testee.calculateWrappedGeometry(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedVisibleWidths"), 1);
+ /**
+ * Test the method that computes wrapped width in residues, height of wrapped
+ * widths in pixels, and the number of widths visible
+ */
+ @Test(groups = "Functional")
+ public void testCalculateWrappedGeometry_withAnnotations()
+ {
+ AlignFrame af = new FileLoader().LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(
+ "examples/uniref50.fa", DataSourceType.FILE);
+ AlignViewport av = af.getViewport();
+ AlignmentI al = av.getAlignment();
+ assertEquals(al.getWidth(), 157);
+ assertEquals(al.getHeight(), 15);
+ av.setWrapAlignment(true);
+ av.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 14), true);
+ int charHeight = av.getCharHeight();
+ int charWidth = av.getCharWidth();
+ assertEquals(charHeight, 17);
+ assertEquals(charWidth, 12);
+ SeqCanvas testee = af.alignPanel.getSeqPanel().seqCanvas;
+ /*
+ * first with scales above, left, right
+ */
+ av.setShowAnnotation(true);
+ av.setScaleAboveWrapped(true);
+ av.setScaleLeftWrapped(true);
+ av.setScaleRightWrapped(true);
+ FontMetrics fm = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(testee, av.getFont());
+ int labelWidth = fm.stringWidth("00000"); // width of 3 digits and 2 spaces
+ assertEquals(labelWidth, 45); // note this is not 5 * charWidth
+ int annotationHeight = testee.getAnnotationHeight();
+ /*
+ * width 400 pixels leaves (400 - 2*labelWidth) for residue columns
+ * take the whole multiple of character widths
+ */
+ int canvasWidth = 400;
+ int canvasHeight = 300;
+ int residueColumns = (canvasWidth - 2 * labelWidth) / charWidth;
+ int wrappedWidth = testee.calculateWrappedGeometry(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+ assertEquals(wrappedWidth, residueColumns);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "labelWidthWest"), labelWidth);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "labelWidthEast"), labelWidth);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment"),
+ 2 * charHeight);
+ int repeatingHeight = (int) PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedRepeatHeightPx");
+ assertEquals(repeatingHeight, charHeight * (2 + al.getHeight())
+ + annotationHeight);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedVisibleWidths"), 1);
+ /*
+ * repeat height is 17 * (2 + 15) = 289 + annotationHeight = 507
+ * make canvas height 2 * 289 + 3 * charHeight so just enough to
+ * draw 2 widths and the first sequence of a third
+ */
+ canvasHeight = charHeight * (17 * 2 + 3) + 2 * annotationHeight;
+ testee.calculateWrappedGeometry(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedVisibleWidths"), 3);
+ /*
+ * reduce canvas height by 1 pixel - should not be enough height
+ * to draw 3 widths
+ */
+ canvasHeight -= 1;
+ testee.calculateWrappedGeometry(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedVisibleWidths"), 2);
+ /*
+ * turn off scale above - can now fit in 2 and a bit widths
+ */
+ av.setScaleAboveWrapped(false);
+ testee.calculateWrappedGeometry(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedVisibleWidths"), 3);
+ /*
+ * reduce height to enough for 2 widths and not quite a third
+ * i.e. two repeating heights + spacer + sequence - 1 pixel
+ */
+ canvasHeight = charHeight * (16 * 2 + 2) + 2 * annotationHeight - 1;
+ testee.calculateWrappedGeometry(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedVisibleWidths"), 2);
+ /*
+ * add 1 pixel to height - should now get 3 widths drawn
+ */
+ canvasHeight += 1;
+ testee.calculateWrappedGeometry(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
+ assertEquals(PA.getValue(testee, "wrappedVisibleWidths"), 3);
+ }