2018-03-01 gmungocJAL-2629 revising hmmer annotation updating (wip)
2018-02-28 gmungocJAL-2629 some tidying of Hmmer commands (wip)
2018-02-27 gmungocJAL-2668 method name change for clarity
2018-02-27 gmungocJAL-2668 fix broken factory method for colour scheme
2018-02-27 gmungocJAL-2717 JAL-2668 fixes to HMMER colour scheme display...
2018-02-26 gmungocJAL-2599 test coverage and bug fixes for 'minimal file...
2018-02-23 gmungocJAL-2599 corrected case-insensitive symbol indexing
2018-02-23 gmungocJAL-2599 parser and datamodel use primitive double...
2018-02-22 gmungocJAL-2629 tidy tests, refactor hmmer node mapping slightly
2018-02-22 gmungocJAL-2629 tidy unit tests, constants etc
2018-02-21 gmungocJAL-2629 simplifying method signatures in Hmmer command...
2018-02-20 gmungocJAL-2629 removed SequenceI.get/setLastPosition and...
2018-02-20 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into features/mchmmer
2018-02-20 gmungocJAL-2897 updated unit test for code change
2018-02-20 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-1793VCF
2018-02-19 gmungocJAL-2629 refactoring of Hmmer preferences
2018-02-19 gmungocJAL-2629 partial refactoring of Hmmer command classes
2018-02-19 gmungocJAL-2629 formatting only
2018-02-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2906 bump release version and cut new release note...
2018-02-07 gmungocJAL-2808 ensure pattern field re-enabled when needed...
2018-02-05 gmungocJAL-2897 more informative description on synonymous...
2018-02-05 gmungocJAL-2897 more informative description on synonymous...
2018-02-05 gmungocMerge branch 'spikes/mungo' into trialMerge
2018-02-05 gmungocJAL-2897 more informative description on synonymous...
2018-02-02 gmungocJAL-984 merged to spikes-mungo
2018-02-02 gmungocMerge branch 'feature/JAL-984splitAdjuster' into featur...
2018-02-02 gmungocJAL-984 use cursor for drag regions to adjust annotatio...
2018-02-02 gmungocJAL-984 better behaved panel height adjuster
2018-01-31 gmungocJAL-2792 added tooltip to menu items in case of truncation
2018-01-30 gmungocJAL-2069 menu item now "Variable colour..." to hint...
2018-01-30 gmungocJAL-1793 update spike build to latest incl stop and...
2018-01-30 gmungocJAL-2898 show 'stop_gained' variants on peptide sequences
2018-01-30 gmungocJAL-2897 generate peptide variants for synonymous codon...
2018-01-30 gmungocJAL-2897 formatting change only prior to functional...
2018-01-29 gmungocJAL-2743 recoded EnsemblLookup without lambda expressio...
2018-01-26 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-1793VCF
2018-01-24 Jim ProcterJAL-2858 update release date and rejig what's new message
2018-01-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2858 fix what's new
2018-01-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2858 update latest release notes link in TOC
2018-01-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2859 release notes
2018-01-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2858 update release notes
2018-01-22 Jim ProcterJAL-2858 release notes for 2.10.3b1 (including revision...
2018-01-22 Jim ProcterJAL-2858 bump version number for 2.10.3b1
2018-01-18 gmungocJAL-2810 JAL-2886 i18n
2018-01-18 gmungocJAL-2679 update query id to actual case of retrieved...
2018-01-17 gmungocJAL-2679 case-insensitive comparison of query and retri...
2018-01-16 gmungocJAL-2679 use object_type=Transcript for lookup of Paren...
2018-01-12 kiramtJAL-2886 trivial unit test fix
2018-01-11 kiramtMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/task/JAL-2662...
2018-01-11 kiramtJAL-2662 Updated README
2018-01-10 gmungocJAL-1793 update spike branch to latest
2018-01-10 gmungocJAL-2791 ignore feature type visibility in getColor()
2018-01-09 gmungocJAL-2843 test roundtrip of feature colours and filters...
2018-01-09 gmungocJAL-2843 unit tests for writing filters to Jalview...
2018-01-09 gmungocJAL-2843 unit tests for Save/Load colours and filters...
2018-01-09 gmungocJAL-2808 small tweaks to api / Javadoc
2018-01-08 gmungocJAL-2069 fix setting initial value of slider from threshold
2017-12-14 gmungocJAL-2843 missed Castor class
2017-12-14 gmungocJAL-2843 save/restore colour feature by attribute,...
2017-12-14 gmungocJAL-2879 save/restore feature sub-attributes in Jalview...
2017-12-14 gmungocJAL-2843 missed Castor class
2017-12-14 gmungocJAL-2843 and Castor metadata file for latest changes
2017-12-14 gmungocJAL-2843 schema and code changes to save colour by...
2017-12-13 gmungocJAL-2843 add isByAttribute to interface for convenience
2017-12-11 gmungocJAL-2843 add colour by attribute, and no value colour...
2017-12-08 gmungocJAL-2843 example filters added
2017-12-08 gmungocJAL-2843 read/write feature filters from/to Jalview...
2017-12-08 gmungocJAL-2843 refactor / tidy for feature filter input/output
2017-12-08 gmungocJAL-2843 methods relocated
2017-12-08 gmungocJAL-2843 toStableString, fromString for Jalview feature...
2017-12-08 gmungocJAL-2843 FeatureRenderer.getFeatureFilters returns...
2017-12-05 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-1793VCF
2017-12-04 gmungocJAL-2808 JAL-2850 update spike build to latest
2017-12-04 gmungocMerge branch 'spikes/mungo' into features/JAL-1793VCF
2017-12-04 gmungocJAL-2850 JAL-1766 option to load contig sequence refere...
2017-12-04 gmungocJAL-2845 locate reverse strand insertion as complement...
2017-12-04 gmungocJAL-2835 small refactor to only extract transcript...
2017-12-01 gmungocJAL-2835 spike updated to latest (use specific SO term...
2017-12-01 gmungocJAL-2835 refactored to extract specific consequence...
2017-12-01 gmungocJAL-2792 sort feature attributes for output, not for...
2017-12-01 gmungocJAL-2835 additional sub-terms of sequence_variant added
2017-11-30 gmungocJAL-2850 improved use of htsjdk api to read contig...
2017-11-30 gmungocJAL-1766 additional tests for stub htsjdk wrapper
2017-11-30 Jim ProcterJAL-2849 release notes
2017-11-30 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2849' into develop
2017-11-30 Jim ProcterJAL-2849 JAL-2863 file format preferences TODO

2017-11-30 Jim ProcterJAL-2849 fix
2017-11-28 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2859_uniprottowrongpdbid' into...
2017-11-28 Jim ProcterJAL-2740 release notes
2017-11-28 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2740' into develop
2017-11-28 Jim ProcterJAL-2827 release notes
2017-11-28 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2827' into develop
2017-11-28 Jim ProcterJAL-2842 release notes
2017-11-28 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2842' into develop
2017-11-28 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-1793VCF
2017-11-28 gmungocJAL-2850 MapList.isToForwardStrand added
2017-11-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2859 disambiguate with PDB ID if no file path
2017-11-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2859 failing test demonstrating sequences with...
2017-11-27 Jim ProcterJAL-2851 JAL-2858 release notes for 2.10.3b1
2017-11-27 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2851' into develop