label.translation_failed = Translation Failed
label.error_when_translating_sequences_submit_bug_report = Unfortunately, something went wrong when translating your sequences.\nPlease take a look in the Jalview java console\nand submit a bug report including the stacktrace.
label.implementation_error = Implementation error:
-label.automatically_associate_pdb_files_with_sequences_same_name = Do you want to automatically associate the {0} PDB files with sequences in the alignment that have the same name?
-label.automatically_associate_pdb_files_by_name = Automatically Associate PDB files by name
+label.automatically_associate_structure_files_with_sequences_same_name = Do you want to automatically associate the {0} structure file(s) with sequences in the alignment that have the same name?
+label.automatically_associate_structure_files_by_name = Automatically Associate Structure files by name
label.ignore_unmatched_dropped_files_info = <html>Do you want to <em>ignore</em> the {0} files whose names did not match any sequence IDs ?</html>
label.ignore_unmatched_dropped_files = Ignore unmatched dropped files?
label.view_name_original = Original
label.translation_failed = Translation Failed
label.error_when_translating_sequences_submit_bug_report = Desafortunadamente, algo fue mal a la hora de traducir tus secuencias.\nPor favor, revisa la consola Jalview java \ny presenta un informe de error que incluya el seguimiento.
label.implementation_error = Error de implementación:
-label.automatically_associate_pdb_files_with_sequences_same_name = Quieres asociar automáticamente los {0} ficheros PDB con las secuencias del alineamiento que tengan el mismo nombre?
-label.automatically_associate_pdb_files_by_name = Asociar los ficheros PDB por nombre automáticamente
+label.automatically_associate_structure_files_with_sequences_same_name = Quieres asociar automáticamente los {0} ficheros structure con las secuencias del alineamiento que tengan el mismo nombre?
+label.automatically_associate_structure_files_by_name = Asociar los ficheros structure por nombre automáticamente
label.ignore_unmatched_dropped_files_info = Quieres <em>ignorar</em> los {0} ficheros cuyos nombres no coincidan con ningún IDs de las secuencias ?
label.ignore_unmatched_dropped_files = Ignorar los ficheros sin coincidencias?
label.enter_view_name = Introduzca un nombre para la vista
if (type != null)
- if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("PDB"))
+ if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("PDB")
+ || type.equalsIgnoreCase("mmCIF"))
filesmatched.add(new Object[] { file, protocol, mtch });
- "label.automatically_associate_pdb_files_with_sequences_same_name",
+ "label.automatically_associate_structure_files_with_sequences_same_name",
new Object[] { Integer
.toString() }),
- .getString("label.automatically_associate_pdb_files_by_name"),
+ .getString("label.automatically_associate_structure_files_by_name"),
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)