2017-05-18 gmungocJAL-2541 fix to initSeqFrom (and minor code tidy);...
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'documentation/JAL-2418_release2102' into...
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 release notes
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterJAL-384 documentation on custom colours groovy examples
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterJAL-384 - groovy scripts for conserved/unconserved...
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 release notes
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 JAL-2316 added to new features
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterJAL-2316 tweaking docs and links in help
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 release 2.10.2 release notes template
2017-05-16 Jim Procteralternative patch for JAL-2339 readability in java...
2017-05-16 gmungocJAL-2403 simplify instantiation / configuration of...
2017-05-16 kiramtJAL-2522 Missed fix to applet
2017-05-16 kiramtJAL-2388 Rationalised hashCode method in HiddenColumns
2017-05-16 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2507_rnasecstrstockholm' into...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 fix test: knockon from capitalisation on secon...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2507_rnasecstrstockholm' into...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2311 disable and relocate Jared service tests to...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 capitalisation for annotation lines generated...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 case insensitive recognition of annotation...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 - required callers to specify exact ignore...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2535 quick hack to implement posterior probabilitie...
2017-05-15 kiramtMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2017-05-15 kiramtJAL-2388 Add missed optimisation
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2376_add-horizontal-bar...
2017-05-15 Jim ProcterJAL-2371 create a default ResidueShader when constructi...
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2435splitScreenFont' into...
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterJAL-2418 broken help ref
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterJAL-2435 documentation and what’s new
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterJAL-2435 mention new checkbox in linked cDNA/Protein...
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterJAL-2435 mirror antiAlias setting between cDNA and...
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2388OverviewWindow' into...
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterJAL-2388 mention overview popup in documentation
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterJAL-2388 checkbox in overview popup for applet
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2228_efficient_featurecounts...
2017-05-12 Jim ProcterJAL-2228 updated script in help docs, renamed docs...
2017-05-11 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2507_rnasecstrstockholm' into...
2017-05-11 Jim ProcterJAL-2509 JAL-2507 allow whitespace in GS annotation...
2017-05-11 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 JAL-2509 allow whitespace==null for annotation...
2017-05-11 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 test if an annotation is ‘whitespace’
2017-05-11 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 Annotation.EMPTY_ANNOTATION - non-null whitesp...
2017-05-10 kiramtMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2017-05-10 kiramtJAL-2522 Fix to cursor scrolling
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 spit out tests for ‘{‘ WUSS io from ‘[‘ WUSS...
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2509 verify stockholm parser’s bracket regex is...
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2509 extend set of brackets recognised by stockholm...
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 JAL-2509 extend test to cover round trip of...
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 unpaired RNA marked as ‘ ‘ in Stockholm SS...
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 output secondary structure regardless of prese...
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 simplify round trip test via AppletFormatAdapter
2017-05-09 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 test for alignment+rna annotation -> Stockholm...
2017-05-09 gmungocJAL-1632 correct i18n and NPE
2017-05-09 kiramtJAL-2388 Added checkbox to toggle hidden columns menu...
2017-05-08 gmungocJAL-1933 Spanish tooltips for annotation
2017-05-08 gmungocJAL-1632 i18n for warning messages
2017-05-08 gmungocMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bug/JAL-2515'...
2017-05-08 kiramtJAL-2515 Id panel in applet updated for NPE on urlProvider
2017-05-08 kiramtJAL-2512 And corresponding test
2017-05-08 kiramtJAL-2512 And applet
2017-05-08 kiramtJAL-2512 Fix to show non-gap positions in None colour...
2017-05-05 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-2435splitScree...
2017-05-05 kiramtMerge remote-tracking branch
2017-05-05 kiramtMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into
2017-05-05 kiramtMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into
2017-05-04 gmungocJAL-2506 allow graduated colour as default in new Seque...
2017-05-04 gmungocJAL-2510 ensure modified feature type is displayed
2017-05-04 gmungocMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2017-05-04 gmungocJAL-2504 allow feature type to be specified for Create...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'develop' into features/JAL-2228_efficient...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'bug/JAL-2507_rnasecstrstockholmoutput...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2503_filteronquantitativeann...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2393customMatrices' into...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-1656 make RNAML->Stockholm round trip test pass...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 JAL-2509 allow differences in visibility of...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterJAL-2507 JAL-2509 new assert to compare secondary struc...
2017-05-04 Jim Procterfix for JAL-2509 - don’t replace all bracket types...
2017-05-04 Jim Procterfix for JAL-2507 - resolve stockholm per residue annota...
2017-05-04 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'features/JAL-2473_set-minimium-dimensions...
2017-05-04 tcofoegbuMerge branch 'develop' of https://source.jalview.org...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2503_filteronquantitativeann...
2017-05-04 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2393customMatrices' into...
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2393 JAL-2416 refresh the score model menu when...
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2503 show threshold slider for quantitative annotat...
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2503 AlignmentAnnotation.isQuantitative() test
2017-05-03 gmungocJAL-2246 basic sanity test of fetching example accessions
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterMerge branch 'features/JAL-2432_annotbypercent' into...
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-1933 JAL-2501 i18n for all auto calculated descriptions
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-1933 show occupancy in tooltip for row
2017-05-03 gmungocJAL-2246 test a Uniprot fetch
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2432 honour percentage checkbox when entering value...
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2432 applet: only enable percent checkbox when...
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2432 percentage checkbox follows threshold value...
2017-05-03 gmungocJAL-2105 Ensembl REST now at 5.0
2017-05-03 gmungocJAL-2485 JAL-2246 test Uniprot FTS summary
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2432 recover state for ‘display percentage’ checkbox
2017-05-03 Jim ProcterJAL-2432 simplify code
2017-05-02 Jim ProcterJAL-1632 validate CalculationChooser when selection...
2017-05-02 Jim ProcterJAL-1632 enable/disable CalculationChooser buttons...
2017-05-02 Jim ProcterJAL-1632 compare size of input against minimums for...
2017-05-02 Jim ProcterJAL-1632 OK->Calculate, Cancel->Close buttons
2017-05-02 Jim ProcterJAL-1632 removed ‘tree’ option and changed dialog layout