2009-04-07 jprocterfix to ensure multiple accessions can be fetched for...
2008-11-12 jprocternoting updates to continuous build of 2.4.0
2008-11-12 jprocterrewording and clarification
2008-11-04 jprocterfix for recovery of dna/protein sequence mappings in...
2008-11-04 jprocterbugfix db ref retrieve routine so it removes dead query...
2008-11-04 jprocterimplemented embl validation properly
2008-11-04 jprocterapplication specific validIOformat method
2008-11-04 jprocterbugfix for transfer of user defined colourscheme from...
2008-11-04 jprocterapplication specific validIOformat method
2008-09-24 jprocterfixed sequence associated annotation reading bug where...
2008-09-16 jprocteradded bugfix note for 2.4
2008-09-16 jprocterjava 1.1 compatibility
2008-09-16 jprocterfix exception raised when JNet concise files with no...
2008-09-09 jproctermore exclusion of build products
2008-09-04 jprocterensure all URL links on the features under the residue... Release_2_4_0
2008-09-04 jprocterquickfix for applet when opening relative URLs from...
2008-09-02 jprocterfix jnlp in help and help address
2008-08-29 jprocterlicencing and format applied (eclipse)
2008-08-29 jprocterignore thumbnails
2008-08-29 jprocterignore deployment products
2008-08-29 jproctertodo OOM
2008-08-29 jprocteruse OOMwarning to warn user when out of Memory occurs
2008-08-29 jprocteralways output to stderr for out of memory - (no depende...
2008-08-29 jprocterOOM warning dialog
2008-08-29 jprocterpass OutOfMemory errors upstream from EBI fetch client
2008-08-29 jproctersensibly sized example for PFAM source
2008-08-28 jprocteradded d martin to authors and fixed faq/discuss message
2008-08-28 jprocterbugfix for Jmol and new classloader reading capability
2008-08-28 jprocterauthor list and jalview discuss mailing list update...
2008-08-28 jprocterbugfix for applet examples with 1gaq where new classloa...
2008-08-28 jprocterThrow exception for unknown protocols in case of carbon...
2008-08-27 jprocterapplied copyright 2008
2008-08-27 jprocterfix vamas homedir link
2008-08-27 jprocteradded keystore config properties
2008-08-27 jprocteradded Release_2_4_branch
2008-08-26 jprocterupdate and test release build system Release_2_4
2008-08-26 jprocter2.4 release documentation update menus, service refs...
2008-08-26 jprocterupdate Jpred3 service referenec
2008-08-26 jprocterallow '|' to be entered in URL text box and added regex...
2008-08-26 jprocterset title of viewer frame after file has been loaded...
2008-08-26 jprocterfuture bug fix todo
2008-08-26 jprocternew thread for initting of DBRefFetcher with latest...
2008-08-26 jprocteruses shared singleton from jalview.gui.SequenceFetcher...
2008-08-26 jprocteradded singleton access method to retrieve the latest...
2008-08-26 jprocterbugfix todo for the 'edit sequence' command
2008-08-26 jproctertooltip for fetch db refs and more generic regex for...
2008-08-26 jprocterpdb xrefs added as dbrefs and as PDB file links
2008-08-26 jprocterensure successive matches to a regex have distinct...
2008-08-20 jprocterUse 0f rather than NaN to specify non-valued annotation...
2008-08-20 jproctertooltip displays formatted annotation row description...
2008-08-19 jprocterbeginning of fix for embl/cds/highlighting IO in https...
2008-08-19 jprocterfix for arrayoutofbounds bug when secondary structure...
2008-08-19 jprocterbetter check for molecule type when identifying interna...
2008-08-19 jprocterregex links for launching URL from single click on...
2008-08-15 jprocterupdate text and version checker
2008-08-15 jprocterdialog size on macs
2008-08-15 jproctercheck for crossreferences every time the menus are...
2008-08-15 jproctercatch invalid URL link exception properly
2008-08-15 jprocterincrease height of dialog
2008-08-15 jprocterallow '|' in regex for URL links to be recovered from...
2008-08-15 jproctersafer copy constructor
2008-08-15 jprocterxrefs retrieved from Uniprot
2008-08-15 jprocteradded castor back onto classpath
2008-08-13 jproctercheck for null viewport on dataset recovery
2008-08-13 jprocterensure input data can be recovered for tree and PCA...
2008-08-13 jprocterdo not try to cancel jobs that cannot be cancelled
2008-08-12 jprocterascii comment
2008-08-12 jproctermac logo resourcelocation hack
2008-08-12 jprocterfix artefacts (again)
2008-08-12 jproctercorrected target name in documentation
2008-08-12 jprocterURL help update
2008-08-12 jprocteradded nojmol parameter to disable check for jmol
2008-08-12 jproctersimpler regex-replace for path
2008-08-12 jprocterfixing paths
2008-08-12 jprocterregex blah
2008-08-12 jproctertrailing slash regexed out
2008-08-12 jprocterpath fixing
2008-08-12 jprocterresources are relative to root of jalview install path
2008-08-12 jprocterupdate to InstallAnywhere 2008 VP1
2008-08-11 jprocterregular expression based URL link generation
2008-08-11 jprocterEnsure 'None' translates into no colour scheme applied
2008-08-11 jprocterUpgraded to IA Standard 2008 VP1
2008-08-11 jprocterUpgraded to InstallAnywhere 2008 Standard ValuePack 1
2008-08-10 jproctermigration to automated build test
2008-08-09 jprocterfix default build path
2008-08-09 jprocterexclude any InstallAnywhere build artefacts
2008-08-09 jprocterinstallanywhere to a destination location
2008-08-07 jprocterupdating installAnywhere autobuild
2008-08-07 jprocterheadless build of InstallAnywhere installer
2008-08-06 jproctergeneration of additional URLs for DBRefs on a sequence...
2008-08-06 jprocterextra checks for datasetsequence for when getDbRefs...
2008-08-06 jproctergetDBRefs now always returns DBRefArray if it exists...
2008-08-05 jproctervamsas documentation
2008-08-05 jprocternew vamsas session does not open a dialog box
2008-08-05 jprocterweb services and sequence fetcher added to contents
2008-08-05 jprocteradded sequence fetcher and sequence features retrieval...
2008-08-05 jprocterupdated statement of limitations for interactive annota...
2008-08-05 jprocternew sequence fetcher documentation
2008-08-05 jprocterensure das sequence sources are refreshed when das...
2008-08-05 jproctershowbutton default is true