imgHeight, -horizontal * charWidth, -vertical * charHeight);
ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges();
- int sr = ranges.getStartRes();
- int er = ranges.getEndRes();
- int ss = ranges.getStartSeq();
- int es = ranges.getEndSeq();
+ int startRes = ranges.getStartRes();
+ int endRes = ranges.getEndRes();
+ int startSeq = ranges.getStartSeq();
+ int endSeq = ranges.getEndSeq();
int transX = 0;
int transY = 0;
if (horizontal > 0) // scrollbar pulled right, image to the left
- transX = (er - sr - horizontal) * charWidth;
- sr = er - horizontal;
+ transX = (endRes - startRes - horizontal) * charWidth;
+ startRes = endRes - horizontal;
else if (horizontal < 0)
- er = sr - horizontal;
+ endRes = startRes - horizontal;
else if (vertical > 0) // scroll down
- ss = es - vertical;
+ startSeq = endSeq - vertical;
- if (ss < ranges.getStartSeq())
+ if (startSeq < ranges.getStartSeq())
{ // ie scrolling too fast, more than a page at a time
- ss = ranges.getStartSeq();
+ startSeq = ranges.getStartSeq();
else if (vertical < 0)
- es = ss - vertical;
+ endSeq = startSeq - vertical;
- if (es > ranges.getEndSeq())
+ if (endSeq > ranges.getEndSeq())
- es = ranges.getEndSeq();
+ endSeq = ranges.getEndSeq();
gg.translate(transX, transY);
- drawPanel(gg, sr, er, ss, es, 0);
+ drawPanel(gg, startRes, endRes, startSeq, endSeq, 0);
gg.translate(-transX, -transY);
fastpainting = false;
- /**
- * Definitions of startx and endx (hopefully): SMJS This is what I'm working
- * towards! startx is the first residue (starting at 0) to display. endx is
- * the last residue to display (starting at 0). starty is the first sequence
- * to display (starting at 0). endy is the last sequence to display (starting
- * at 0). NOTE 1: The av limits are set in setFont in this class and in the
- * adjustment listener in SeqPanel when the scrollbars move.
- */
- // Set this to false to force a full panel paint
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
+ ((i - startSeq) * charHeight), false);
- // / Highlight search Results once all sequences have been drawn
- // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*
+ * highlight search Results once sequence has been drawn
+ */
if (av.hasSearchResults())
- int[] visibleResults = av.getSearchResults().getResults(nextSeq,
+ SearchResultsI searchResults = av.getSearchResults();
+ int[] visibleResults = searchResults.getResults(nextSeq,
startRes, endRes);
if (visibleResults != null)
+ * Highlights search results in the visible region by rendering as white text
+ * on a black background. Any previous highlighting is removed.
* @param results
public void highlightSearchResults(SearchResultsI results)
- img = null;
+ updateViewport();
+ fastpainting = true;
+ fastPaint = true;
+ /*
+ * calculate the minimal rectangle to draw that includes
+ * both the new and any existing search results
+ */
+ SearchResultsI previous = av.getSearchResults();
+ int firstSeq = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ int lastSeq = -1;
+ int firstCol = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+ int lastCol = -1;
+ boolean matchFound = false;
+ ViewportRanges ranges = av.getRanges();
+ for (int seqNo = ranges.getStartSeq(); seqNo <= ranges
+ .getEndSeq(); seqNo++)
+ {
+ SequenceI seq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(seqNo);
+ if (previous != null)
+ {
+ /*
+ * find the bounding rectangle enclosing last search results
+ */
+ int[] visibleResults = previous.getResults(seq,
+ ranges.getStartRes(), ranges.getEndRes());
+ if (visibleResults != null)
+ {
+ int firstMatchedColumn = visibleResults[0];
+ int lastMatchedColumn = visibleResults[visibleResults.length - 1];
+ if (firstMatchedColumn <= ranges.getEndRes()
+ && lastMatchedColumn >= ranges.getStartRes())
+ {
+ /*
+ * a previous search results match in the visible region
+ * remember the first and last sequence matched, and the first
+ * and last visible columns in the matched positions
+ */
+ matchFound = true;
+ firstSeq = Math.min(firstSeq, seqNo);
+ lastSeq = Math.max(lastSeq, seqNo);
+ firstMatchedColumn = Math.max(firstMatchedColumn,
+ ranges.getStartRes());
+ lastMatchedColumn = Math.min(lastMatchedColumn,
+ ranges.getEndRes());
+ firstCol = Math.min(firstCol, firstMatchedColumn);
+ lastCol = Math.max(lastCol, lastMatchedColumn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * and repeat for the new search results
+ */
+ int[] visibleResults = results.getResults(seq, ranges.getStartRes(),
+ ranges.getEndRes());
+ if (visibleResults != null)
+ {
+ int firstMatchedColumn = visibleResults[0];
+ int lastMatchedColumn = visibleResults[visibleResults.length - 1];
+ if (firstMatchedColumn <= ranges.getEndRes()
+ && lastMatchedColumn >= ranges.getStartRes())
+ {
+ matchFound = true;
+ firstSeq = Math.min(firstSeq, seqNo);
+ lastSeq = Math.max(lastSeq, seqNo);
+ firstMatchedColumn = Math.max(firstMatchedColumn,
+ ranges.getStartRes());
+ lastMatchedColumn = Math.min(lastMatchedColumn,
+ ranges.getEndRes());
+ firstCol = Math.min(firstCol, firstMatchedColumn);
+ lastCol = Math.max(lastCol, lastMatchedColumn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- repaint();
+ if (matchFound)
+ {
+ int transX = (firstCol - ranges.getStartRes()) * av.getCharWidth();
+ int transY = (firstSeq - ranges.getStartSeq()) * av.getCharHeight();
+ gg.translate(transX, transY);
+ drawPanel(gg, firstCol, lastCol, firstSeq, lastSeq, 0);
+ gg.translate(-transX, -transY);
+ repaint();
+ }
+ fastpainting = false; // todo in finally block?