sequence groups carry their own conservation and consensus annotation rows
[jalview.git] / src /
2009-01-08 jprocterfix broken parsing of non-positional features in GFF...
2009-01-08 jprocterstructure ids are not IDs, but simply references
2009-01-08 jprocterrefactor
2009-01-07 jprocterensure that the DAS sequence source checkbox is checked...
2009-01-07 jproctercheck for features on the retrieved sequences
2009-01-07 jprocterrefactor
2009-01-07 jprocteradded higher level method to enable the display of...
2008-12-19 jprocterjustify cannot be undone - commented out menu items...
2008-12-19 jprocterexperimental: sort by feature UI in feature settings...
2008-12-19 jprocternew sort by length method, justify edit menu entries...
2008-12-19 jproctercatch null pointer exception when no colourscheme is...
2008-12-19 jproctersimple transformation of feature types like dbref and...
2008-12-19 jproctertodo
2008-12-19 jprocterwsdbfetch parameter change again (uniprotkb is dbname...
2008-12-19 jprocteravoid null pointer exception when no features visible
2008-12-19 jprocteravoid null pointer exception when groupName is not set
2008-12-19 jprocterleft and right justify method
2008-12-19 jproctersort by length
2008-12-15 jprocteradded (and enabled) switch to store gff source string...
2008-12-15 jproctertemporary fix and note about null feature group mucking...
2008-12-15 jprocterwarning for failed parsing of newick strings
2008-12-15 jprocternew callback handler allowing threads that request...
2008-12-15 jprocterstructureState element to structure view Id is a many...
2008-12-08 jprocterDAS feature scores are parsed into floats on sequence...
2008-12-08 jprocteroutput average score to stdout
2008-12-08 jprocterdisplay feature score in tooltip
2008-12-08 jprocterexperimental buttons for sort on score/density and...
2008-12-08 jprocternew sort functions for ordering sequence by annotated...
2008-12-05 jproctersupport for multiple accession retrieval from a databas...
2008-12-04 jprocteradded local das sequence source CLI and documentation
2008-12-04 jprocterfetch database references for all EBI db + selected...
2008-12-04 jproctersequence fetchers generated for local das sequence...
2008-12-04 jprocterdas source browser uses local source method from jalvie...
2008-12-04 jprocterallow sequence source to be specified as sequence:mydas...
2008-12-04 jprocterlocal das source properties string constants and routin...
2008-12-04 jprocterproperly catch exceptions from querying server with...
2008-12-04 jprocterminimise exceptions for bad uniprot ids
2008-12-04 jprocterselect source by implementation class
2008-12-04 jprocterfix null pointer exception for sources which don't...
2008-12-04 jprocterclarity of tree menu calculation widget name
2008-12-01 jproctermatch case switch should work for both sequence ID...
2008-11-12 jprocterrefactored to propery separate addToDocument,addFromDoc...
2008-11-12 jprocternew viewport IDs and jalview XML storage/sync in vamsas...
2008-11-12 jprocterselection sending and receiving, autoscrolling to highl...
2008-11-12 jprocterselection sending and receiving, autoscrolling to highl...
2008-11-12 jprocterselection sending
2008-11-12 jprocternew ID constructor and selection sending
2008-11-12 jprocternew constructors for setting IDs
2008-11-12 jprocternew window discovery and alignment view navigation...
2008-11-12 jprocterjar inputstream provider enabling multiple jar entries...
2008-11-12 jprocterautomatic scrolling switch
2008-11-12 jprocterautomatic scrolling option added to view
2008-11-12 jprocterjdk1.2 compatibility
2008-11-12 jprocterminor translation bug
2008-11-12 jprocterjavadoc
2008-11-12 jprocterjalview XML schema update for 2.4.1 (or 2.5?) introduci...
2008-11-12 jprocternew listener/sender for selection events
2008-11-12 jproctergracefully translate ambigous nucleotides as 'X'
2008-11-12 jprocterbugfix to safely deal with server exception resulting...
2008-11-12 jprocteradded todo regarding import of GFF2 key=value attributes
2008-11-12 jprocteravoid exception if search returns valid object but...
2008-11-12 jprocternew copy constructor and intersect method
2008-11-12 jprocterinvolvesSequence to check if searchResults intersect...
2008-11-12 jprocterjavadoc and new method to get alignment sequence index...
2008-11-04 jprocterbugfix db ref retrieve routine so it removes dead query...
2008-11-04 jprocterimplemented embl validation properly
2008-11-04 jprocterimplemented embl validation properly
2008-11-04 jprocterbeginning of implementation of new properties for hide...
2008-11-04 jprocterbugfix for transfer of user defined colourscheme from...
2008-11-04 jprocterapplication specific validIOformat method
2008-09-24 jprocterfixed sequence associated annotation reading bug where...
2008-09-16 jprocterjava 1.1 compatibility
2008-09-16 jprocterfix exception raised when JNet concise files with no...
2008-09-09 jprocterlinks associated with non-positional features do not...
2008-09-09 jproctershow non-positional features with same code as positona...
2008-09-09 jprocterrefactored feature tooltip generation code to static...
2008-09-09 jprocternon-positional features are displayed with additional...
2008-09-09 jproctertooltip contains non-positional features and popup...
2008-09-09 jproctermake URL links from description string when link is...
2008-09-08 jprocterview settings in view submenu and user preferences...
2008-09-08 jprocterintroduced and commented out code for generating URLs...
2008-09-04 jproctermerge from 2_4_Release branch
2008-08-27 jprocterno newline after licence comment
2008-08-26 jprocterupdate Jpred3 service referenec
2008-08-26 jprocterallow '|' to be entered in URL text box and added regex...
2008-08-26 jprocterset title of viewer frame after file has been loaded...
2008-08-26 jprocterfuture bug fix todo
2008-08-26 jprocternew thread for initting of DBRefFetcher with latest...
2008-08-26 jprocteruses shared singleton from jalview.gui.SequenceFetcher...
2008-08-26 jprocteradded singleton access method to retrieve the latest...
2008-08-26 jprocterbugfix todo for the 'edit sequence' command
2008-08-26 jproctertooltip for fetch db refs and more generic regex for...
2008-08-26 jprocterpdb xrefs added as dbrefs and as PDB file links
2008-08-26 jprocterensure successive matches to a regex have distinct...
2008-08-20 jprocterUse 0f rather than NaN to specify non-valued annotation...
2008-08-20 jproctertooltip displays formatted annotation row description...
2008-08-19 jprocterbeginning of fix for embl/cds/highlighting IO in https...
2008-08-19 jprocterfix for arrayoutofbounds bug when secondary structure...
2008-08-19 jprocterbetter check for molecule type when identifying interna...
2008-08-19 jprocterregex links for launching URL from single click on...