release property includes -b or -t to indicate what gets checked out
[jalview.git] / src / jalview /
2008-02-22 jproctertypo for AXISLOGLEVEL constant
2008-02-22 jprocterexplicit quote of chaincode in errror message
2008-01-29 jprocterminor change to output of main method for testing file IO
2008-01-29 jproctermemory usage information and flag to indicate if warnin...
2008-01-29 jprocteradd methods to read from current position of existing...
2008-01-29 jprocterensure mark is set before identification is started.
2008-01-29 jprocterFileParse object can be re-used to read different files...
2008-01-29 jprocterflag to indicate if errors are raised as warning dialog...
2008-01-29 jprocterexplicitly allow access to showMemoryUsage flag in...
2008-01-29 jprocterjavadoc
2008-01-29 jproctergroovy scripts can be read from stdin
2008-01-29 jprocterreinstated proper case insensitive searching for both...
2008-01-22 jproctertimings and memory usage for reading in a file
2008-01-22 jproctermore efficient parsing of large files, do not create...
2008-01-22 jprocterensured that seqeunce feature shift takes into account...
2008-01-22 jprocternew method to get map of sequence positions correspondi...
2008-01-21 jprocterfix regex for annotation subtype to use non-whitespace...
2008-01-21 jprocterjavadoc and main method for testing file input routines
2008-01-21 jprocterjavadoc
2008-01-11 jprocteradded groovy argument for launching a groovy script...
2008-01-11 jproctermemory monitor, garbage collection and changed menu...
2007-12-21 jprocteruniprotxml format comment (ebi changed service parameter)
2007-12-21 jprocterfurther bugfix and annotation transfer for dna/protein...
2007-12-21 jprocterjavadoc and bugfix
2007-12-21 jproctersequence db fetcher and db reference validation/annotat...
2007-12-21 jproctersequence db fetcher metadata for multiple sequence...
2007-12-21 jproctertemporary bugfix ?
2007-12-21 jprocterbugfix
2007-12-21 jprocterequivalence for transferring/updating references
2007-12-21 jprocterbugfixes
2007-12-18 jprocterincorrect colour-by-sequence when gaps are present...
2007-12-13 jprocterjava 1.1 compatibility (again)
2007-12-13 jprocterjava 1.1 compatibility (again)
2007-11-30 jprocternull pointer bugfix
2007-11-30 jprocterbugfixed MapList (must be propagated to vamsas version...
2007-11-30 jprocterjavadoc and transferAnnotation method
2007-11-30 jproctercase insensitive matching of database ids
2007-11-30 jproctercase invariant matching of seqeunce feature to sequence...
2007-11-28 jprocterbugfix
2007-11-24 jprocteronly show bootstrap values if they are valid!
2007-11-16 jproctertypo
2007-11-16 jprocterjavadoc
2007-11-16 jprocteradded generic method for adding new database proxies...
2007-11-16 jprocterrefactored ebi soap client and AbstractSequenceFetcher...
2007-11-16 jproctertodo for sortbyPID operating on current selection rathe...
2007-11-16 jprocterjavadoc
2007-11-16 jprocterrefactor abstract sequence fetching and DBSource machin...
2007-11-12 jproctercrossrefs have properly updated pdbId lists
2007-11-12 jprocterjavadoc and introduction of dasserver and fetchdas...
2007-11-12 jprocteradded mechanism to initiate DAS feature fetching progra...
2007-11-12 jprocterpublic access to static getAlignFrames method.
2007-11-12 jprocterpublic method to indicate if there are progress bars...
2007-11-12 jprocterpublicly accessible flag to indicate if a registry...
2007-11-12 jprocterbugfix for occasional race condition causing exception...
2007-11-12 jproctercomments
2007-11-12 jprocterbegun adding string constants for source properties
2007-11-12 jprocterjavadoc
2007-11-08 jprocterend must be greater than blockstart
2007-11-08 jprocterinitialise treeCanvas before starting loading thread
2007-11-07 jprocterfix accidental breakage of annotation panel redraw...
2007-11-07 jprocterattempt to make fastPaint method thread safe
2007-11-05 jprocterrefactored syncing of alignment sequences - still buggy
2007-11-05 jproctervamsas connects and updates are threaded with a progres...
2007-10-31 jprocterjavadoc
2007-10-31 jprocterrejiggered loadDataFile and parseFeatureFile so JNet...
2007-10-31 jprocteradded bugfix todo
2007-10-31 jprocterconcise files can now be read as a normal alignment...
2007-10-31 jprocteradded a quieter bailout for cases when the featuresFile...
2007-10-31 jprocterfactored out reference to parent alignFrame (so all...
2007-10-31 jprocterbeginnings of view definition capability for annotation...
2007-10-31 jprocterjavadoc
2007-10-31 jproctererror message associated with an alignment file loading...
2007-10-31 jprocterintroduce new type to pass around featureRendererSettings
2007-10-31 jprocternullpointer bug fix on consensus thread
2007-10-31 jprocterjavadoc on webservice discovery method
2007-10-31 jprocterfix parsing of embl entries like S75919 which have...
2007-10-29 jprocterbugfix for alignments without aligned codon frames
2007-10-28 jprocterbegin process of allowing for column selection in wrapp...
2007-10-28 jprocterfix display of hidden sequence markers in applet
2007-10-27 jproctermust do any modification to menus before they are embed...
2007-10-27 jprocterenabled platform dependent embedding of menuBar with...
2007-10-27 jprocterwindowclose handler now calls EmbmenuFrame garbage...
2007-10-27 jprocterfixed bootstrap value rendering to occur only when...
2007-10-27 jprocterrefactored embedded menu machinery
2007-10-26 jprocteradd mac dependent use of embedded menu bar rather than...
2007-10-26 jprocteruse new utility class for platform info
2007-10-26 jprocternew applet and application utility class for platform...
2007-10-26 jprocterfixed applet API calls so they operate on the embedded...
2007-10-26 jprocterupdated client which allows XML validation flags to...
2007-10-24 jprocterthread for product retrieval
2007-10-24 jprocterensure PDB ids are updated on the dataset sequence
2007-10-24 jprocterindividual query error/exception report and bugfix
2007-10-24 jprocteradd parsed PDB reference to sequences
2007-10-24 jprocternull pointer exception and warning for update of tree
2007-10-24 jprocterjavadoc
2007-10-15 jprocternew features or newly shown group features are placed...
2007-10-12 jprocteradded separator parameter with default of '|' to contro...
2007-10-11 jprocterremove conflict on javascript api
2007-10-11 jprocterstatic debug flag controlling output of excessive info...
2007-10-11 jprocterpass up the errormessage in the exception when a dataso...