2012-06-20 jprocterformatting
2012-06-19 jprocterJAL-976 JAL-975 JAL-1119 - pass on any existing paramet...
2012-06-19 jprocterJAL-975 JAL-1119 - prototype adjustable AACons paramete...
2012-06-19 jprocterJAL-975 - doh! valid result if width matches *ungapped...
2012-06-19 jprocterJAL-975 - bespoke AACons settings object to save curren...
2012-06-19 jprocterpatch for JAL-1172 ensure option's default value is...
2012-06-19 jprocterJAL-961 JAL-975 extend api to support removal of worker...
2012-06-19 jprocterJAL-975 - ensure we only submit ungapped, padded alignm...
2012-06-15 jprocterformatting
2012-06-15 jprocterJAL-1125 option to switch between Jalview and SeqSpace...
2012-06-15 jprocterfix JAL-1122
2012-06-15 jprocterJAL-1123 - make clear where off-by-one error was occuri...
2012-06-15 jprocterJAL-535 - refactored core PCA viewer code to viewmodel
2012-06-15 jprocterJAL-535 refactored core code from PCA viewer to viewmodel.
2012-06-15 jprocterJAL-1120 patch for desktop
2012-06-15 jprocterpatch for JAL-1121 - reset button and slightly wider...
2012-06-15 jprocterJAL-535 refactoring todo
2012-06-15 jprocterExtended IProgressIndicator with method to check if...
2012-06-15 jprocterMerge branch 'JAL-1013_pca_rna_dna' into develop
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-975 JAL-1002 ensure custom parameters are actually...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-1115 - synchronized access to group list
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-976 - make sure annotation panel is updated to...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-961 JAL-976 kill any existing AACon job if a new...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-1003 visual delay when running a sequence or alignm...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-961 JAL-976 tweaked way that AACons client is regis...
2012-06-14 jprocterformatting
2012-06-14 jprocterformatting
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-1118 - hack to try and get rid of flicker. consider...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-1118 WIP - flag to mark if image buffer has just...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-1115 trap exception arising from race condition...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-968 javadoc and return flag indicating if any of...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-961 ensure we only add one instance of a worker...
2012-06-14 jprocterJAL-961 potentially helpful println statements when...
2012-06-13 jprocterJAL-1115 refactor base collection for Alignment from...
2012-06-13 jprocterJAL-1116 - location where vamsas sync failure occurs
2012-06-13 jprocterjavatidy
2012-06-12 jprocterJAL-1115 refactor reordering code operating directly...
2012-06-12 jprocterJAL-1115 refactor base collection for Alignment from...
2012-06-12 jprocterJAL-1115 - use local reference for annotation row
2012-06-12 jprocterJAL-961, JAL-1115 - pending test to ensure only one...
2012-06-07 jprocterjavatidy
2012-06-07 jprocterJAL-967, JAL-1114, JAL-1115 more concurrent access...
2012-06-07 jprocterjavatidy
2012-06-07 jprocterfix for bug introduced with commit:b81d4d7d46ea8b1c89df...
2012-06-07 jprocterjavatidy
2012-06-07 jprocterJAL-967, JAL-1114, JAL-1115 - modified render and calcu...
2012-06-07 jprocterJAL-976 ensure job id gets written out if there's an...
2012-06-04 jprocterjavatidy
2012-05-31 jprocterjavatidy
2012-05-31 jprocterformatting
2012-05-30 jprocterJAL-969 - refactor colourscheme machinery from GUI...
2012-05-30 jprocterJAL-1109 JAL-1065 resolve t-coffee score scheme by...
2012-05-30 jprocterupdated schema to store and recover belowAlignment...
2012-05-30 jprocterJAL-1114 - refactor methods handling Vectors and Hashta...
2012-05-30 jprocterformatting
2012-05-30 jprocterformatting
2012-05-24 jprocterTODO: JAL-1108
2012-05-24 jprocterJAL-1078 - removed 'Load Score File' menu item and...
2012-05-24 jprocterJAL-1065 per sequence and per-alignment scores added...
2012-05-24 jprocterJAL-1065 - ensure null entries in annotation row so...
2012-05-24 jproctertodo: JAL-1105
2012-05-24 jproctertodo: JAL-1108
2012-05-24 jprocterensure annotation isn't added twice - note - this could...
2012-05-24 jprocterJAL-1107 - documentation explaining '*' and '+' in...
2012-05-24 jprocterpatch for occasional NPE when applet is quit
2012-05-23 jprocterJAL-1078 - extend applet cut'n'paste features/annotatio...
2012-05-23 jprocterJAL-1067 report any warning messages to user
2012-05-23 jprocterTODO for JAL-976
2012-05-23 jproctertodo for JAL-1106
2012-05-23 jprocterJAL-1066,JAL-1068,JAL-961 - use alignment annotation...
2012-05-23 jprocterJAL-1067, JAL-1105 - refactor parser to fit Jalview...
2012-05-23 jprocterJAL-961 - annotatable datamodel objects can be queried...
2012-05-23 jprocterJAL-1102 todos and status updates when data is added
2012-05-23 jproctertodo JAL-1104 : functions to refactor
2012-05-23 jproctertodo: blocked by JAL-1104
2012-05-23 jprocterJAL-958 - ensure logo is rendered even if consensus...
2012-05-22 jprocterupdate the copy constructor
2012-05-22 jprocterJAL-1065,JAL-1066 propagated notification of coloursche...
2012-05-22 jprocterJAL-1065,JAL-1066 - propagated 863467bf6c59c0bc5368c8f3...
2012-05-22 jprocterMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Tcoffee_JAL-1065...
2012-05-16 jprocterwarning dialog - fixes JAL-1099
2012-05-16 jprocterfixed JAL-1086: pass column index so colourscheme profi...
2012-05-16 jprocterJAL-958 - don't try to draw all zero profiles
2012-05-16 jprocterJAL-958 JAL-1086 formatting and remove old code
2012-05-14 jprocterpack before displaying splashscreen to ensure its prefe...
2012-05-14 jprocterformatting
2012-05-14 jprocterJAL-1097 - ensure replace comma for semicolon always...
2012-05-14 jprocterMerge branch 'JAL-972-jdas' into develop
2012-05-14 jprocterJAL-1075
2012-05-14 jprocterJAL-1061,JAL-1075 - first pass at implementing sequence...
2012-05-14 jprocterclean up old commented code
2012-05-14 jprocterJAL-1095 - todo
2012-05-14 jprocterjavadoc
2012-05-11 jprocterJAL-972 workaround for working out source URL for pre...
2012-05-11 jprocterformatting
2012-05-11 jprocterJAL-972 migration from dasobert to jdas registry URLs
2012-05-11 jprocterJAL-972 local do not have a coordsys element with sourc...
2012-05-11 jprocterJAL-424 TODO: new method signature for local source...
2012-05-10 jprocterJAL-1085 - ensure sequence fetching client waits around...
2012-05-10 jprocterJAL-972 JAL-1084 propagate reference to local authentic...