2007-04-26 amwaterhousecolourText = false
2007-04-26 jprocterscore and visible copy construction
2007-04-26 amwaterhouseEdit seqs
2007-04-26 jprocterquick fix for verbose fortranesque comments in preamble...
2007-04-26 jprocterfixed bug in prefix extraction for application
2007-04-26 jprocterbasic methods for adding scores extracted from description
2007-04-26 jprocterfix for null annotations
2007-04-26 jproctergroovy support without compile-time dependency.
2007-04-26 amwaterhouseremove should be removeElement
2007-04-26 amwaterhouseAlignment Properties required for annotation file
2007-04-25 jproctermoving word methods to MapList and begin bug-fix for...
2007-04-25 jproctergetContentPane().add alignmentProperties popup.
2007-04-25 amwaterhouseproperties + colours
2007-04-25 amwaterhouseShow scores
2007-04-25 amwaterhouseExport annotations with properties
2007-04-25 amwaterhouseView Properties
2007-04-25 amwaterhousefix recent file type bug
2007-04-25 amwaterhousealignmentProperties added
2007-04-25 jprocterFunctions for parsing free text properties on sequences...
2007-04-25 jproctertransfer of residue numbering as alignment annotation
2007-04-25 jprocterAlignmentAnnotation: added annotation score attribute...
2007-04-24 jprocterbugfix for sequence features mapped to multiple contigs...
2007-04-24 jprocterupdated mapping for EMBL_Services_V1.1.xsd and tested...
2007-04-23 jprocterfunctions that operate on references to sequences in...
2007-04-23 jprocterdistinct methods for getting references to selected...
2007-04-23 amwaterhousegetColour method added
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseCheck for null displayCharacters
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseDbref fetcher takes sequences, not alignment
2007-04-23 amwaterhousegetColour added to structures
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseTest out new arrangement
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseGet colour from structure added
2007-04-23 amwaterhousecheck dispalyChar is not null
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseCheck displayChar is not null
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseColour is null
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseremove seqref annotations
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseremove alignmentAnnotation added
2007-04-23 amwaterhouseOnly fetch refs for seelcted sequences
2007-04-20 jprocterfix null annotation values
2007-04-20 jprocterglobal dbref fetch option in web services menu.
2007-04-20 jproctervalue only annotation
2007-04-20 jprocteradds annotation for display (with flag to set alignment...
2007-04-20 jprocterannotation and seqs vectors are protected members for...
2007-04-19 jproctertfactor annotation description includes full sequenceID
2007-04-19 jproctertfactor and occupancy extracted from PDB file, and...
2007-04-19 jprocterbugfix
2007-04-19 jprocterfixed column selection cut/paste and self paste.
2007-04-19 jproctersequence associated alignment annotation copy for colum...
2007-04-19 jprocterensure edit command gapChar is updated and used for...
2007-04-19 jprocterpadGaps flag in copy constructor
2007-04-19 jprocterjavadoc note on padding AlignmentAnnotation to alignmen...
2007-04-19 jproctercopying sequenceMapping, restrict(alstart/end) and...
2007-04-19 amwaterhouseREPLACE added to edit command
2007-04-19 amwaterhouseOnly setDropTarget if Desktop is not null
2007-04-18 amwaterhouseValidate range for all annotations
2007-04-18 amwaterhouseRedundant code commented out
2007-04-18 amwaterhousehastext = false
2007-04-18 amwaterhousedont set seqref null if index incorrect
2007-04-18 amwaterhousefeatureGroups not null
2007-04-18 amwaterhousePad gaps when annotation editing
2007-04-18 amwaterhousequality has text false
2007-04-18 amwaterhouseQuality does not have text
2007-04-18 amwaterhouseAlignment of labels and text
2007-04-18 amwaterhousechecks for scrollbar height
2007-04-18 amwaterhouseDisable memory checker for now
2007-04-18 amwaterhouseadjustForAlignment on new seq ref
2007-04-18 amwaterhouseCheck values not null in copy constructor
2007-04-18 jproctermade compileApplet and obfuscate depend on the presence...
2007-04-18 jprocterjava 1.1 compliance
2007-04-17 jprocterbugfix for jalviewApplet run from command line.
2007-04-17 jprocterbugfix.
2007-04-17 jprocterjmol lib dependency for proguard and castorbinding...
2007-04-17 jprocteruse of suffix string (filename.blc#suffixstring) to...
2007-04-17 jprocterrefactored to allow seeks on a FileParse datasource...
2007-04-17 jprocterjavadoc
2007-04-17 jprocterascii type
2007-04-17 jprocterpaste adds or creates full copies of objects in clipboa...
2007-04-17 jprocterpdb files are global to all alignments with new mapping...
2007-04-17 jprocterpaste/cut now adds or removes associated AlignmentAnnot...
2007-04-17 jproctercopy constructors and AlignmentAnnotation sequenceRef...
2007-04-17 jproctercopy constructor and ascii type change.
2007-04-17 jprocterproper copy constructor (not clone)
2007-04-17 amwaterhouseApplet remembers PDBEntries, can launch multiple struct...
2007-04-17 amwaterhouseAdd system.out for Mcview / Jmol detection
2007-04-17 amwaterhouseRemove system.out
2007-04-16 amwaterhousedrawSequence must be synchronized
2007-04-16 amwaterhouseToo many calls to paintAlignment
2007-04-13 amwaterhouseFeatureRenderer takes alignmentPanel
2007-04-13 amwaterhouseCheck alignment has same sequence
2007-04-12 jprocterbasic support for multi-exon CDS features
2007-04-12 amwaterhouseNumber pad keys can be used in cursor mode
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseSetTargetColour before dialog.show
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseModified to compile applet with Jmol jar present
2007-04-11 jprocterfixed for display of 'null' group features
2007-04-11 jprocterfixed base lookup bug in dna pairwise alignment and...
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseCan add features with no group
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseAdjustment for hidden columns
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseUse same mouse events as scalePanel
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseAmend features/annotations in applet
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseUsed several places
2007-04-11 amwaterhouseIf hiddenColumns are null, then column is viisble