2018-06-21 hansonrJAL-3032 new SwingJS-site.zip
2018-06-21 hansonrcore_jalview creation
2018-06-20 hansonrJAL-3032 for (var var
2018-06-20 hansonrtemporary JSProgressBarUI
2018-06-20 hansonrfixes menubar closer issue
2018-06-20 hansonrJS fix for JTooltip popup cache class error - new Swing...
2018-06-20 hansonrSeqCanvas and OverviewCanvas
2018-06-20 hansonrMerge branch 'Jalview-BH/JAL-3026' of https://source...
2018-06-20 hansonrfixes broken MissingResourceException
2018-06-20 gmungocJAL-3032 simplified _LoadFileWaitTillLoaded with no...
2018-06-20 hansonrnew SwingJS-site.zip
2018-06-20 hansonrJAL-3032 FileLoader fixes for SwingJS
2018-06-20 hansonradd java.util.concurrent.locks
2018-06-20 hansonrupdate of javajs package; adds org.apache.harmony,...
2018-06-20 hansonrBob first commit JAL-3032
2018-06-20 hansonrMessageManager logger to log4j
2018-06-20 gmungocJAL-3032 load properties as "java.properties"
2018-06-20 gmungocJAL-3030 suppress change that goes with JAL-3031
2018-06-20 gmungocJAL-3030 reads features file, properties file
2018-06-19 gmungocJAL-3030 added menu bar
2018-06-19 gmungocJAL-3030 first cut of JalviewJS.main entry point accept...
2018-06-18 hansonrJAL-3026 adding javajs package
2018-06-18 hansonrJAL-3026 - adding README-BH
2018-06-07 gmungocJAL-2755 correct Javadoc and error handling
2018-06-06 gmungocJAL-3013 ensure Chimera as a symlink gets resolved
2018-06-04 gmungocJAL-2808 update test for revised treatment of 'mixed...
2018-06-04 gmungocJAL-3019 correctly form toRange of 'traversed' MapList
2018-06-04 gmungocJAL-3018 updated REST versions to 6.3
2018-05-31 gmungocJAL-2808 don't capture or report min-max for mixed...
2018-05-31 gmungocJAL-2808 pre-fill numeric inequality filter with min...
2018-05-28 gmungocMerge branch 'bug/JAL-797' into develop
2018-05-28 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/releases/Release_2...
2018-05-26 Jim ProcterJAL-2999 release date for 2.10.4b1 set for 27th May...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2999_r2104b1' into...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2992panelHeight' into releases...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-1460_dragndropWindows' into relea...
2018-05-25 gmungocJAL-2992 simpler heuristic for available height
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2991_exporttosvgwrapview' into...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'feature/JAL-2994chimeraPath' into release...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterJAL-1460 clarify release notes - and mention that short...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterJAL-2994 add a few future release points for good measu...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterJAL-1460 temp variable for clearer conditional and...
2018-05-25 Jim ProcterJAL-1460 javadoc
2018-05-25 gmungocJAL-2995 tooltip on fields with double-click to browse...
2018-05-25 gmungocJAL-2994 temporary patch with paths to Chimera for...
2018-05-24 Jim ProcterJAL-2999 issues resolved (or nearly so) for 2.10.4b1
2018-05-24 gmungocJAL-2997 additional tests
2018-05-24 Jim ProcterJAL-1460 tidied up the use of windows link file parser
2018-05-24 Jim ProcterJAL-1460 more complete drag'n'drop debugging info and...
2018-05-24 Jim ProcterJAL-1460 process .lnk files dragged to Jalview when...
2018-05-24 Jim ProcterJAL-1460 new data flavor for URLs added belt-and-braces...
2018-05-23 gmungocJAL-2993 AlignFrame listen for keystrokes in OverviewPanel
2018-05-23 gmungocJAL-2997 unit test
2018-05-23 Jim Procterfix for JAL-2991 - we could do better :/
2018-05-23 gmungocJAL-2997 handle tab-delimited trailing column number...
2018-05-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2999 release notes and version bump for jalview...
2018-05-23 Jim ProcterJAL-2895 replace $$Jalview-Version$$ in help.jhm with...
2018-05-21 gmungocJAL-797 Cmd-W act WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW
2018-05-11 gmungocJAL-2986 corrected findIndex for out of range residue...
2018-05-11 gmungocJAL-2986 additional asserts for SequenceCursor updates
2018-05-11 gmungocJAL-2986 failing test added
2018-05-10 Jim ProcterJAL-2920 release notes Release_2_10_4
2018-05-10 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2920_uniprotvariantfeature' into...
2018-05-10 Jim ProcterJAL-2920 basic test for Description from features with...
2018-05-10 Jim ProcterJAL-2920 simplified logic and added corner cases for...
2018-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2906 update release date and release notes
2018-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2931 patch IA paths for new build box
2018-05-09 gmungocJAL-2984 add pdb as sequence(s) if associate structure...
2018-05-09 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-2976_vaqua4_fallback' into...
2018-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2976 fixed bad equivalence check and implemented...
2018-05-08 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 release notes
2018-05-08 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-2321_addsecstrForDroppedPDBFile...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 patch test to ensure structures are actually...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 ensure default is ‘parseImmediately=true’
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 use configured values for structure derived...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 add secondary structure & temp factor if not...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 use StructureImportSettings singleton settings...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 isParseImmediately() allows the parse() method...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2321 allow JmolParser to be configured before parsi...
2018-05-07 gmungocJAL-2808 ensure test setUp/tearDown alwaysRun
2018-05-07 gmungocMerge branch 'releases/Release_2_10_4_Branch' into...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2906 apply GPLv3 license source
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterJAL-2960 don’t override a swing method and create infin...
2018-05-07 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'releases/Release_2_10_4_Branch' of source...
2018-05-04 gmungocJAL-2906 small tweaks to release notes
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2906 2.10.4 release for 8th May 2018
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2899' into releases/Release_2_10_...
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2906 removed mention of experimental features,...
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2976 patch NPE when trying to open Uniprot FTS
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2929 JAL-2922 release notes
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2976 typo in installAnywhere build for VAqua dependency
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2960 release notes
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2948 transfer features/annotation is now available...
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2960 raise the structure view after adding structur...
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2976 Vaqua fallback release notes JAL-2906
2018-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'patch/JAL-2976_vaqua4_fallback' into...
2018-05-02 Jim ProcterJAL-2976 fallback to Vaqua for Macs that don’t work...
2018-05-02 Jim ProcterJAL-2976 Vaqua(4) as a dependency
2018-05-01 Jim ProcterJAL-2899 release notes
2018-05-01 Jim ProcterJAL-2973 JAL-2974 known defects for 2.10.4 (JAL-2906)
