2022-01-29 Ben SoaresJAL-3830 JAL-3420 added new jvl_file to install4j9...
2022-01-29 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into improvement/JAL-3830_instal...
2022-01-28 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into improvement/JAL-3420_match_...
2022-01-28 Ben Soaresnew jvl_file svg, png, ico and icns files, and changed...
2022-01-28 Jim ProcterJAL-3137 tests are for linux only
2022-01-28 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'merge/develop_JAL-3725' into develop
2022-01-27 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-3633_read_proxy_settings_from_jal...
2022-01-26 Jim ProcterJAL-3763 (for whatever reason) need to increase timeout...
2022-01-26 Jim ProcterJAL-3746 note about adding JAL-3700,JAL-3751,JAL-3763...
2022-01-26 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'merge/develop_task/JAL-3763_newDatasetFor...
2022-01-26 Jim ProcterJAL-3763 (for whatever reason) need to increase timeout...
2022-01-26 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'task/JAL-3763_newDatasetForCds' into...
2022-01-18 Jim ProcterJAL-3940 update 2.11.2 release notes for patch...
2022-01-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3940 update 2.11.2 release notes for patch...
2022-01-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3746 possible release date 1st Feb 2022
2022-01-17 Jim ProcterJAL-3746 Release notes for patch JAL-3702 JAL-3915
2022-01-17 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-3703_saving_a_file_in_Windows_10_...
2022-01-12 Ben SoaresJAL-3703 Test that fails in Windows only, and only...
2022-01-11 Ben SoaresJAL-3703 fix Gff3 shared InputStream with embedded...
2022-01-11 Ben Soaresclose filehandles straight after parse, without setting...
2022-01-10 Ben SoaresJAL-3937 enable AIA download of intermediate certificat...
2022-01-06 Jim ProcterJAL-3746 update release history for and 2...
2022-01-06 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'critical/JAL-3933_log4j_update_for_develo...
2021-12-22 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into critical/JAL-3933_log4j_upd...
2021-12-22 Ben SoaresJAL-3934 updated log4j from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0
2021-12-15 Ben SoaresJAL-3933 updated THIRDPARTYLIBS
2021-12-15 Ben SoaresJAL-3933 updated THIRDPARTYLIBS
2021-12-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3933 remove obsolete Castor logging configuration
2021-12-15 Jim ProcterJAL-3933 configure root logger console appender to...
2021-12-14 Ben SoaresJAL-3933 updated log4j and slf4j jars with log4j1.2...
2021-12-13 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 isCanonical should by default be false - ensur...
2021-12-13 Jim ProcterJAL-3855 JAL-3829 don’t need to make up alphafold model...
2021-12-13 Jim ProcterJAL-3929 preserve lowercase pdbid in group name for...
2021-12-08 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'to_merge/r2_11_2/JAL-3904_improved_alignp...
2021-12-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3551 pymol docs - work in progress
2021-12-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3929 don’t use the url encoded pdbId in feature...
2021-12-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3616 update messages/tooltips/menu items to use...
2021-12-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3551 JAL-3931 view pymol commands/responses in...
2021-12-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3931 remove % and - from ids so Pymol doesn’t strip...
2021-12-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3929 URLencode pdbid to remove problematic characte...
2021-12-07 Ben SoaresJAL-3930 Added a customizedId="JALVIEW" to launcher...
2021-12-07 Ben SoaresJAL-3930 Added a customizedId="JALVIEW" to launcher...
2021-12-02 Jim ProcterJAL-3904 use new AlignPanel API method
2021-12-02 Jim ProcterJAL-3904 simple method to make an alignPanel the curren...
2021-11-29 Ben SoaresJAL-3594 correct Jalview Develop logo SVG added in...
2021-11-19 Jim ProcterJAL-3926 disable autosearch by default
2021-11-16 Ben SoaresJAL-3553 added customized labels for install4j output.txt
2021-11-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3855 verify pdb suffix is preserved when locally...
2021-11-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3855 JAL-1731 reuse the StructureViewer.fetchPdbFil...
2021-11-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3855 try harder to ignore DNA/RNA only structures...
2021-11-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3921 wait around until session file has been written
2021-11-05 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 remove duplicate IDs in 3DBeacons generated...
2021-11-05 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 format and tidy up unused code
2021-11-05 Jim ProcterJAL-3919 use model format field to ensure we get the...
2021-11-05 Jim ProcterJAL-3875 fully reset filter combo-box when fetch 3d...
2021-11-05 Ben SoaresJAL-3746 Updated help docs for 3D-Beacons. Added and...
2021-11-03 Jim ProcterJAL-3915 JAL-3746 documentation for removed rnaview...
2021-11-03 Jim ProcterJAL-3916 TODO for improved selection of covering structures
2021-11-03 Jim ProcterJAL-3916 TODO for improved selection of covering structures
2021-11-03 Jim ProcterJAL-3915 remove RNAview opts from preferences. Still...
2021-11-02 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2021-11-02 Jim ProcterJAL-3875 test case and patch to verify the query 3d...
2021-11-01 Ben SoaresJAL-3907 changed two commented out lines to reflect...
2021-11-01 Ben SoaresJAL-3907 added creation of symbolic links to workaround...
2021-10-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3830 forgot to uncheck this
2021-10-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3830 polished setup app for macos
2021-10-27 Ben SoaresJAL-3830 quick fix to installer text
2021-10-27 Ben SoaresJAL-3830 install4j9 tries to parse and can't cope with...
2021-10-26 Ben SoaresJAL-3830 Added steps for install4j9 to create macOS...
2021-10-26 Ben SoaresJAL-3907 adjusted download_jdks.sh and download_jres...
2021-10-18 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/r2_11_2/JAL-3904_structureviewermenu...
2021-10-18 Jim ProcterJAL-3905 Fix: wait for response when sending mouseovers...
2021-10-18 Jim ProcterJAL-3904 override buildActionMenu to add in additional...
2021-10-18 Jim ProcterJAL-3904 failing test
2021-10-01 gmungocJAL-3725 restrict mapped virtual feature location to...
2021-10-01 gmungocJAL-3725 helper methods for computing mapped feature...
2021-10-01 gmungocJAL-3725 exclude stop codon from CDS-to-protein mapping
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterJAL-3616 show name of structure viewer in ‘new view...
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterJAL-3616 explicit configure external viewer config
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into releases/Release_2_11_2_Branch
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3dbeacons'...
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 3d beacons logo - misi varadi gave permission...
2021-10-01 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'improvement/JAL-3594_logos_for_jalview_te...
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into releases/Release_2_11_2_Branch
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3dbeacons'...
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 fetch 3D beacons now started by clicking butto...
2021-10-01 Ben SoaresMerge branch 'develop' into improvement/JAL-3594_logos_...
2021-10-01 Ben SoaresJAL-3594 New Jalview Test logos and .icns/.ico creation...
2021-10-01 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into features/r2_11_2/JAL-3829_3...
2021-09-30 Ben SoaresJAL-3594 Changed logo for Jalview Test
2021-09-30 Ben SoaresJAL-1260 Added .gbk to GenBank extensions. Added GenBa...
2021-09-30 gmungocJAL-3371 more fine-grained slider; set Param slider...
2021-09-30 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-3885_sequence_fetched_not_display...
2021-09-29 Ben SoaresJAL-3885 Made the database JComboBox have StringPair...
2021-09-29 Jim ProcterJAL-3884 squish alarming but harmless errors when unipr...
2021-09-29 Jim ProcterJAL-3881 split on any nonalphanumeric symbol (plus...
2021-09-29 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 report when 3d-beacons doesn’t provide any...
2021-09-28 Ben SoaresJAL-3783 Updated groovy-all-2.4. Currently newer stable...
2021-09-27 Jim ProcterJAL-3746 update the example corefile for jalviewjs
2021-09-24 Jim ProcterJAL-3829 open web page for 3d beacons structure by...