Remove start end for now??
[jalview.git] / src / jalview / gui /
2006-07-21 amwaterhousegetViewAsString can ignore sequenceGroup
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseshow hide stuff moved from columnSelection
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseSaves hidden seqs and DBRefs
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseav.showHiddenMarkers check
2006-07-21 amwaterhouseShow hide cols and rows
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseRemove b keystroke
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseMerge new frame buttons added
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseOutput to text window added
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseCorrect highlighted res height
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseSave output use whole alignment
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseOriginal tree data output in PFAM format
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseHighlight hidden columns after revealing
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseCheck for all gapped seqs
2006-07-19 amwaterhouseCopy works with selection area
2006-07-18 amwaterhouseUse selection area with hidden columns in calculations
2006-07-17 amwaterhouseTowards an auto dbref fetcher
2006-07-13 amwaterhouseDAS feature retrieval updated
2006-07-12 amwaterhousesequences are private in SequenceGroup
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseSequence numbering maintained
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseHighlight sequences before seleting
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseCorrected for hidden rows
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseRow might have height of zero
2006-07-07 amwaterhousecheck control down if c pressed in cursor mode
2006-07-07 amwaterhousechangeColour is public
2006-07-07 amwaterhouseComs might be null
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseParse HTML links from jalview features file
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseDBRefFetcher replaces SequenceFeatureFetcher
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseCheck if featuresDisplayed is null
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseCase wrapped jar file, wrapped preference true dealt...
2006-06-23 amwaterhouseNo need for repaint
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseAlignFrame is now the FeatureListener
2006-06-22 amwaterhouseFetch DBRefs
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseUse spice-3d das1 source list for nowjalview/gui/DasSou...
2006-06-15 amwaterhousecheck helperUrl is not null
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseWrap alignment moved to alignFrame
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseNon positional features shown as mouse over
2006-06-15 amwaterhousefr.findAllFeatures on init
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseCorrect citation
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseUnnecessary import
2006-06-15 amwaterhouseFeatureRenderer synchronized featuresAdded method
2006-06-14 amwaterhouseFileloading progressbar
2006-06-14 amwaterhouseStatus is now in otherData of feature
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseRetrieve multiple EMBL ids
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseSize adjustments for MacOSX
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseRemove unnecessary lines
2006-06-09 amwaterhousecreateColourFromName if not specified
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseExport annotations as Jalview format
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseFeature and annotation parsing moved to io
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseSave text to file
2006-06-09 amwaterhouseAnnotation/feature exporter
2006-06-08 jprocterIntroduced DbRefEntry to DasSourceCoordinateSystem...
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseWrap alignment added to preferences
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseChecks in case DasSource is null
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseRemove unnecessary ints
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseDAS sources added
2006-06-07 amwaterhousePopupMenu displays URL links
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseignore begin==0 and end==0 for the moment
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseCreate random colour only if Colour is not specified
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseImplements FeatureListener
2006-06-07 amwaterhousenew DasSequenceFetcher
2006-06-07 amwaterhouseNEW FILES
2006-05-17 amwaterhouseRestrict annotation panel to 50% window on load
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseSave annotation colours, hideConsevation etc, graphGroups
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseSwitch off dashedline after drawing groups
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseRemove unwanted line
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseAllow for scroller position
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseRemove system.out
2006-05-16 amwaterhouseRearrange annotations
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseMonospaced font not allowed if charWidth stretched
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseBrackets around orgin calculation
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseEPS font width is a double, check this for monospacedFont
2006-05-15 amwaterhouseIf headless, get the width of Jalview wrapped window...
2006-05-12 amwaterhousereturns to zero degrees when stopped
2006-05-12 amwaterhousepass viewport to fileloader, as we need to fireproperty...
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseSlight mod url chooser for Mac users
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseTypo
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseInvert selection
2006-05-11 amwaterhouseRecently loaded files, urls, append sequences to Alignment
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseCopy and paste of annotations with seqrefs
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseimplements ClipboardOwner
2006-05-10 amwaterhousesaves and loads annotations with seqrefs
2006-05-10 amwaterhouseDraw an offscreen Image
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseCheck that fontsize > 0
2006-05-02 amwaterhouseToggle Case added
2006-05-01 amwaterhouseMaintain original transparency setting
2006-05-01 amwaterhouseChange name to editMenu
2006-05-01 amwaterhouseIf Mac, use the fillRoundRect method
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseHelix sizes
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseGroup width -1
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseWatch for exceeding width limit
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseIf autoCalculate selected, recalculate immediately
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseBack to gray line
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseBack to gray line
2006-04-28 amwaterhousevalidCharWidth moved to viewport
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseAnnoying little line at end of wrapped alignment
2006-04-28 amwaterhousevalidCharWidth checks
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseEdit menu added
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseAdd to palette layer
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseHelix glyphs fixed
2006-04-28 amwaterhouseCase sensitive