2010-12-17 jprocterfirst publicly accessible test of JAL-724
2010-12-17 jprocterJAL-715 and JAL-724
2010-12-17 jprocterJAL-715
2010-12-17 jprocterrefined modification test
2010-12-17 jprocterrefactored gap insert/visible view modification code...
2010-12-17 jprocteradjust start and end of intersecting group relative...
2010-12-17 jprocter1.1 compat
2010-12-17 jprocter1.1 compat
2010-12-17 jprocterrefactored gap insert/visible view modification code...
2010-12-17 jprocterjavadoc
2010-12-15 jprocterincremental refinement of results parsing
2010-12-15 jprocterallow client to check if the original alignment data...
2010-12-15 jprocterjavadoc
2010-12-15 jprocterupdate modification state flag according to parsing...
2010-12-15 jproctergetters and modification state flag
2010-12-15 jproctermore accurate determination of annotation modification
2010-12-15 jprocterrefactored key calc for hash to separate function
2010-12-14 jprocter1.1 compat
2010-12-14 jprocter1.1 compat
2010-12-14 jproctermore fixes and extension to allow return data types...
2010-12-14 jprocterrender of html job logs and link opening JAL-720
2010-12-14 jproctermore efficient set/append
2010-12-14 jproctermethod to recover sources from packed stream
2010-12-14 jprocteralways provide reference to hashtable so feature settin...
2010-12-14 jprocterJAL-725 - show progress when opening URL in browser
2010-12-14 jprocterJAL-724
2010-12-14 jprocterrefactored and patched for JAL-721
2010-12-14 jprocterrefactored and patched for JAL-721
2010-12-10 jproctermime types and handler
2010-12-10 jprocteradditional dependencies for httpcleint
2010-12-10 jprocterjavadoc
2010-12-10 jprocterremove implicit non-1.1 compatible call
2010-12-09 jprocterfix case when groups overlap - ensure groups are non...
2010-12-09 jprocterjava 1.1 patches
2010-12-09 jprocterjava 1.1 patches
2010-12-09 jprocterdependency for Rest client framework (JAL-715)
2010-12-09 jprocterinitial implementation of Rest client framework (JAL...
2010-12-09 jprocterdataIn.ready() is not a test of data source validity!
2010-12-09 jprocterinitial list of mime-type bindings to jalview data...
2010-12-09 jprocterinitial implementation for JAL-718
2010-12-09 jprocterrefactored and added methods for getting richer Alignme...
2010-12-09 jprocternew methods and test code for JAL-716
2010-12-09 jprocternew constructor and refactored methods for intersecting...
2010-12-09 jprocternew methods for testing for/storing selection/group...
2010-12-09 jprocterjavadoc and additional convenience method for JAL-716
2010-12-02 jprocterrefactored visible contig/gap map array intersection...
2010-11-15 jprocter2.6.1 update
2010-11-14 jprocterrefactored to decouple dependencies due to FileParse...
2010-11-14 jprocterrefactored protocol check to jalview.io.FileParse
2010-11-14 jprocterimport annotation file from datasource
2010-11-14 jprocterrefactored protocol parser and allow human readable...
2010-11-14 jprocterzero length operations are valid
2010-11-14 jprocterflag indicating if results should be associated immediately
2010-11-14 jprocternode rename for deuniquifying trees from web service...
2010-11-14 jprocter2.6.1 release details
2010-11-14 jprocterignore
2010-11-12 jprocterupdated version to 2.6.1
2010-11-12 jprocterpatch for JAL-682 - copy over current display settings...
2010-11-12 jprocterpatch for JAL-699 so conservation/consensus threads...
2010-11-12 jprocterpatch for JAL-700
2010-11-12 jprocterrevised logic to avoid NPE
2010-11-11 jprocterimproved logic for distinguishing amino acids and nucle...
2010-11-11 jprocterpotential non-threadsafe condition
2010-11-11 jprocterpatch for JAL-655
2010-11-04 jprocteroptional dialog to report any problematic web service...
2010-11-04 jprocterprevented URLs appearing in both the 'bad ' and the...
2010-11-04 jproctermade ws warning dialog optional, and fixed its wording...
2010-11-04 jprocterreport any problematic web service URLs ( JAL-343 )
2010-11-04 jprocterremove name of progress bar when stopping ws refresh...
2010-10-29 jprocterrefactored so public interfaces take instances of WsPar...
2010-10-29 jprocterparallelised service endpoint discovery and ensured...
2010-10-20 jproctermore explicit menu entry text (JAL-675)
2010-10-20 jprocterresolve some layout problems : JAL-685
2010-10-12 jprocterpatch primary issue causing JAL-664 re testing for...
2010-10-12 jprocterpatch for secondary issue in JAL-664 re parsing empty...
2010-09-26 jprocter2.6 release date change
2010-09-23 jprocterremove overrides
2010-09-23 jprocterupdate release branch to 2.6
2010-09-23 jproctertypos and indicate 'legacy' service documentation
2010-09-23 jprocterNPE race condition alert - see JAL-661
2010-09-23 jprocterrevised author list
2010-09-23 jprocterJalview 2.6 source licence
2010-09-23 jprocterapply jalview code style
2010-09-23 jprocterJalview 2.6 source licence
2010-09-22 jprocter2.6 highlights
2010-09-22 jprocterupdate 2.6 history
2010-09-22 jprocterJmol 12 update
2010-09-22 jprocterFix and documentation for JAL-657
2010-09-22 jprocterFix and documentation for JAL-657
2010-09-22 jprocternew web service dialogs and JABA
2010-09-22 jprocternew export options
2010-09-22 jprocterjmol update
2010-09-22 jprocterjabaws, not jws2
2010-09-22 jproctertrap out of memory errors specifically associated with...
2010-09-22 jprocterensure presets and parameters are discovered when servi...
2010-09-20 jprocterlayout the menu with a minimum number of host labels
2010-09-20 jproctermore attempts to fix NPE from race condition
2010-09-20 jprocteronly indicate that job is broken if it wasn't submitted...
2010-09-20 jprocterstop race condition when submenu being populated before...
2010-09-20 jprocterensure host is shown for all non-host indexed submenus