirst {
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}"
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteLibDir}"
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteSwingJsDir}"
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteCoreDir}"
+ }
+ }
+ task cleanJalviewjsSite {
+ dependsOn cleanJalviewjsTransferSite
+ doFirst {
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
+ }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsSiteTar(type: Tar) {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ description "Creates a tar.gz file for the website"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsBuildSite
+ def outputFilename = "jalviewjs-site-${JALVIEW_VERSION}.tar.gz"
+ try {
+ archiveFileName = outputFilename
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ archiveName = outputFilename
+ }
+ compression Compression.GZIP
+ from "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
+ into jalviewjs_site_dir // this is inside the tar file
+ inputs.dir("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}")
+ }
+ task jalviewjsServer {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ def filename = "jalviewjsTest.html"
+ description "Starts a webserver on localhost to test the website. See ${filename} to access local site on most recently used port."
+ def htmlFile = "${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${filename}"
+ doLast {
+ SimpleHttpFileServerFactory factory = new SimpleHttpFileServerFactory()
+ def port = Integer.valueOf(jalviewjs_server_port)
+ def start = port
+ def running = false
+ def url
+ def jalviewjsServer
+ while(port < start+1000 && !running) {
+ try {
+ def doc_root = new File("${jalviewDirAbsolutePath}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}")
+ jalviewjsServer = factory.start(doc_root, port)
+ running = true
+ url = jalviewjsServer.getResourceUrl(jalviewjs_server_resource)
+ println("SERVER STARTED with document root ${doc_root}.")
+ println("Go to "+url+" . Run gradle --stop to stop (kills all gradle daemons).")
+ println("For debug: "+url+"?j2sdebug")
+ println("For verbose: "+url+"?j2sverbose")
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ port++;
+ }
+ }
+ def htmlText = """
+ <p><a href="${url}">JalviewJS Test. <${url}></a></p>
+ <p><a href="${url}?j2sdebug">JalviewJS Test with debug. <${url}?j2sdebug></a></p>
+ <p><a href="${url}?j2sverbose">JalviewJS Test with verbose. <${url}?j2sdebug></a></p>
+ """
+ jalviewjsCoreClasslists.each { cl ->
+ def urlcore = jalviewjsServer.getResourceUrl(file(cl.outputfile).getName())
+ htmlText += """
+ <p><a href="${urlcore}">${jalviewjsJalviewTemplateName} [core ${cl.name}]. <${urlcore}></a></p>
+ """
+ println("For core ${cl.name}: "+urlcore)
+ }
+ file(htmlFile).text = htmlText
+ }
+ outputs.file(htmlFile)
+ outputs.upToDateWhen({false})
+ }
+ task cleanJalviewjsAll {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ description "Delete all configuration and build artifacts to do with JalviewJS build"
+ dependsOn cleanJalviewjsSite
+ dependsOn jalviewjsEclipsePaths
+ doFirst {
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsBuildDir}"
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${eclipse_bin_dir}"
+ if (eclipseWorkspace != null && file(eclipseWorkspace.getAbsolutePath()+"/.metadata").exists()) {
+ delete file(eclipseWorkspace.getAbsolutePath()+"/.metadata")
+ }
+ delete "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjs_j2s_settings}"
+ }
+ outputs.upToDateWhen( { false } )
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_checkJ2sPlugin {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Compare the swingjs/net.sf.j2s.core(-j11)?.jar file with the Eclipse IDE's plugin version (found in the 'dropins' dir)"
+ doFirst {
+ def j2sPlugin = string("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsJ2sPlugin}")
+ def j2sPluginFile = file(j2sPlugin)
+ def eclipseHome = System.properties["eclipse.home.location"]
+ if (eclipseHome == null || ! IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Cannot find running Eclipse home from System.properties['eclipse.home.location']. Skipping J2S Plugin Check.")
+ }
+ def eclipseJ2sPlugin = "${eclipseHome}/dropins/${j2sPluginFile.getName()}"
+ def eclipseJ2sPluginFile = file(eclipseJ2sPlugin)
+ if (!eclipseJ2sPluginFile.exists()) {
+ def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is not installed (could not find '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}')\nTry running task jalviewjsIDE_copyJ2sPlugin"
+ System.err.println(msg)
+ throw new StopExecutionException(msg)
+ }
+ def digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
+ digest.update(j2sPluginFile.text.bytes)
+ def j2sPluginMd5 = new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()).toString(16).padLeft(32, '0')
+ digest.update(eclipseJ2sPluginFile.text.bytes)
+ def eclipseJ2sPluginMd5 = new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()).toString(16).padLeft(32, '0')
+ if (j2sPluginMd5 != eclipseJ2sPluginMd5) {
+ def msg = "WARNING! Eclipse J2S Plugin '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}' is different to this commit's version '${j2sPlugin}'"
+ System.err.println(msg)
+ throw new StopExecutionException(msg)
+ } else {
+ def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is the same as '${j2sPlugin}' (this is good)"
+ println(msg)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_copyJ2sPlugin {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Copy the swingjs/net.sf.j2s.core(-j11)?.jar file into the Eclipse IDE's 'dropins' dir"
+ doFirst {
+ def j2sPlugin = string("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsJ2sPlugin}")
+ def j2sPluginFile = file(j2sPlugin)
+ def eclipseHome = System.properties["eclipse.home.location"]
+ if (eclipseHome == null || ! IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Cannot find running Eclipse home from System.properties['eclipse.home.location']. NOT copying J2S Plugin.")
+ }
+ def eclipseJ2sPlugin = "${eclipseHome}/dropins/${j2sPluginFile.getName()}"
+ def eclipseJ2sPluginFile = file(eclipseJ2sPlugin)
+ def msg = "WARNING! Copying this commit's j2s plugin '${j2sPlugin}' to Eclipse J2S Plugin '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}'\n* May require an Eclipse restart"
+ System.err.println(msg)
+ copy {
+ from j2sPlugin
+ eclipseJ2sPluginFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ into eclipseJ2sPluginFile.getParent()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_j2sFile {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Creates the .j2s file"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsCreateJ2sSettings
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_SyncCore {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Build the core js lib closures listed in the classlists dir and publish core html from template"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncCore
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_SyncSiteAll {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncAllLibs
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncResources
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncSiteResources
+ dependsOn jalviewjsSyncBuildProperties
+ }
+ cleanJalviewjsTransferSite.mustRunAfter jalviewjsIDE_SyncSiteAll
+ task jalviewjsIDE_PrepareSite {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Sync libs and resources to site dir, but not closure cores"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_SyncSiteAll
+ dependsOn cleanJalviewjsTransferSite
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_AssembleSite {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Assembles unzipped supporting zipfiles, resources, site resources and closure cores into the Eclipse transpiled site"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsPrepareSite
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_SiteClean {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Deletes the Eclipse transpiled site"
+ dependsOn cleanJalviewjsSite
+ }
+ task jalviewjsIDE_Server {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Starts a webserver on localhost to test the website"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsServer
+ }
+ // buildship runs this at import or gradle refresh
+ task eclipseSynchronizationTask {
+ //dependsOn eclipseSetup
+ dependsOn createBuildProperties
+ if (J2S_ENABLED) {
+ dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_j2sFile
+ dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_checkJ2sPlugin
+ dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_PrepareSite
+ }
+ }
+ // buildship runs this at build time or project refresh
+ task eclipseAutoBuildTask {
+ //dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_checkJ2sPlugin
+ //dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_PrepareSite
+ }
+ task jalviewjs {
+ group "JalviewJS"
+ description "Build the site"
+ dependsOn jalviewjsBuildSite
+ }