2006-10-24 amwaterhouseHistoryItem replaced by CommandI
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseEditCommand implemented
2006-10-24 amwaterhousemust translate graphics back the same amountcvs diff...
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseChange Case is undoable
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseSequenceIndex might be beyond old height
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseMust catch image outOfMemoryError
2006-10-24 amwaterhousechangeCase, removeGaps moved to commands package
2006-10-24 amwaterhousemaxIdLength redundant, deleteCols, trimLeft, removeGaps...
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseUses RemoveGapsCommand
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseRemove variables not used
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseRemove unneccessary import
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseMake everything final
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseNew accelerators
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseCommented out for compilation
2006-10-24 amwaterhousesetOrder is public
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseCommands which can be done, or undone
2006-10-24 amwaterhouseIts historycvs remove jalview/datamodel/HistoryItem...
2006-10-24 jprocterfixes bug reported by Christopher Tan (help@jalview...
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseWait for response from server before next sequence
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseshowqual, showcons never used
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseremove html and body from tooltip
2006-10-18 amwaterhousenew feature args
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseCan set description for new features
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseFaded anntotations when recalculating
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseset conserve and quality null if outofmemory
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseNo longer a FeatureListener
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseparseDescriptionHTML
2006-10-18 amwaterhousedraw text after linkimage
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseRemove system.out
2006-10-18 amwaterhouseGerneral XML parse error
2006-10-15 jprocterfixed array out of bounds exception in copy constructor
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseshowQuality may be updated during archive file load
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseConvenient function findEndRes
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseAdd features from Popupmenu
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseOverview may request index beyond alignment height
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseUse i, not index if not representedSeqs
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseIf conservation is null, disable Blosum62 and conservat...
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseAnnotasiont[j] might be null
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseLocal adjustForhiddenSeqs routine
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseRepresentGroup count items
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseNull element checked
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseHiddenSequences now array, not hashtable
2006-10-12 amwaterhouseComment out debug to compile applet
2006-10-11 jprocterfixes exception (array index out of bounds - due to...
2006-10-10 jprocterrefined id matching to pick the closest match (by lengt...
2006-10-10 jprocterdebug message bugfix on duplicate tree leaf names.
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseNo need to find index when deleting
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseCalculate alWidth earlier
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseRemove growing hashtable
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseCheck on null consensus
2006-10-10 jprocterbugfix for dodgy trees which contain the same leafname...
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseMust repaint whole alignPanel
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseMaxResidue must be at least 2
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseRemove unneccessary separator
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseOnly getGroups once if groupEditingcvs update
2006-10-10 amwaterhouse1.1 compatible
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseUse AAFrequency final keys
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseSetTooltip empty
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseOptimized
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseaaIndex replaces aaHash
2006-10-10 amwaterhousestatic final strings for consensus keys
2006-10-10 amwaterhouseConsensus and conservation updated in threads
2006-10-09 jprocterfixed log4j complaints for vamsas logging (again)
2006-10-09 jprocterfixed log4j complaints for vamsas logging.
2006-10-09 jprocterexcluded log4j properties.
2006-10-09 jprocterjava 1.4 compliant classes.
2006-10-09 jprocterimported Vamsas bindings and alpha vamsas client code...
2006-10-09 jprocterset firstColumn property for an alignmentView object.
2006-10-09 jprocterfixed getCompactAlignment method to return proper cigar...
2006-10-06 jprocterAdded filter so that input to a JPred job is *solely...
2006-10-06 jprocterjavadoc
2006-10-06 jprocternew getVisibleContigs method mirrors the getVisibleCont...
2006-10-06 amwaterhouseAAFrequency optimized
2006-10-06 amwaterhouseSet consensus as hashtble[]
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseMultiple Views
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseBatchSize now 10
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseOutOfMemoryError test
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseTabbedPanes for views
2006-10-05 amwaterhouselower case available
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseAlignFrame must take width and height
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseSequenceset may be empty, multiple views
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseDEFAULT_WIDTH
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseViewname, sequencesetid, gatheredViews
2006-10-05 amwaterhouseSequences are optionalcvs diff vamsas.xsd
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseCheck annotation is editable
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseSend DAS requests in batches of 20
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseDB seqs may be lower or upper case
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseBoldFont upperCase
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseRemove empty() from feature ToolTip
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseCheck selection scroll beyond aligmnment height
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseCheck on vscrollMax values
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseupperCaseBold
2006-10-03 amwaterhouseTurnColour bug on popupmenu applet
2006-09-27 jprocterfixed tree building exception when one residue or a...
2006-09-18 amwaterhouseDraw hidden column marker correctly
2006-09-18 amwaterhouseclick node to select sequences
2006-09-15 amwaterhouseSimplified schema
2006-09-15 amwaterhouseSimplified layout
2006-09-12 amwaterhousehideSequence hide all before recalc consensus
2006-09-12 amwaterhouseCopy consensus