JAL-3033 unpack SwingJS last to ensure we always have the latest version of SwingJS...
[jalview.git] / .gitignore
2018-07-05 hansonrremoving temp files for build of libjs
2018-07-03 hansonrJAL-3026 adds org.json.simple to srcjars and jsonsimple...
2018-06-20 hansonrBob first commit JAL-3032
2017-10-03 gmungocJAL-2738 copy to spikes/mungo
2017-08-18 kiramtJAL-2662 Tidy
2016-01-21 Jim ProcterJAL-1995 remove jalviewApplet.jar from tree and added...
2015-08-19 gmungocJAL-1782 don't save TESTNG output summary to git
2015-06-19 tcofoegbuJAL-1270 JUnit to TestNG refactoring
2014-11-12 Charles OfoegbuAdded support for SVG Export
2014-10-31 Charles Ofoegbuadded jsoup lib to class path
2014-10-30 Charles OfoegbuJAL-1541 BioJs MSA Viewer export option implementation
2014-10-29 Charles OfoegbuJAL-353 updated patch for undo successive remove redund...
2013-02-11 jprocterupgrade to latest paradise services model using JSon...
2012-11-15 Paolo Di TommasoFixed T-Coffee file scores parser to support extended...
2011-09-26 jprocterexclude build artefacts from repository