Merge branch 'JAL-986_idwidthprefs' into develop
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / gui /
2011-10-27 jprocter(JAL-969) refactored alignmentViewport base class to...
2011-10-10 jprocterupdate author list in license for (JAL-826)
2011-09-27 jprocterapply version 2.7 copyright
2011-09-14 jprocterJAL-934 - refactor to use label font functions
2011-08-17 jprocteravoid NPE race condition when several threads waiting...
2011-07-08 jprocteropen each query result from an alignment datasource...
2010-09-23 jprocterJalview 2.6 source licence
2010-09-22 jprocterFix and documentation for JAL-657
2010-09-19 jproctermake sure only one sequence datasource initialization...
2010-06-29 jproctercatch OOM earlier * JAL-595
2010-04-30 jprocterjalview 2.5 release banner
2009-06-24 jproctercan use whitespace, comma or semicolon to separate IDs
2009-06-08 jprocterapply gpl development license
2009-01-07 jproctercheck for features on the retrieved sequences
2008-12-05 jproctersupport for multiple accession retrieval from a databas...
2008-09-04 jproctermerge from 2_4_Release branch
2008-08-26 jprocteradded singleton access method to retrieve the latest...
2008-08-15 jprocterdialog size on macs
2008-08-15 jprocterincrease height of dialog
2008-08-05 jprocterensure das sequence sources are refreshed when das...
2008-08-04 jprocterpfam seed and full alignment retrieval and nicer orderi...
2008-08-01 jprocternew SequenceFetcher gui and visual delay indication...
2008-07-31 jprocteruse canonical DbSource name in GUI box, and ensure...
2007-12-21 jproctersequence db fetcher metadata for multiple sequence...
2007-11-16 jprocterrefactored ebi soap client and AbstractSequenceFetcher...
2007-10-26 jprocteruse new utility class for platform info
2007-08-22 jprocterquick fix for exceptions due to invalid embl refs
2007-07-13 jprocterpickmanager on sequence and alignment position, vamsas...
2007-05-03 amwaterhouseremove system.out
2007-05-02 amwaterhouseAllow expansion of textarea for many sequence input
2007-04-04 amwaterhouseThrow exception if pdb result size is zero
2007-03-19 jprocterretrieve and parse EMBL records to view exons.
2007-02-07 amwaterhouseFormatting
2007-01-19 jprocterreoganization of PDB sequence fetching for sequence...
2007-01-18 amwaterhouseFile Parsing returns Alignments, not Sequence[]
2006-12-21 amwaterhouseremove unnecessary import
2006-12-05 amwaterhouseSequence is char []
2006-11-28 jprocterEBI web service interface update (and SequenceFetcher...
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseMultiple Views
2006-08-21 amwaterhouseheader updated
2006-08-21 amwaterhouseAdd uniprot DBref
2006-08-15 amwaterhouseWRITEABLE_FORMATS and READABLE_FORMATS string []
2006-07-25 amwaterhousepdb fetchDataAsFile
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseDBRefFetcher replaces SequenceFeatureFetcher
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseWrap alignment moved to alignFrame
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseRetrieve multiple EMBL ids
2006-06-08 jprocterIntroduced DbRefEntry to DasSourceCoordinateSystem...
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseWrap alignment added to preferences
2006-04-13 amwaterhouseshowInternalMessage jdk1.5 bug
2006-04-10 amwaterhouseFixed protein desc bug
2006-03-13 jprocterbug fix for 0013013
2006-03-08 amwaterhouseIdentifyFile should not be static
2006-02-24 amwaterhouseUse add seq feature instead of replacing existing features
2006-02-08 amwaterhouseparseResult takes the title as string. usually null
2006-02-03 amwaterhouseRetrieves PFAM alignments
2006-01-30 amwaterhouseCancel button is now close button
2006-01-12 jprocterDBRefEntry made for sequences retrieved from the PDB
2006-01-12 jprocter<No Comment Entered>
2005-12-22 amwaterhouseCheck for null StringBuffer in getPDB
2005-12-22 amwaterhouseCheck for null StringBuffer in getPDB
2005-12-09 jprocterfixed pdbentry creation and multiple uniprot or pdb...
2005-12-08 jproctercontext dependent title for when called from desktop...
2005-12-08 jprocteradded some error checking and instruction dialogs
2005-12-07 amwaterhouseLicense added to new files
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseSlightly larger
2005-12-06 amwaterhouseAfter merge