final int position = Integer.parseInt( cla.getName( 0 ) );
final File intable = cla.getFile( 1 );
final File outfile = cla.getFile( 2 );
+ if ( outfile.exists() ) {
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, outfile + " already exists" );
+ }
+ if ( !intable.exists() ) {
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, intable + " does not exist" );
+ }
BasicTable<String> t = null;
try {
t = BasicTableParser.parse( intable, '\t' );
catch ( final IOException e ) {
- e.printStackTrace();
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() );
final List<MolecularSequence> seqs = new ArrayList<MolecularSequence>();
+ System.out.println( "Number of rows: " + t.getNumberOfRows() );
for( int r = 0; r < t.getNumberOfRows(); ++r ) {
String seq = null;
final StringBuilder id = new StringBuilder();
if ( c == position ) {
seq = t.getValue( c, r );
- else {
+ else if ( ( c == 0 ) || ( c == 1 ) ) {
id.append( t.getValue( c, r ) );
id.append( " " );
- final MolecularSequence s = BasicSequence.createDnaSequence( id.toString().trim(), seq );
- seqs.add( s );
+ if ( id.length() < 2 ) {
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "row " + r + " id is empty" );
+ }
+ String id_str = id.toString().trim();
+ if ( id_str.startsWith( ">" ) ) {
+ id_str = id_str.substring( 1 );
+ }
+ if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq ) ) {
+ seq = t.getValue( position - 1, r );
+ if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( seq ) ) {
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, "row " + r + " seq is empty" );
+ }
+ }
+ MolecularSequence s = null;
+ try {
+ s = BasicSequence.createAaSequence( id_str, seq );
+ }
+ catch ( final Exception e ) {
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() );
+ }
+ if ( s != null ) {
+ seqs.add( s );
+ }
try {
- SequenceWriter.writeSeqs( seqs, outfile, SEQ_FORMAT.FASTA, 6 );
+ SequenceWriter.writeSeqs( seqs, outfile, SEQ_FORMAT.FASTA, 60 );
catch ( final IOException e ) {
- e.printStackTrace();
+ ForesterUtil.fatalError( PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() );
public BasicSequence( final String identifier, final String mol_sequence, final TYPE type ) {
+ check( identifier, mol_sequence );
+ _mol_sequence = mol_sequence.toCharArray();
+ _identifier = identifier;
+ _type = type;
+ }
+ private static final void check( final String identifier, final String mol_sequence ) {
if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( identifier ) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "identifier of sequence cannot be empty" );
if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( mol_sequence ) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "molecular sequence cannot be empty" );
- _mol_sequence = mol_sequence.toCharArray();
- _identifier = identifier;
- _type = type;
public static MolecularSequence createAaSequence( final String identifier, final String mol_sequence ) {
+ check( identifier, mol_sequence );
return new BasicSequence( identifier, mol_sequence.toUpperCase().replaceAll( "\\.", GAP_STR )
.replaceAll( AA_REGEXP, Character.toString( UNSPECIFIED_AA ) ), TYPE.AA );
public static MolecularSequence createDnaSequence( final String identifier, final String mol_sequence ) {
+ check( identifier, mol_sequence );
return new BasicSequence( identifier, mol_sequence.toUpperCase().replaceAll( "\\.", GAP_STR )
.replaceAll( DNA_REGEXP, Character.toString( UNSPECIFIED_NUC ) ), TYPE.DNA );
public static MolecularSequence createRnaSequence( final String identifier, final String mol_sequence ) {
+ check( identifier, mol_sequence );
return new BasicSequence( identifier, mol_sequence.toUpperCase().replaceAll( "\\.", GAP_STR )
.replaceAll( RNA_REGEXP, Character.toString( UNSPECIFIED_NUC ) ), TYPE.RNA );