experimental: sort by feature UI in feature settings and variable height rendering...
[jalview.git] / src / jalview /
2007-05-17 jprocterrefining - still debugging.
2007-05-17 jprocteruse of proper vamsas client API by Jalview
2007-05-17 jproctermodified castor-1.1 library and refactored uk.ac.vamsas
2007-05-15 amwaterhouseSequenceListener highlights SearchResults, not just...
2007-05-10 jprocterapparent bug in JpredFile parser where annotation was...
2007-05-10 jprocterensure that only annotation referenced in given alignme...
2007-05-10 jprocterdocumentation
2007-05-10 jprocterbugfix on copy only referenced annotation in copy const...
2007-05-10 jprocterfixed array index out of bounds when not removing align...
2007-05-10 amwaterhousevisibility setting
2007-05-10 amwaterhouseKeep record of last tooltip
2007-05-10 amwaterhouseVisible state of annotation
2007-05-10 amwaterhouseAdd show all hidden menu
2007-05-10 amwaterhouseDont duplicate annotations in multiple views
2007-05-10 amwaterhousesave visible state of annotation
2007-05-09 jproctermain method for running from command line and better...
2007-05-09 amwaterhouseminor formatting of tooltip
2007-05-08 jprocterdialog box menu item naming
2007-05-08 amwaterhousecheck for null annotations
2007-05-08 amwaterhouseset picking label
2007-05-08 amwaterhouseinstant update when seq colour is pressed
2007-05-08 amwaterhousemust specify .CA
2007-05-08 amwaterhouseremove system.out
2007-05-08 amwaterhousesmall sphere for alpha carbon
2007-05-08 amwaterhouseaddElement
2007-05-07 amwaterhouseImage size must allow for scale height
2007-05-07 amwaterhousedif is never used
2007-05-07 amwaterhouseAllow for large font sizes
2007-05-07 amwaterhousedont use gold highlights
2007-05-07 amwaterhouseMax width for tooltip
2007-05-07 amwaterhousestill trying to prevent null painting
2007-05-07 amwaterhouseUse id hash to add pdb mappings back to alignment
2007-05-07 amwaterhousetIndex prevented deletion of last annotation
2007-05-07 amwaterhouseDont use gold colouring for highlight
2007-05-07 amwaterhousePDBViewer available if necessary
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseCheck bounds of loaded comp
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseremove system.out
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseadded
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseAdd dbrefs before zero length features
2007-05-04 amwaterhouselastCommand check
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseRename AppJMol to AppJmol - also AppJmol works with...
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseRenamed to AppJmol
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseNew example file for version 2.3
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseNew example file for version 2.3
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseSplash screen is not added using normal method, prevent...
2007-05-04 amwaterhouseAnnotations do not extend when full alignment is adjusted
2007-05-03 amwaterhousepdb id toUpperCase
2007-05-03 amwaterhouseoptimize repaints
2007-05-03 amwaterhouseremove system.out
2007-05-02 jprocterfeature locations are retrieved by associated accession...
2007-05-02 jprocterfeature locations are retrieved by associated accession...
2007-05-02 jprocterpublic debug report log message to gather any cases...
2007-05-02 jprocterfixed getIntervals bug to ensure it returns range from...
2007-05-02 jprocterdocumentation and proxy call to util.MapList.getToWord...
2007-05-02 jprocterextractScores menu item disabled for release
2007-05-02 jprocteronly return non-empty subsequences when getting selecti...
2007-05-02 amwaterhouseAllow expansion of textarea for many sequence input
2007-05-02 amwaterhouseAMSA input set padgaps true
2007-05-02 amwaterhouseconvert space to gapchar
2007-05-02 jprocterundo stackempty error fix, refactored do and undo(...
2007-05-02 jprocterrefactored do and undo() method to take array of alignm...
2007-05-02 jproctercopy only the sequence associated alignment annotation...
2007-05-02 jproctersubsequence bound checks and constructor for selectivel...
2007-05-02 jprocterreturn flag indicating if annotations were actually...
2007-05-02 jprocterchecks for negative start column in restrict
2007-05-02 amwaterhousePadgaps is false by default
2007-05-01 amwaterhousesetVisible flag sent to EditNameDialog
2007-05-01 amwaterhousePad gaps method
2007-05-01 amwaterhouseMake sure annots are alignment width
2007-05-01 amwaterhouseuse jalviewLite to addFrame
2007-05-01 amwaterhouseremove system.out
2007-05-01 amwaterhouseMultiple views/hidden region/undo out of index bug
2007-05-01 amwaterhouseCan specify PDB chain to map sequence to - only used...
2007-05-01 jprocterjavadoc
2007-05-01 jprocterremoveAlignmentAnnotation only removes annotation objec...
2007-05-01 jproctersort-by-score works of sequence-annotation, not alignme...
2007-05-01 amwaterhouseSave seqset properties
2007-04-30 jprocter'no sources selected' calls method on feature settings...
2007-04-30 jprocterfixed deadlock
2007-04-30 amwaterhousesetVisible replaces show
2007-04-30 jprocterrebuild sort by scores menu when new annotation is...
2007-04-30 jprocterpad should leave null annotations array null
2007-04-30 jprocterconvenient creation of 'score only' annotation.
2007-04-30 jprocterparse alignment properties and add annotation rows...
2007-04-30 jprocteralignment properties and embedded newick strings can...
2007-04-30 jprocterdssp 7-state to three state lookup
2007-04-30 jprocterjavadoc
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseremove excessive painting
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseREmove excessive painting
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseRepaint after feature added
2007-04-27 amwaterhousePrevent err when editing and overview drawing
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseCheck pdbid size >0
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseMove repaint in thread
2007-04-27 amwaterhousePut alignmentProperties in scrollpane
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseCheck feature group is visible for mouse over features
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseremove System.out
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseAdd param to Jmol path
2007-04-27 amwaterhousepadGaps moved
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseMake sure mainContainer and owner are not null
2007-04-27 amwaterhouseMust check that featureGroup is visible for mouse over...