<strong>Structure Viewers in the Jalview Desktop</strong><br /> The
<a href="jmol.html">Jmol viewer</a> has been included since Jalview
2.3. Jalview 2.8.2 included support for <a href="chimera.html">Chimera</a>,
- provided it is installed and can be launched by Jalview. ChimeraX and PyMOL
+ provided it is installed and can be launched by Jalview. ChimeraX and <a href="pymol.html">PyMOL</a>
support is included from Jalview 2.11.2. The default
viewer can be configured in the <a href="preferences.html#structure">Structure
tab</a> in the <strong>Tools→Preferences</strong> dialog box.
un-tick the <strong>Superpose Structures</strong> checkbox.
- <p>
- <em>Superposing structures</em><br/>Jalview superposes structures using
- the visible portions of any associated sequence alignments. A
- message in the structure viewer's status bar will be shown if not
- enough aligned columns were available to perform a superposition.
- </p>
- <p>
- See the <a href="jmol.html">Jmol
- </a> and <a href="chimera.html">Chimera</a> help pages for
- more information about their capabilities.</p>
- <p>
+ <p>
+ <em>Superposing structures</em><br />Jalview superposes structures
+ using the currently selected columns (if more than 3 columns are
+ selected), or the visible portions of any associated sequence
+ alignments. Depending on the viewer, Root Mean Squared Deviation (RMS
+ or RMSD) for each pair of superpositions may be output in the
+ structure viewer's console.
+ </p>
+ <p>A message in the structure viewer's status bar will be shown if
+ not enough aligned columns were available to perform a superposition.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ See the <a href="jmol.html">Jmol</a>, <a href="chimera.html">Chimera/X</a>
+ and <a href="pymol.html">Pymol</a> help pages for more information
+ about their individual capabilities.
+ </p>
+ <p>
<strong>Retrieving sequences from the PDB</strong><br>You can
retrieve sequences from the PDB using the <a
href="pdbsequencefetcher.html">Sequence Fetcher</a>. The sequences